Knee Flashcards
Inflammation around tibial tuberosity common 11 to 14 year olds during Growth spurts/Overuse
Osgood Schlatter’s Disease
Anterior knee pain over patella tendon from Overuse/Microtrauma injury
Patella Tendonitis
Jumpers knee
(Sinding-Larsen-Johansson Syndrome)
Inflammation of Pes Anserine Bursa located at the anterior medial knee below tibial tub.
Pes Anserine
Snapping sensation/pain along medial
epicondyle, 1-2 finger-breadths medial to
medial patella
Most cited likelyhood of synovial plica
- One hand holds patient's foot in v internal rotation - Other hand, applies a valgus stress to the posterolateral aspect of the proximal calf. - Flexion started. - Lateral tibial plateau will sublux forwards during the first degrees of flexion. - As flexion progresses, the anterolaterally subluxed tibia will suddenly reduce, at 30° of flexion.
Pivot shift of
Similar to anterior drawer test with exception that the tibia is
rotated medially and laterally to assess for anterolateral and
anteromedial instability respectively.
Slocum Draw Test
- Patient prone
- Knee flexed 90˚
- Pressure applied toward knee and ankle rotated.
Apley’s Compression
knee pain during Apley’s Distraction suggests
Collateral/cruciate strain
During McMurray’s test Pain / Crepitus with external rotation, varus stress and extension indicates
medial meniscus
During McMurray’s test Pain/Crepitus with internal rotation , valgus stress and extension indicates
lateral meniscus
During McMurray’s test Pain/Crepitus with internal rotation , valgus stress and extension indicates
lateral meniscus
Patient rotates knee and body, internally& externally, 3x’s, keeping knee slightly flexed
Thessaly Test
patellar Displacement less than one quadrant medially indicates
tightness of lateral structures.
patellar displacement more than 3 quadrants indicates
patellar displacement more than 3 quadrants indicates
positive patellar inhibition (Grind) test indicates
Patellar-Femoral Syndrome
- Patient lies supine
- Examiner’s thumb over
lateral epicondyle - Patient repeatedly flexes and extends knee
Noble’s Test