Kiss of the Vampire Flashcards
Who produced KOTV?
Hammer films
Who distributed KOTV?
Universal and J. Arthur Rank
What was KOTV sequel to?
Dracula 1958
When was KOTV released?
What other films did Hammer productions produce?
The mummy and Frankenstein
When was equal pay passed in the Us
When was equal pay passed in the UK
What was introduced in the 60s that gave women more sexual freedom
The contraceptive pill
For married women only at first
What was gaining traction, in terms of feminism?
Second wave feminism
What are the 60s know as?
Swinging sixtie
What fashion trends came about in the 60s?
Mini skirt
Where was KOV shot?
Bray Berkshire
Who was the most successful independent film company ever?
Hammer films, producing comedy, drama, mysteries and war movies before finding their niche in horror
What did KOV have to include?
Sex appeal
Lots of violence snd blood
Scare factor
Gothic imagery
Who was KOV popular with?
The fans but not with critics
What was sharing blood a metaphor for?
Rampant spread of syphilis during the Victorian era
What was syphilis and what did it cause?
STI that was hard to cure
Led to still births, miscarriage and physical and psychological illness
How were women seen in Victorian England?
As pure, chaste was favoured for marriage and in society
How were unmarried women treated
Sex workers dammed for being promiscuous
Unchaste women depicted as evil
What fears did the pill create
Women being tempted into exual promiscuity
What is the font of the title on the poster?
Capitalised serif font
What does the title connote
Wooden styling links with the genre
Blood dripping shows that the film is violent and vampiric
What could the wooden style be referncing?
Coffin or the stake
What is highly conventional for films of this period for poster?
The painted style of a film poster
What does “In Eastman colour” connote?
That this is a remake of an older story
What is the colour pallette?
Gloomy grey, black, red and brown
What does that reinforce?
The genre
How is suspense created in the poster?
Enigmas surrounding the connoted relationship between the male and female vampires and the two victims
What does the word “kiss” in the title reinforce?
That there are sexual relationships, linking in with Victorian Britain
What are both women wearing?
Silk revealing dresses
What does this reinforce
Their femininity and links to context of the 1960s
How is the female victim presented?
She’s exposed and is passive as she is passed out
Sexualisation of women
How is the male victim presented
Unusual to see male victims
His chest is exposed
Also passed out, being held up by the female vampire
How is the female vampire presented?
Sexualising clothing
Appears more aggressive that the male vampire
Baring her teeth
Non-stereotypical way
How is the male vampire presented?
As looking almost scared
He is covered
Still as ferocious as he is holding up the female victim
Looks defensive