Formation, Beyonce Flashcards
Understanding how aspects of a persons social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege
EG: gender, race, class, sexuality and physical ability
When was formation released?
The day before Beyonce performed at the SuperBowl final in February 2016
What album is it from?
6th studio album
When was it the best selling album?
Who directed the MV?
Melina Matsoukas
What is Melina known for?
hip-hop music videos
How many music videos has she made for beyonce?
What was this an introduction to
Beyonce’s new aesthetic: vulnerable and political
What awards did it win?
Clio award for innovation and creative excellence in a music video
What was it nominated for?
Music video category at the Grammy’s
Where was the music video set?
New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina
When was hurricane katrina?
August 29th 2005
What was one of the most affected ares?
New Orleans with 80% of the city submerged underwater
What was the response to the hurricane
US gov criticised for response
3000 people sought refuge in the super dome stadium
Conditions were unhygienic, shortages of food/water
Looting was common
Impact of the hurricane
Obama: “plagued by structural inequalities… especially poor people. especially people of colour (2015)
NBC Universal sponsored an hour long celeb driven benefit concert September 2 2005
Racial tensions grew
What happened in terms of race?
Racial tensions grew
Antebellum period
Art style/fashion
Marked by the development of separation of Northern and Southern economics
North focused on industry
South on agriculture
What are the antebellum dresses?
Use as a reference to slavery contrast heavily with stereotypical “pop” signifies such as tight fitting/revealing costumes
What is the genre of the MV
What is bounce?
A style of New Orleans hip hop music
Who was Messy Mya?
A popular rapper, comedian and YouTube star, famous within the black and LGBTQ+ community
What was Messy mya famous for?
Speaking out on issues of race, sexuality and Hurricane katrina
What does the use of Messy Mya’s voice signify?
The genre, theme of black oppression and discrimination and may engage a new audience
What happened to Messy Mya?
He was shot and killed
What happened to Beyonce in terms of Messy Mya
Sued for sampling Messy Mya without permission, might suggest a certain level of disrespect
What is the documentary that is referenced in the MV called and what is it about?
Several shots come from a documentary called “That B.E.A.T” which was about bounce music and fans in New Orleans
What does the use of profanity’s add?
An aggressive, passionate feel to the video
What does the use of the n-word do?
Adds themes of historical discrimination and a desire to reclaim this repressed power
What does the position of Beyonce on a police car show?
Dominance over the police
What were some audiences reactions?
Reacted badly and assumed she was anti-law enforcement and therefore anti-America
What does the costume/jewellery connote?
Wealth and success
What does the use of jewellery suggest?
Helps to subvert typical representations of black people often seen in thee media as being poorer or less successful
What does the use of young children show?
That discrimination is still happening today
What does the reference to Martin Luther King show?
The way racial discrimination has been an ongoing issue for a long time
How is juxtaposition created
Through the use of children and an old figurehead who fought for POC (MLK)
What do the references of her family origin show, along with the lyrics?
Shows she is proud of her heritage, is celebrating the rich diversity of ethnicity within America
What does the word creole mean?
Often used to divide black communities based on the darkness of thier skin
Why might have this been used within the lyrics?
Draw attention to negative historic practices, but some audiences found it offensive and divisive
What does Beyonce reference to noses link to
Message about black culture and beauty, challenges the representations of black people in the media
What does the use of Big Frieda show?
Engage an audience familiar with the bounce sub-genre
How does Beyonce show diversity within black culture?
Variety of hair styles, fashions and colour son offer in the salon shots
What does the use of different fashions, hairstyles and looks connote?
That there is more than one way to be a fashionable black woman, ethnicity is a diverse and complex thing
What do the low angles of the police show?
Makes them seem intimidating in powerful contrast to the boy
What does the eye level camera shot encourage when we see the boy?
Positions the audience to see themselves with the young boy and make them feel like they are there with him
What is the representation of the police officers?
Initially the police do nothing which is in direct opposition to what audiences may have seen
What is the binary opposite here?
Division of race
What does “formation” connote
Women are a tight knit community working well together, united and strong
Are the women sexualised?
Yes through the use of costume
What do the low angle shows of women show?
Confident body language that represents black women as confident, strong and powerful
What does the police car say on it?
New Orleans
What does it show when Beyonce is standing on the sinking police car?
That the people will rise above the challenge despite being let down by the state
What are shotgun houses?
Shown in the beginning, low cost housing associated with deprived areas in the South
Why does BLM exist?
Neighbourhood watch guy killed a black main in claimed self defence
When did the movement start
On twitter in 2013
How many times was the #BLM used in August 2015 alone
Out of the 990 fatal shootings in 2015 what % were black?
40% were people of colour making up only 13% of the US population
Political zeitgeist
Defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas/beliefs
Challenges colonial discourses and critiques the exploitation and discrimination of black people
Mammy stereotype
Maid taking care of her family
Doesn’t have a life of her own
There to support
Jezebl stereotype
Over sexualised
Only power is her body and influence over men
Sapphire stereotype
Sharp tongue
What does the swimming pool shot connote?
It looks down on the women potentially showing them as weak
It switched to eye level view, we see them wearing coherent clothing to show them as one