Kim K and Lara Croft Flashcards
comsumerist culture
theory that individuals who consume goods and services in large quantities will be better off
- essentially, people NEED things
cultural significance of KK hollywood
it epitomises society’s current interest in fame and celebrity
overview of KK Hollywood
- objective is to go from a Z-list to an A-list celebrity (develop fame)
- play alongside famous celebs: kendall jenner, the queen others
- focuses on looks and who you’re seen with (modern perception of celebs)
- reflection of Kim K as she has approves almost every aspect: her personality, life choices, wardrobe admirations. feel like you’re in her inner circle.
how does KKH reflect society’s idea on celebrities?
being a celebrity is about appearances: what you look like, who you’re seen with, where you’re seen, what you’re wearing
What does KKH say about Kims values?
Believes looks, beauty, and recognition are the key values in life
use of locations in KKH
- e.g., cape town, the hamptons, dubai, san francisco
- trendy, hip, famous places that are expensive to live in
- associated with wealth
- 10 to 15 y/os, female, middle class, white
- aspirers and mainstreamers
how to ensure ppl play KKH on the weekends
Special events: temporary goal arcs available only during the weekends
- earn extra earning and rewards
- can unlock exclusive rewards and kustomise items
how is masculinity and feminity presented in KKH
M: alpha male, chilsed, gym bod
F: beautiful, fashionistas, all want to be celebrities, look focused, flirtatious
How KKH made money:
- was a freemium game
- buy upgrades for customising character
- certain missions or scenarios can only be played by buying them
- many tasks require energy, can pay for extra
- advertisement
- watch adds to get bonus items
- some of the retailors you shop in have paid the company to be included to raise their profile (sponsorships)
How has online, social and participatory media aided KKH
- sucess as a celebrity brand on media, exemplified by:
- 360m+ followers on IG
- 1.7b+ net worth
- beauty products she has sucessfullly marketed
How has online, social and participatory media aided brands?
- trends in advertising spending: digital advertising accounts for half the total spending in the UK, 1/3 is on social media platforms
- however, few brands rely exclusively on OSP media, instead exploit cross media exposure and marketing
- high capacity for audiences and consumers to interact with brands
- critical: stereotyping, negative representation, bias, fake news, lack of transparency
Lara croft overview
- character from a franchise called tomb raider
- looks for treasure in tombs
- hero, badass
- sexualised and objectified
- thought of as a sex symbol
- made by men for men
- influenced by indiana jones
- action and adventure
Difference between older and newer 2018 LC
- less sexualised and less stereotyped
- less curvy
- no more short shorts
- wearing a ponytail instead of a bob cut
- more dirty (better graphics)
- more hands on weapons
how can LCG be played
Can be bought on steam and played on: iOS, Android, Windows, Playstation 4, Linux
aim of LCG
- LC explores the ruins of a ancient civilizaiton in the Amazon Jungle while fighting menacing enemies, overcoming dangerous obstables and traps, and ultimately uncovering the myth of the Queen of Venom
- series of puzzles
how does the mise-en-scene of LCG add to the drama
Setting is an abandoned, underground cave that consists of broken stone slabs => uncovering a mystery, hidden a long time ago, adventurey
Male gaze
how men see women or how society expects women to look and behave; concentrated with sexuality and emotions or on relationships with their children/romantic partners
intertexuality of LCG
indiana jones, retro puzzle games, tomb raider movie, original tomb raider games
how does KKH and LLC provide diversion/escapsism? (U & G)
- described as escapist fantasies
- absorb players in alternative relality
- can identify and control a persona in the form of an avatar
- immersive gamplay + strong narrative = release from stresses, tensions and demands of everyday life
- cerebral pleasures of problem solving
- vicarious pleasure of identitifying with LC as she overcomes obstaclse and defeats adversaries
- vicarious pleasure in developing a celebrity persona
Messages and values in KKH and LCG with the potential to cause concern
- elements of imperialist and colonialist assumptions, implicit western cultural superiority (LCG)
- gender stereotyping (mainly KKH)
- encrouagement of specific criteria for sucess: fame, celebrity, stars (KKH)
- reinforcement of consumerist values (KKH)
- focus on superficial appearance rather than inner self (KKH)
- in app purchases (Both)
- encouragement of individual and simple solutions to problem, often using force, agression or duplicity (both)
- competition with others prioritised over cooperation or collaberation (both)
- focus on action rather than qualities such as compassion, caring, empathy (both)
messages and values which are positive or beneficial in KKH and LCG
- self sufficiency / self reliance (LCG)
- gender equality (LCG, could argue for KKH)
- ambition to succeed (KKH)
- good behaviour is rewarded (KKH)
- independence (Both)
- pleasure of gameplay; imaginative engagement with narrative (both)
- opporturnity for escapism balances more stressful aspects of life; provides vicarious pleasures (both)
underlying messages and values in LCG
- hollywood could be seen as reinforcing white, male dominated, western value systems
- could argue that the degree to which video games cause concern depends on extent on the age, social loccaiton and cultural background of the player
conventions of turn-based puzzle game
- controllable hero
- marked track
- levers to control moving elements
- enemies/obstacles
- different planes/levels
- moveable platforms
How does KKH and LLC provide education? (U & G)
- access to the wider prescence of LC as an extensive game and film franchise and KK as a multimedia celebrity operation
- infomraiton gathering and building of sub-cultural capital => provide points of access and supply of material
- build a game knowledge of strategy and tactics, rewards are supplemented by in-app purchases
How does KKH and LLC provide social interaction? (U & G)
- In KKH, players can link online with other gamers to dicuss the game and their tactics
- KKH gameplay is based on interactions between the avatar and other game characters (mostly disguised IRL celebs) which bring its own cathartic reward, can progress the game
- LCG, limited for game interaction, other characters are of the ‘kill or be killed’ catergory
How does KKH and LLC provide identity? (U & G)
- Both provide role models
- provide positive and negative character attributes, thus reinforcing player’s learning of good and evil, right and wrong
- KKH highlights physical appearance and puruit of fame
- LCG rewards bravery and problem solving skills