His Dark Materials and Dr Who Flashcards
Wills personality (HDM)
- knows how to cook
- accepts things easily
- washes himself
- takes risks to account
Lyra’s personality
- doesn’t use cutlery
- doesn’t tidy messes
- bad cook
rep of witches in HDM
subvert stereotypes:
- they are young, beautiful, strong and good
- self sacrificing
- have a moral compass
- can make hard decisions for greater good
themes in HDM
- Good vs evil
- Heroic quest for power and knowledge
- Trad vs Change
- Individual vs Society
- Coming of age
- Epic journey
- Unlikely hero
genre of HDM
Fantasy, mystery, action, scifi
Propp’s archetypes of HDM
Hero = lyra
Hero/sidekick = will
Villain = Ms Coulter
How is HDM scifi?
- new inventions and innovations beyond current
science - characters seeking new realities on other worlds
How is HDM horro?
- religious iconography
- low key lighting
- secluded locaitons
- supernatural
Lyra representation
Conforms more to hero traits rather than teenage girl traits.
Ms Coulter rep
Subverts basically all mother traits and conforms to all villain traits
ethnicity in HDM
Book was written with most characters being white. But the show casted a diverse cast to appeal to a larger audience. Representation theory more prominant.
how is mise-en-scene, camera, sound and editing used to create meaning? (HDM)
Characters wear diff clothing from diff eras to show they aint from same world and how diff everyone is.
Pathetic fallacy used (sound of wind and grey clouds). Weather isn’t horrible but can create sense of uneasiness.
Town is absent of people, strange, gives an unsettling feel.
Colour palate is warm which is normally used in happy scenes. this creates irony, because despite being abandoned in a town the lighting makes it seem positve.
The city of magpies is aimed at niche audiences. how far does an analysis of this extract show to be true?
not that niche, more mainstream. lot of representation in this show with diff ethnicites and ages being casted. increasing audience.
hybrid genre makes it less niche and more palatable
Large budget means it has to targeted towards a larger audience
archetypes in doctor who
Hero = Ian at first, then Susan
Princess = Susan
Villain = Doctor
Dispatcher = Barbara
how does susan conform and subvert female stereotypes
- reads a lot
- well behaved
- thin
- expressive
- good at maths
- acts out
- goes out alone late at night
- conflict with male teacher
- curious
- independent
- listens to rock n roll
how does barbara subvert and conform to female stereotypes
- emotional
- fem clothing
- thin
- let’s ian open door for her
- frightened
- talks back to ian
- no kids
- decision maker
- dominates the convo
how does ian conform to male stereotypes
- believe women is wrong
- mansplaining
- not engaged in convo
- opens door for barbara
- ians takes lead when they get into junkyard
- dominant
How are codes used to provide info about relationship btwn Ian and barbara
Stereotypes, they have a trad female and male relationship. Barbara conforming by being emotional and complaining about her issues and ian conforms by not paying attention. but she does subert by making sure ian is engaged.
Camera work. Camera leads ian, making him seem more important.
How is genre demonstrated in general?
genre is demonstrated through: mise-en-scence, choice of characters, typical storylines, lighting, colour palette, typography and use of sound
Codes and conventions of Teen Dramas
- relationship between teens and between teens and family members or other adults. These relationships, either strongly postiive or negative, drive the narrative forward
- breakdown in a parent/teen relationship = staple feature
- leading to characters turning the tables on adults or authority figures
Teen drama in ‘The city of magpies’
- Lyra deals with the impact of Asriel’s Murder of Roger and the consequences by ‘running away’
- breakdown of relation shown when Ms Coulter comes across photographs of Lyra in the book, suggesting smth about their relaitonship
Fantasy YA in ‘The City of Magpies’
- mise-en-scene, similar to Hunger Games
- costumes, hair and makeup worn by Lyra and Ms coulter => old-fashioned garments are fantasy orientated
- witch robes
- witches included, demonstrate their power by flying
- talking animal companion, Lyra talking to Pan
Sci-fi fantasy in ‘The City of Magpies’
- wide angle shots of Asriel’s portal and the fleet of airships
- dramatic nature of genre is reinforced with high contrast, low key lighting with blue hues => dominant code in sci-fi
- everyday is often juxtaposed with fantastical events => shots of the laboratory and the portal
- special effects used, disruption to reality is emphasised by the CGI used for the portal
- dominant storyline of a world in chaos, ‘a powerful prophecy.. that could destroy all existance’
- voice over, ‘it is time to draw sides’, reminds viewers of a similar device in lord of the rings or star wards
- dramatic orchestral soundtrack
Narrative features used in ‘The city of magpies’ to grab attention.
- beings with dramatic voice over, summarising a disequilibrium which was one of the enigmas set up at the end of the previous season => quickly establishes genre and refreshes A memory on ongoing storylines.
- reintroduces MCs in short vignettes (lyra, witches, ms coulter, church representatives) => A see how they interact and how they will deal with threat
- TA is rewarded with characters dealing with danger and appearing to be responding to the dramatic situtations presented
- characters offer a range of spectating positions to engage
- narrative is driven by conflict. brief shot of lyra being awakened by rogers voice reminds them of shocking conclusion and suggest lyra is still dealing with this disruption to her narrative equilibrium
- attention held during montage shots showing machines of war and the threat of the portal develops conflict
- narrative engima exposed in opening sequences (what will the effect of the portal be? will ms coulter find lyra) many span the lifetime and A gets narrative pleasure from helping solve the puzzles and task set and seeing positive outcomes for the MCs
- variation in narrative style, 1st its montage to build excitement and tension reflecting pace and style. cross cutting. snippets of dialogue.
- certain archetypes (lyra = hero, pan = helper) appeals to A
How may narrative features fail to hold the audiences attention in ‘The city of magpies’
- against voice over, doesn’t deal with specifics and refers cryptically to Lyra, may be off-putting
- against if characters conform to stereotypes, their function in the narrative is too predictable
- against if fav characters aren’t presented in opening sequence
- against narrative format, too much effort to engage, too much commitment with multiple characters and storylines over extended period
- unwilling to commit their attention and involvement to the degree suggested by the narrative features
- against if enigma solutions are too predictable or if enigmas lack credible solutions
- though face past is suggest, little action occurs, A will be dissatisfied as action is replaced with voice-over or character development scences
- crosscutting may cause confusion, A are uncertain what’s happening
- some audience prefer a more conventional or traditional narrative arc (exposiiton, climax, resolution), may not like if disruption drags onto next episode
Codes in ‘An Unearthly Child’ which provide info about Barbara’s and Ian’s relationship
- Ian in foreground, cam angled slightly upwards => exaggerates height difference => ian more dominant
- condenscending dialogue to barbara, like ‘did you indeed?’
- performance of role emphasises Ian’s confidence and masculinity, actions are purposeful and unhesitating, offers his services to barbara
- Barbara looks directly to ian, ian only occasionally glances at her, he’s more focused on writing or washing his hands
- in contrast to barbara’s serious tone, Ian smiles and makes jokes and light-hearted remarks => he is a relaxed character with a sense of humour
- B is more serious in her worries, she leans forwards, grasping the edge of the workbench and looks directly at Ian => determined persuasion, convince Ian to take her seriously
- Ian moves closer to B, smiles down at her as she leans slightly from him, touches her shoulder => show ians dominant role
- ian ushers barbara with ‘after you’, B seems subservient, but B is prepared to admonish him for being too frivolous ‘Oh Ian, do pay attention’
- in the end, ian is more dominant, barbara is forceful but have partnership of equals, B says ‘Thank you for the we’ acknowledges ian agreed to help and they’re a team. reinforced by mutual smiles.