Key Words and Definitions - All Crusades (up to 17) Flashcards
The Shia Muslims who controlled Egypt and were at war with the Seljuk Turks over Levant
A nomadic Islamic people who had invaded Anatolia in the 1060s after conquering Persia
Seljuk Turks
The Seljuk ruler who ruled the empire at its greatest extent and after whose reign it collapsed
Malik Shah
The territories conquered by the Seljuks in Anatolia which became a separate sultanate
The place where the Turks had migrated recently from. They were heavily influenced by its culture and language
The Christian land that the Seljuk Turks overran after Manzikert, during the 1070sand 1080s
The capital of the Eastern Roman Empire and greatest city in the world
The branch of religion that the Seljuks had converted to. They recognised the titular authority of the Caliph on Baghdad
Sunni Islam
A reforming pope who had attempted to aid Byzantium after Manzikert
Gregory VII
The place where the Seljuk Turks had originated from
Central Asia
The Sunni Caliphs of Baghdad. they had been reduced to figureheads by the Seljuks
The important battle that took place between Byzantines and Seljuk Turks in 1071
The leader of the Seljuk Turks who captured the Byzantine emperor in 1071
Alp Arslan
Area including Palestine and Syria
A nomadic people used by Alexius to destroy the Pechenegs
The Byzantine General who took the throne in a military coup in 1081
Alexius Comnenus
The place that the Normans had conquered from the Muslims and used to attack the Byzantine lands
The division between Eastern and Western Christians that had occurred in1054
Great Schism
The Emperor who was decisively defeat at the battle of Manzikert
Romanus IV
A group descended from Vikings who had settled in Sicily and raided the western Byzantine territories
The Western (or Holy) Roman Emperor and king of Germany that Alexius allied with in 1081
Henry IV
The pope that Alexius sent a letter to asking for military assistance against the Seljuk Turks
Urban II
A semi-nomadic people that invaded the northern European Byzantine territories. by 1090 they had conquered many of them and were an immanent threat to Constantinople
The cunning Norman leader of Sicily until 1085. He was a sworn enemy of the Byzantines and an ally of Pope Gregory VII
Robert Guiscard