Key theories and propositions Flashcards
Relative age effect
the relatively older individuals are, compared to their peers, more often selected for the best sport team
Durkheim’s integration-suicide theory
the more cohesive the group, the more strongly people in that group conform to the norm which prohibits suicide, and the lower the suicide rate in that group
Social learning theory
In the social learning theory it is stated that learning from others is motivated by the idea to get a more accurate picture of reality
Social control theory
according to the social control theory, people adhere to social norms, because deviations from social norms can be answered by social sanctions
P. social control theory
The higher people’s expected social sanctions in a group in case of norm-deviance, and the higher their expected social approval in case of norm-compliance, the more likely they conform to the social norms of that group
P. Strength-of-weak-ties
weak ties more often create bridges to other communities than do strong ties
P. Loss-of-community
over time, people have become less-strongly embedded in communities
P. Network closure-norms
the degree of closure in a certain network has a positive effect on the conformity to the social norms of that network
P. Tie strength-trust
the more positive the relationship between ego and alter, the more they trust each other
P. Network closure-trust
the higher the degree of closure in the network shared by ego and alter, the more ego and alter trust each other
P. Social ties-generalized trust
the more social interactions people have with friends, family members and other community members, the stronger their generalized trust
P. Network cohesion-health
the higher someone’s network cohesion, the better their health and well-being
P. Network health-health
the better the health and well-being of people’s network ties, the better their own health and well-being
Structural opportunity theory
argues that group segregation arises as a result of (unequal) meeting opportunities between members of different groups
Homophily theory
states that people prefer those who are the same as themselves