Hoofdstuk 1 Flashcards
Precise question ingredients
- the human behaviour you want to describe, 2. social context, 3. period, 4 population
Societal relevance
relevance of sociological work for the understanding of social problems
Scientific relevance
relevance of socioloical work for the accumulation of sociological knowledge
Normative questions
question that entails value judgements (what should be done)
Comparative questions
question that entails some kind of social comparison
False theoretical question
aims to explain something that does not exist
Social context effect
influence of social conditions on individual outcomes
Sociological imagination (sociological perspective)
type of explanation of human behaviour which focuses on social causes
Social phenomena
collective human behaviour
Proximate causes
are close to the phenomena the researcher wants to explain
Ultimate causes
are deeper, hidden in the background (proximate causes are explained by ultimate causes)
Social problem/public issue
- Goes beyond the individual (it effects many people) 2. it is a public issue about which many people are concerned
Personal trouble
problem related to he personal life of an individual
Social interventions
interventions are based on scientific insights and empirical work, and are targeted towards reducing social problems