Hoofdstuk 9 - Stratification and mobility Flashcards
is about some sort of ranking, ordening, hierarchy
Valuable goods
something that people value
Between-country stratification
unequal distribution of valuable goods between countries
Within-country stratification
unequal distribution of valuable goods within countries
Social class
group of people who hold similar occupational positions
Social status
subjective ranking of individuals or groups in terms of honour, esteem and respect
Occupational prestige
subjective ranking of occupations in terms of prestige and respect
Treiman constant
occupational prestige rankings are highly similar over time, across countries and have strong agreement between raters
Gini coefficient
a summary measure of stratification, which runs from 0 - in which case all citizens have the same income - to 100 - in which case a country’s entire income is in the hands of one single person
One percent
the within-country stratification in income is highly skewed, and much in the hands of the top 1%
Global inequality
sum of within-country stratification and between-country stratification in the world
Intergenerational mobility
changing positions between parents and their children in the stratification system
Intragenerational mobility
changing position in the stratification system over the life course
Mobility table
table which cross-classifies origin and destination position in the stratification system
Absolute mobility
total number of positional changes