Karl Popper - Logic of scientific discovery Flashcards
Demarcation of science: Falsificationism
Empirical Science
The study of phenomena through observation and experimentation
Systems of theories concerned with studying the natural world through observation and experimentation
The process of reasoning from specific cases to general principles
Principle of Induction
A principle attempting to justify induction by basing it on experience, but ultimately leading to logical problems such as infinite regress
Singular Statements
Statements concerning specific observations or experiments
Universal Statements
Statements representing hypotheses or theories
Generalizing results from the singular statements
Deductive Method
A method of testing theories through logical comparison of conclusions, investigation of the logical form of the theory, and comparison with other theories
The process of disproving a theory by showing that its predictions are contradicted by empirical observations
Problem of Demarcation
The challenge of distinguishing empirical sciences from metaphysical sciences
The belief that knowledge is based on observable facts and their relationships
Experience as a Method
Utilizing empirical evidence as the basis for understanding the world
Falsifiability as a Criterion of Demarcation
The requirement that scientific statements must be potentially falsifiable through empirical testing
The Problem of the ‘Empirical Basis’
Ensuring that scientific claims are grounded in observable evidence rather than unfalsifiable assertions
Scientific Objectivity and Subjective Conviction
The distinction between the objective testability of scientific statements and the subjective beliefs or convictions of individuals
Ad Infinitum
A Latin term meaning “to infinity” or “endlessly,” indicating a process that continues indefinitely.
Cannot physically be tested forever is a problem, but every theory should only be capable of being tested
Deductive Testing
The process of proposing a theory, deducing specific conclusions from it, and then testing those conclusions both logically (for consistency) and empirically (for real-world reflection)
Corroboration and Falsification
Outcomes of deductive testing where a theory can be either supported (corroborated) or disproven (falsified) based on empirical evidence
Logic of Scientific Knowledge
Describes the structure and function of theories within the realm of scientific inquiry
Scientific Theories
Universal statements that propose explanations or laws governing natural phenomena
The relationship between cause and effect, often explored through scientific investigation
Using redundant expressions that convey the same meaning unnecessarily
In logic: Something is tautological if it is true in every possible interpretation
“Can”-definition and the Principle of Causality
Discussion on interpreting the principle of causality, particularly regarding the use of “can” in defining causality.
Tautological: “can” means it’s always logically possible to construct a causal explanation for any event.
Synthetic: “can” suggests the world is governed by strict laws, implying that every event follows universal regularities, then the principle becomes synthetic.
Strictly Universal and Numerically Universal
Types of universal synthetic statements categorized as either strictly universal (pertaining to theories or laws - universal statements) or numerically universal (pertaining to singular statements)
Strict Universality: Statements or laws that apply universally without any exceptions.
Numerical Universality: Statements that apply to every instance within a specific, finite set.
Universal Concepts and Individual Concepts
Distinction between concepts or names that are universal (applicable to all instances) and those that are individual (specific to particular instances)
Strictly Universal and Existential Statements
Differentiation between strictly existential statements, which assert the existence of specific entities or states of affairs, and their relevance to scientific inquiry
Theoretical Systems
Formal structures based on fundamental assumptions (axioms) used for deriving other statements logically
Levels of Universality
The scope and generality of statements, from specific to highly general or universal.
Highly Specific Statements:
* Example: “This apple is red.”
Less Specific Statements:
* Example: “Apples can be red.”
General Statements:
* Example: “All apples have seeds.”
Highly General Statements:
* Example: “All fruits are nutritious.”
Universal Laws:
* Example: “All matter is subject to gravitational force.”
Modus Tollens
Modus Tollens is a form of logical argument that uses a conditional statement to draw a conclusion based on the negation of the consequent.
- Premise 1 (Conditional Statement): If P then Q
- Premise 2 (Negation): Not Q
- Conclusion: Not P