Kaplan- Neuro 1 Flashcards
(01/30/14 at 15:09)
what are intrafusal (spindle) fibers and what purpose do they serve
intrafusal fibers (also known as spindle fibers) are muscle fibers that lost the ability to contract; they are connected to muscle spindles and when they are stretched the cause the muscle spindle to generate an afferent impulse
what does the Golgi tendon apparatus do
controls fine movement and posture control my regulating muscle tension (not involved in DTR’s)
what’s the difference between intrafusal and extrafusal fibers
intrafusal fibers do not contract and are involved in transmitting tension to muscle spindles
extrafusal fibers contract and are what generate the muscle contraction
what nerve supplies the posterior half of the external auditory meatus
vagus nerve
what are Negri bodies and what condition are they diagnostic for
elongated intracytoplasmic neuronal inclusions;
diagnostic of Rabies
what main motor functions does the radial nerve serve
forearm extension, wrist extension, metacarpophalangeal extension, supination
what main motor functions does the musculocutaneous nerve serve
forearm flexion and supination
Herpes simplex can cause necrotizing, hemorrhagic acute encephalitis usually in which parts of the brain
temporal lobe and orbital regions of frontal lobe
a single focal lesion causing right-sided loss of all sensation in both face and body is probably located where
the ventroposterior thalamus (VPL for body sensation and VPM for facial sensation)
note: at the thalamus both tracts have already decussated so the UPN’s (2nd order) going to the thalamus will relay impulses from the same side of the body
a cerebral hemispheric and subarachnoid hemorrhage that is causing seizures can likely arise from what structural abnormality (exclude trauma)
arteriovenous malformation
note: not berry aneurysm because that would be localized more toward the base of the brain
which class of drugs is used to treat alcohol withdrawl and which drug of this class is best to use
lorazepam (shorter half-life, inactive metabolites)
a wide-based, drunken sailor type gait with normal FTN and RAM testing is indicative of what kind of lesion
this is truncal ataxia ==> vermis
sensorineural hearing loss due to excessively loud noises or ototoxic drugs involves damage to which part of the inner ear
hair cells of the organ of Corti
what is presbycusis
age related hearing loss by which high frequency sounds are lost due to hair cell loss at the base of the cochlea
what main motor function does the femoral nerve serve
knee extension
what nerve is primarily responsible for hip abduction and what spinal nerves does it consist of
superior gluteal nerve; L4-S1
which brain tumor tends to cross the corpus callosum
what sphingolipidosis is associated with beta-glucocerebrosidase deficiency? beta-galactocerebrosidase deficiency? arylsulfatase A deficiency? sphingomyelinase? hexosaminidase A?
beta-glucocerebrosidase: Gaucher beta-galactocerebrosidase: Krabbe arylsulfatase A: metachromatic leukodystrophy sphingomyelinase: Neiman-Pick hexosaminidase A: Tay-Sachs
what is the main mechanism of action of tricyclic antidepressants? name a few TCA’s
inhibiting reuptake of biogenic amines (5-HT and NE);
amitriptyline, nortriptyline, doxepin, desipramine
what nerve supplies sensation to the anterior half of the external auditory canal
what other anatomical abnormality is associated with Chiari II malformation
what is the inheritance pattern of Huntington’s disease
autosomal dominant
damage to what kind of vessel is associated with subdural hematoma
bridging veins
what is cerebral perfusion pressure