Kahoot Answers Ch. 49 & 50 Flashcards
An ectopic pregnancy most commonly occurs in which one of the following structures
fallopian tube
A heterotopic pregnancy is which one of the following
simultaneous IUP and EUP
A sonogram at 10 weeks of gestation demonstrates a cystic area within the posterior cranium. This appearance most likely
normal rhombencephalon
The most common cause of vaginal bleeding in the firt trimester is which one of the following
subchorionic hemmorrhage
Cranial anatomy is routinely visualized after how many gestational weeks
The best sonographic correlation in the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is the combination of no intrauterine pregnancy
adnexal mass
Nuchal translucency must be measured between
11 and 13 weeks, 6 days
Corpus luteum cysts regress and are typically not seen beyond
16 to 18 weeks
Maternal serum hcg levels in a normal intrauterine pregnancy at less than 7 weeks should increase by doubling every
3.5 days
Which one of the following statements about a pseudo gestational sac is false
is eccentrically located within the endometrium
Sign for an early IUP that demonstrates the interface between the decidua capsularis and the echogenic endometrium
double decidual sign
Typically, the yolk sac reabsorbs and is no longer visible sonographically by
12 weeks
Conceptus has completely passed from uterus with rapidly falling hcg levels is which of the following
complete abortion
A partial absence of the cranium is called which one of the following abnormalities
After fertilization of the ovum, the corpus luteum begins to secrete which of the following hormones
progesterone only
A hemorrage located between the gestational sac and the myometrium represents which one of the following conditions
subchorionic hemorrhage
An increased risk of a complete hysterectomy is present when an ectopic pregnancy is located in which one of the following
The increased risk of massive hemorrage in an ectopic pregnancy is located
uterine cornua
The cavity in which the fetus exists is called the
In the first trimester, herniated bowel will return within the abdominal cavity by the
12 week
A normal GS can be consistently demonstrated when the hcg level ranges between
1000-2000 mega international units per mm
The anechoic center of a 5 to 6 week gestational sac represents which one of the following
chorionic cavity
In early pregnancy, the gestational sac size grows at a rate of
Which one of the following laboratory tests indicate pregnancy when the values are elevated
Length of time from the first day of the last normal menstrual period to the point that the pregnancy is being assessed
either gestational or menstrual
Which one of the following terms refers to a multiple pregnancy within one chorionic sac
Bilateral ______ are reported with 50% of molar pregnancies
theca lutein cysts
The serum level of beta hcg with gestational trophoblastic disease is
dramatically elevated
The blastocyst typically enters the uterus 4-5 days after fertilization w implantation occuring ____ days after ovulation
7 to 9
Using a transvaginal approach, the first structure visualized within a gestational sac is which one of the following
secondary yolk sac
Embryos with heart rates below _____ beats per minute generally have a poor prognosis
Findings in an ectopic pregnancy include all of the following except
normal increase in serum beta hcg levels
Transvaginally, an embryo with cardiac activity should be identified when the gestational sac measures
Which one of the following is the most common pelvic mass seen in a first trimester pregnancy
corpus luteum cyst
The villi on the myocetrial side of the conceptus (maternal side) is known as which of the following
decidua basalis
The CRL measurement may be used up to the _____ gestational week
With TV US, an abnormal pregnancy is suspected when visualizing the yolk sac fails with a minimum (MSD) of
Which one of the following is the most frequent songoraphic finding in an ectopic pregnancy
adnexal mass
To calculate the mean sac diameter of the gestational sac, which one of the following formulas should be used
length + width + height / 3
The diameter of the normal cold sac should never exceed
The most potentially life threatening ectopic gestation is which one of the following
Multiple tiny clusters of grape like echoes within the uterine cavity best describes which one of the following
gestational trophoblastic disease
A congenital fissure that remains open past 12 weeks in the wall of the abdomen just to the right of the umbilical cord
The fusion of the chorion and amnion occurs between
14-15 weeks
The embryonic heart begins to beat at
5.5-6 weeks
Dominant structure seen within the embryonic cranium that fill the lateral ventricles
choroid plexus
A gestational sac in which the embryo fails to develop is described as which one of the following
blighted ovum
The beta hcg levels plateau and subsequently decline, whereas the gestational sac continues to grow after
9 to 10 weeks
Which of the following abnormalities is most common associated with cystic hygroma
turner syndrome
Presence of embryo without cardiac activity in uterus, hcg levels lower than expected is which of the following
missed abortion
An absence of the cranium superior to the orbits with preservation of the base of the skull and facial features with