Chapter 41 Flashcards
How does the bladder act as a window for sonography of the pelvis
when distended, bladder rises into false pelvis and pushes peritoneum away from anterior abd wall which displaces bowel gas
How can the overfilled bladder affect sonography of the pelvis
pelvic organs will be compresses, degrading the image
The ________ and ________ muscles form the pelvic floor
coccygeus, levator ani
The _______ is the diamond shaped area from the pubic symphysis to the anus and bordered laterally by the ischial tuberosities
The _______ muscle group is used as a landmark for locating the external iliac artery and vein and the ovary
The pelvic diaphragm is made up of the _______ muscles anteriorly and the ______ muscles posteriorly
levator ani, coccygeus
The main blood supply for the uterus is via the ______ artery which is a branch of the _______ artery
uterine, internal iliac
The ovary receives blood via the ovarian artery which is a branch of the
The ovarian vein drains into
left renal vein
The vagina has two sources of blood
vaginal artery and internal pudendal artery
List the internal organs of the female pelvis
vagina, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus
List the external genitalia of the female
mons pubis, labia major, labia minora, clitoris, urethral opening, vestibule of vagina
The _______ is a muscular tube composed mainly of smooth muscle with some skeletal muscle at the distal end. It is about ______ cm long
vagina, 9
Where do the secretions in the vagina come from
Vaginal wall mucous glands of cervix and vestibular glands of vagina
The area where the vagina encircles the cervix is called the
The ______ is a mobile, hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ in the female pelvis
What are normal dimension of the post-menarche, normal menarche, and pre menarche uterus
premenarcheal: 1-3 cm long, 0.5-1.0 cm wide
menarcheal: 6-8 cm long, 3-5 cm wide
post menarcheal: 3.5-5.5 cm long, 2-3 cm wide
Describe the three layers of the uterine wall
perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium
______ refers to the direction that the cervix is pointing
______ refers to the direction that the unterus is pointing
If the fundus and body of uterus are bend towards the cervix, it is
If the entire uterus is tilted posteriorly it is
If the entire uterus is tilted backward with fundus and body folded posteriorly upon the cervix, it is
retroversion with retroflexion
The ________ surround the fallopian tubes, ovaries, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves and support support the uterus laterally
broad ligament
The ______ layer of the endometrium is a superficial layer made up of glands and stroma that is sloughed off each month if pregnancy does not occur
The _____ layer of the endometrium is a thin deep layer of endometrial glands that regenerates a new endometrium after menses
Describe the dimensions of the normal fallopian tube
10-12 cm long and 1-4 mm in diameter
The fallopian tube is located in a special layer of the broad ligament called the
Describe the normal size of the hormonally active ovary
3cm x 3cm x 2cm
What hormones are secreted by the ovary
estrogen and progesterone
What hormones are secreted by the pituitary gland
The follicles are located in the ______ of the ovary
A mature follicle typically measures _____ right before ovulation
Describe the changes in the appearance of the endometrium on sonography at the different stages of the menstrual cycle
1-4 early menses
3-7 menses
5-9 proliferative
What does premenarche mean
does not have menses
Define menarche
onset of menses
Define menopause
cessation of menses
Is fluid in the pouch of douglas always considered abnormal
The paramesonephric ducts from the
uterus and upper portions of uterus
How is ovarian volume calculated
length x width x height (thickness) x 0.523
What causes precocious puberty
malformation of hypothalmus and pituitary gland
The upper limit of normal ovarian volume for the adult, pre-menopausal female
12cc 9.8 cm^2
female egg
female hormone secreted by follicles
absence of menstration
True pelvis
aka lesser or minor pelvis, area below pelvic brim
cycle occurs at intervals less than 21 days
Round ligament
fibrous cords in front of and below fallopian tubes between layers of broad ligaments
upper portions of broad ligament that enclose fallopian tubes
Corpus Luteum
secretes progesterone, surface of ovary- until placenta is formed
Luteinizine hormone
secreted by anterior pituitary gland, stimulates ovulation, forms corpus luteum
painful periods, associated with endometriosis
Ovarian ligament
extends from inferior-medial pole aka utero-ovarian ligament
Suspensory ligament
extends from infundibulum of fallopian tube
Uterosacral ligament
posterior portion of cardinal ligament extends from cervix to sacrum
stimulates function of testes and ovaries, FSH and LH, secreted by hypothalmus
abnormally short or light periods- associated with PCOS
Vesicouterine recess
(pouch) pelvic cavity between bladder and uterus aka anterior cul de sac
Rectouterine recess
between rectum and uterus aka posterior all de sac aka pouch of douglas
menses have ceased permanently
onset of menstration
False pelvis
above brim aka greater or major pelvis
incompletely developed or immature ovum
Spave of retzius
between anterior bladder wall and pubic symphysis
Levator ani
muscle across pelvic diaphragm like a hammock, supports pelvic organs
posterior portion of broad ligament that encloses fallopian tubes
pelvic diaphragm, posterior pelvic floor, supports the coccyx