JVD 2020 #2 Successful Use of MTA Fillapex as a Sealant for Feline Root Canal Therapy of 50 Canines in 37 Cats; Thorne Flashcards
How was MTA FillapexTM used in the study?
As a root canal sealant with gutta percha single cone obturation
What was considered “Successful” therapy?
if a preoperative PAL had healed or not formed after tx and any pre-op external inflamm root resorption (EIRR) had stabilized without progression
What was considered “No evidence of failure (NEF)”?
If a PAL had remained the same or decreased in size but not completely resolved and any pre-op EIRR had stabilized without progression
What was considered a “Failed” root canal therapy?
If PAL had occurred or increased in size post-tx. Or if EIRR had developed or progressed.
What was the results of the study (per 50 canine teeth, %)
32 “successful”= 64%
14 “NEF”= 28%
4 “failed”= 8%
What was the incidence of cats having at least 1 fractured tooth?
What does MTA Fillapex contain?
Salicylate resin diluent resin natural resin bismuth oxide nanoparticulated silica titanium dioxide MTA
Was evidence of extrusion of MTA Fillapex associated with risk of RCT failure?
NO. Extrusion of Fillapex was not signif assoc w failure.
Periapical extrusion occurred in 7 (14%) of teeth
Was evidence of external inflammatory root resorption (EIRR) signif associated with risk of failure of RCT?
No, not significantly assoc.