JVD 2020 #2 Prevalence, Radiographic and Demographic Features of Buccal Bone Expansion in Cats: A Cross-Sectional Study at a Referral Institution; Peralta Flashcards
Buccal bone expansion (BBE)
Called Alveolar Bone Expansion (ABE) by AVDC
refers to bulbous enlargement of the periodontium in domestic cats characterized by gingiva that appears firm and bulbous on the buccal aspect of affected teeth with varying degrees of gingivitis, root exposure and increased probing depth
what other oral disease conditions have been associated with BBE (ABE)
Tooth resorption tooth extrusion loss of canine tooth osteomyelitis periodontal disease
What distance between the alveolar margin and cementoenamel junction is considered normal in the cat canine?
What was the prevalence of BBE in the 97 study cats?
34 of 97 (35%)
Of the 34 cats with BBE, 70 teeth were affected. How many maxillary canine teeth were affected versus Mandibular?
31 of 70 (44%) maxillary
39 of 70 (56%) mandibular
(opposite of what was previously hypothesized)
How many cats had 1 tooth affected, 2 teeth, 3 teeth, or all?
1 canine: 12/34 (35%) 2 canines: 14/34 (41%) 3 canines: 2/34 (6%) 4 canines: 6/34 (18%) (over half the cats had 2 or more affected)
What is the important age distribution?
Less than 25% of cats with BBE are younger than 5 or older than 12. (Majority are between 5-12yrs)