JVD 2019 #4 Prevalence of Malocclusion of Deciduous Dentition in Dogs: An Evaluation of 297 Puppies; Hoyer + Rawlinson Flashcards
How many puppies (8 to 12wk) were identified as having a malocclusion in the 1-yr study period?
26% (77 of 297 puppies)
* dogs of breeds with MAL3 ‘normal’ considered normal for study
Was a significant difference in prevalence noted between purebred and mixed breed dogs?
No significant difference in prevalence.
But in single dogs (not litters) purebreds had a significantly higher percentage of malocclusion compared to mixed breeds 33.8% and 20% respectively. The opposite was true in puppies presented as litters- none in purebred and 23.5% in mixed breed litters
What was the most common malocclusion class 1 (MAL1)?
MAL- linguoversion of one or both decid MN canines (11/12, 92%)
Caudal crossbite considered MAL1
Embryologically, where do the bones of the maxilla and mandible result from?
Development of the first brachial arch, which are organizations of migrating neural crest cells in the developing embryo
What kind of bone growth does the skull primary display?
Intramembranous ossification- direct formation of bony matrix within existing connective tissues
When does mandibular growth occur in the rostral mandible?
Very early in development, after approx day 50 (week 7) all growth is from caudal to the 1st molar in the area of the condyle
Where does maxillary bone growth occur
at the incisive-maxillary and palatal-maxillary sutures. The contribution of the length of palatal bones decreases with age and the comparative length of the incisive and maxillary bones increases with age.
What growth disruption causes disparity of the maxilla and mandible of brachycephalic dogs?
Primarily chondrodystrophic arrest of the bones of the maxilla and likely develops between the 8-12 weeks and facial maturity