Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk – Aron, Clemons & Reddi Flashcards
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Just right outsourcing meaning?
Just right outsourcing: knowing what activity to outsource and how to structure these activities so they can be outsourced most effectively
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
What is goal of outsourcing?
goal of outsourcing: achieving best long-term risk-adjusted rate of return = important to understand risks
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
What is the aim of paper?
aim of paper: explain risk profile created by any outsourcing relationship & explain actions that client can take to improve risk profile
- technique used to improve risk profile: strategic chunkification
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
What is Strategic chunkification?
Strategic chunkification: dividing any process into separate component activities (chunks) that can be outsourced in manner that reduces risk relative to that of outsourcing entire process
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
- growth of business process outsourcing in India has been dramatic -> not because the reward portion of the risk-reward trade-off has changed (labour was cheap and skilled before) but because the risk portion of the risk-reward trade-off has changed
- reduction of risk in BPO (business process outsourcing) initiatives in India is result of cheap and ubiquitous bandwidth now available now clients can prompt vendors actions and oversee their actions better
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
What are Transaction cost economics (TCE) ?
Transaction cost economics (TCE): developed to justify firm as economising on transaction cost identifying most efficient governance structure & show under which conditions the firm and not the market provided ideal governance structure
- TCE shows that investment idiosyncrasy is main reason for vertical integration = vulnerability created by contracting that is avoided by ‘doing-by-itself’ (relates to principal-agent-problems)
- TCE is used to explain effect of IT on boundaries of firm how improved IT systematically affects risks associated with interfirm contracting
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
What are the four types of risks associated with outsourcing: ?
strategic risks, operational risks, intrinsic risks of atrophy, intrinsic risks of location location
-> this paper emphasizes on strategic risks
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Four types of risks associated with outsourcing: What is Strategic risk?
Strategic risk: arises from opportunisitic behaviour of supplier
-> caused by intentionally explotive and can be subdivided into 1) shirking/principal-agent problem
2) poaching/misuse of information
3) opportunistic renegotiation
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Four types of risks associated with outsourcing: What is Operational risk?
Risk of suboptimal output result from for example misscommunication -> not on purpose
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Four types of risks associated with outsourcing: What is Intrinsic Risk of Atrophy?
Over time as a company outsources activity completely it loses core group of people whop were familiar with it
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Four types of risks associated with outsourcing: What is Intrinsic Risk of location?
caused by moving activities to different locations:exchange risk, sovereign risk, geopolitical risk
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
SHIRKING / PRINCIPAL AGENT PROBLEM: Shirking: deliberate underperformance while claiming full payment
* occurs for two reasons: 1) agent’s incentives for work are not same as principals’ 2) lack of information available makes it difficult to detect shirking by agents
-> based on hidden + unobservable action
_> all 3 risks occur because incentives of client and vendor differ
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
entails parallel effort that results in second, unauthorised revenue stream derived from data provided as legitimate part of contract; often damaging the party providing the data; eg front-runnig a customer order, reverse engineering critical proprietary business processes & then stealing/selling
* occurs for two reasons:
1) incentives of client and vendor diverge
2) lack of information available makes it difficult to detect action
-> Misues of information
-> based on hidden + unobservable action
_> all 3 risks occur because incentives of client and vendor differ
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Opportunistic renegotiation (vendor holdup): occurs when client discovers that it has no alternative source of support, goods/services and must pay current supplier price that it sets in future = loss of bargaining power & associated escalation of future pricing
* occurs for 1 reason: client has lack of resource = no alternative + cannot reinternalize process
-> based visible and clear threat
all 3 risks occur because incentives of client and vendor differ
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
1) dividing the process into different activities
2) determining the risk profile for each activity
3) developing a risk mitigation strategy for each activity (horizontal/vertical chunkification)
= reduction of risk of overall process
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
- strategic risk easiest to anticipate
1) low levels of effort (in primary activity or quality assurance)
2) shifting of staff assignments (more poorly qualified workers)
3) underinvestment (training, facilities) = all created because vendor has other uses for critical resources
Commission related incentives: vendor may not negotiate best price for client when negotiating on client’s behalf just because he earns a commission directly related to price (the higher the price the higher the commission)
Vendor competing with client: whenever vendor is direct competitor of client he has incentive to underperform and sabotage the clients’ operations
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
* shirking can be reduced by attempting to align incentives more does not work for poaching
Opportunities for resale: resell software developed for client; resell engineering designs (or its research); resell list of attractive and profitable customers - all by vendor
Opportunities for reuse as direct competitor: vendor can become competitor by reverse-engineering designs
Opportunities for misuse: front-running a customer order in a range of industries
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
* oftentimes even happens after the original bidding vendor looked attractive for initial contract when bidding against competitors but whenever these aren’t existing (anymore), prices much higher (eg sometimes additionally due to maintenance, testing, 24/7 tech support)
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Dimension and timeframe of risk for shrinking?
shirking: hidden action – vendor simply does not do what he is asked for in some form
-occurs during the contract
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Dimension and timeframe of risk for poachingg?
poaching: vendor does really well what he is asked for and hidden action occurs later – when vendor uses the expertise (gained from doing good job) for his own gain (additional revenue stream)
-> occurs after the contract
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
Dimension and timeframe of risk for opportunistic renegotiation?
opportunistic renegotiation: clearly visible action – no information asymmetry
-> occurs during contract renewal (when price is discussed)
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
What is Horizontal chunkification?
Horizontal chunkification: dividing the volume of process/activity into subtasks among alternative vendors = mitigating shirking and opportunistic renegotiation; describes what portion or fraction of each activity will be allocated
-> two suppliers make same bike
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
What is Vertical chunkification?
Vertical chunkification: dividing process into sequential non-overlapping activities – can greatly reduce knowledge transfer = mitigating poaching; describes which activities will be allocated
(Article: Just Right Outsourcing: Understanding and Managing Risk)
How to reduce shrinking risk?
1) closer monitoring: expensive but can produce better results
2) maintaining two or more competing vendors through horizontal chunkification: comparing their performance – then discipline, fine, drop worst-performing vendor = less expensive