Judith Flashcards
Hie ða on reste gebrohton
snude ða snoteran idese; eodon ða stercedferhðe,
hæleð heora hearran cyðan þæt wæs seo halige meowle gebroht on his burgetelde.
They then quickly brought the wise lady to bed; then they went, determined men, to inform (him) that the holy woman had been brought to his pavilion.
þa wearð se brema on mode
bliðe, burga ealdor, þohte ða beorhtan idese
mid widle ond mid womme besmitan.
The famous man, leader of cities, became joyful of mind: (he) intended to defile the illustrious woman with filth and sin.
Ne wolde þæt wuldres dema
geðafian, þrymmes hyrde, ac he him þæs ðinges gestyrde,
dryhten, dugeða waldend.
Never would the judge of glory, shepherd of majesty, consent to that, but rather he, the Lord, Guardian of Hosts, prevented him from that act.
Gewat ða se deofulcunda,
galferhð gumena ðreate
bealofull his beddes neosan, þær he sceolde his blæd forleosan
ædre binnan anre nihte;
The devilish man, lustful and wicked, then went with a crowd of men to seek his bed, where he was to lose his life swiftly in one night;
hæfde ða his ende gebidenne
on eorðan unswæslicne, swylcne he ær æfter worhte,
þearlmod ðeoden gumena, þenden he on ðysse worulde
wunode under wolcna hrofe.
He had endured his unpleasant end on Earth, such as he had previously striven towards, stern hearted lord of men, while he dwelt in this world under the skies’ roof.
Gefeol ða wine swa druncen
se rica on his reste middan, swa he nyste ræda nanne
on gewitlocan.
Then the mighty man fell in the midst of his bed, so drunk with wine that he was oblivious to any of the plans in his mind.
Wiggend stopon ut of ðam inne ofstum miclum, weras winsade, þe ðone wærlogan, laðne leodhatan, læddon to bedde nehstan siðe.
The warriors stepped out of the chamber with great haste, wine sated men, whilst the liar and people-hater went to bed for the last time.
þa wæs nergendes þeowen þrymful, þearle gemyndig hu heo þone atolan eaðost mihte ealdre benæman ær se unsyfra, womfull, onwoce.
Then the saviour’s glorious handmaiden was keenly intent on how she might most easily deprive the monster of life before the sinful, unclean (man) awoke.
Genam ða wundenlocc
scyppendes mægð scearpne mece,
scurum heardne, ond of sceaðe abræd
swiðran folme;
The ringletted maiden of the Creator took the sharpened sword hardened by showers, and drew it out of its sheath with her right hand;
ongan ða swegles weard
be naman nemnan, nergend ealra
woruldbuendra, ond þæt word acwæð:
Then she began to call Heaven’s guardian by name, the Saviour of all world dwellers, and said these words:
“Ic ðe, frymða god ond frofre gæst,
bearn alwaldan, biddan wylle
miltse þinre me þearfendre,
ðrynesse ðrym.”
“Creation’s God, spirit of comfort, and son of the Almighty, I call to you to entreat you for your grace upon me in my need, Majesty of the Trinity.”
“þearle ys me nu ða
heorte onhæted ond hige geomor,
swyðe mid sorgum gedrefed. Forgif me, swegles ealdor,
sigor ond soðne geleafan, þæt ic mid þys sweorde mote
geheawan þysne morðres bryttan;”
“My heart is now sorely enflamed, and my mind is troubled, as it is much afflicted with anxieties. Give me, Lord of Heaven, victory and true faith, (so) that I with this sword may cut down this dispenser of violence.”
“geunne me minra gesynta,
þearlmod þeoden gumena.
“Grant me my safe deliverance, stern hearted prince of men.
Hi ða se hehsta dema
ædre mid elne onbryrde, swa he deð anra gehwylcne
herbuendra þe hyne him to helpe seceð
mid ræde ond mid rihte geleafan.
Then the supreme Judge swiftly inspired (her) with courage, as he does every one dwelling here who seeks him for help with wisdom and righteous belief.
þa wearð hyre rume on mode,
haligre hyht geniwod;
Then her spirit was magnified, (her) holy hope renewed;
Sloh ða wundenlocc
þone feondsceaðan fagum mece,
heteþoncolne, þæt heo healfne forcearf
þone sweoran him, þæt he on swiman læg,
druncen ond dolhwund.
Then the coiled haired one struck the fiendish enemy with the decorated sword, half cut through the neck of the savage man so that he lay in a stupor, drunk and wounded.
Næs ða dead þa gyt, ealles orsawle; sloh ða eornoste ides ellenrof oðre siðe þone hæðenan hund, þæt him þæt heafod wand forð on ða flore.
He was not then yet dead, not completely lifeless. The daring woman struck in earnest a second time at the hateful dog so that his head rolled forth on the floor.
Læg se fula leap gesne beæftan, gæst ellor hwearf under neowelne næs ond ðær genyðerad wæs, susle gesæled syððan æfre, wyrmum bewunden, witum gebunden, hearde gehæfted in hellebryne æfter hinsiðe.
The foul carcass lay behind, empty; the spirit departed elsewhere under the deep ground and was there prostrated in torment, fettered forever afterwards, coiled about by snaking bonds, bound with tortures, painfully imprisoned in hellfire after his going hence.
Nahte ic þinre næfre
miltse þon maran þearfe.
I have never been in more need of Your grace.
Gewrec nu, mihtig dryhten,
torhtmod tires brytta,
Avenge now, mighty Lord, illustrious dispenser of glory,
þæt me ys þus torne on mode,
hate on hreðre minum.”
what is so bitter in my heart, so searing in my breast.”
genam ða þone hæðenan mannan
fæste be feaxe sinum,
she then seized the hateful man firmly by his hair,
ond þone bealofullan
listum alede, laðne mannan,
swa heo ðæs unlædan eaðost mihte
wel gewealdan.
and cunningly laid out the evil and loathsome man so that she might most easily manage the wretch.
teah hyne folmum wið hyre weard
dragged him ignominiously towards her with her hands