Beowulf- Slaying of Grendel's Mother I Flashcards
æfter þæm wordum Wedergeata leod
efste mid elne, nalas ondsware
bidan wolde; brimwylm onfeng
After the words, the storm-Geat’s leader hurried with courage, would not wait for an answer; surging water received the battle warrior.
ða wæs hwil dæges
ær he þone grundwong ongytan mehte.
That was the period of the day that he could make out the bottom of the sea.
Sona þæt onfunde se ðe floda begong
heorogifre beheold hund missera,
At once, he who guarded the water regions for half of a hundred years
Grap þa togeanes, guðrinc gefeng
atolan clommum.
She then grabbed towards him, seized the battle warrior with her terrible clutches.
No þy ær in gescod
halan lice; hring utan ymbbearh,
None the sooner did she hurt the healthy body from within, ring-armour on the outside protected him
Bær þa seo brimwylf, þa heo to botme com,
hringa þengel to hofe sinum,
swa he ne mihte, no he þæs modig wæs,
wæpna gewealdan,
Then that water-wolf came to the bottom, carrying the ring prince to her dwelling, in such a way that he, not matter how brave he was, might not use his weapon,
ac hine wundra þæs fela
swencte on sunde,
but so many of the weird creatures harrassed him when swimming,
ða se eorl ongeat
þæt he in niðsele nathwylcum wæs,
þær him nænig wæter wihte ne sceþede,
ne him for hrofsele hrinan ne mehte
færgripe flodes;
that man perceived he was in some kind of strife-hall, that no water at all might injure him, water’s sudden grip could not touch because of the roofed hall
fyrleoht geseah,
blacne leoman, beorhte scinan.
he saw a fire light, it’s glittering radiance brightly shining
Ongeat þa se goda grundwyrgenne,
merewif mihtig; mægenræs forgeaf
that the brave man percieved the cursed one of the deep, mighty sea woman, he gave a mighty assault with the battle sword
ða se gist onfand
þæt se beadoleoma bitan nolde,
aldre sceþðan, ac seo ecg geswac
ðeodne æt þearfe;
then the visitor found out that the battle light would not damage her life, but the edge failed the prince’s need
ðolode ær fela
hondgemota, helm oft gescær,
fæges fyrdhrægl;
it had endured many hand encounters, helm had often cut through a doomed one’s battle garment
ða wæs forma sið
deorum madme, þæt his dom alæg.
that was the first occasion for the previous treasure that his renoun failed.
Eft wæs anræd, nalas elnes læt,
mærða gemyndig mæg Hylaces.
Again he was resolute, not slack of zeal, mindful of glorious deeds, and Hylac is kinsmen.
Wearp ða wundenmæl wrættum gebunden
yrre oretta,
The angry warrior threw the sword twisted with patterns, ornaments adorned,
Swa sceal man don,
þonne he æt guðe gegan þenceð
longsumne lof, na ymb his lif cearað.
Likewise this is what a man should do if he intends to gain longlasting fame, not care about his life.
hond sweng ne ofteah,
þæt hire on hafelan hringmæl agol
grædig guðleoð.
hand stroke not held back, so that on her head the ring-sword sang out, a greedy battle song.
þæt hit on eorðan læg,
stið ond stylecg; strenge getruwode,
mundgripe mægenes.
so that it lay of the earth, sturdy and steel-edged; in his own strength he trusted the might of his own hand grip
sædeor monig
hildetuxum heresyrcan bræc,
ehton aglæcan.
many sea beasts with battle tusks tore at his battle coat; they persued the formidable one.
grim ond grædig, þæt þær gumena sum
ælwihta eard ufan cunnode.
greedy and ravenous, discovered that a man was from above probing the alien creatures’ waters.
þæt heo þone fyrdhom ðurhfon ne mihte,
locene leoðosyrcan laþan fingrum.
so that she might not pierce with war-garment, locked limb-corselet with her loathsome fingers.