Judaism beliefs and Teachings 1-4 Flashcards
Shekinah definition
The divine presence or dwelling of God often shown as a cloud.
Synagogue definition
A building or place of worship or meeting in the Jewish faith
Shabbat definition
The Jewish day of rest and the seventh day of the week
Kosher definition
Meaning ‘fit’ or ‘right’ and describes what food is okay for Jews to eat
The promised deliverer of the Jewish nation. The word means ‘anointed one’
Meaning promise or agreement. Covenants were made between God and Abraham and Moses
Actions that Jews must perform or avoid. There are 613 Mitzvot including the 10 commandments.
The Jewish written law and the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible
Describe all of God’s “omni” characteristics
Omnipotent (all powerful)
Omniscient (all knowing)
Omnibenevolent (all loving)
Omnipresent (everywhere)
Points you would say in a God as One question
-Core belief that God is one
-Shema is the most important prayer and affirms their belief in God
-The first and second commandments make it clear Jews should only believe in God
“You shall have no Gods before me”
“Hear O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one” Exodus
Points you would say in a God as Creator question
-Important to celebrate God as creator
-Remember God as Creator weekly in the Shabbat where they rest that day like how God rested on the 7th day when creating the world
-Celebrate festival Rosh Hashanna (New Year) where they celebrate God as Creator
-Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and earth”
-Orthodox Jews believe the world is too complex to have happened by chance based off Genesis
Points you would say in God as Lawgiver question
-God gave 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai as part of the Covenant Jews have to abide by these Laws.
-God gives the 613 Mitzvot throughout the Torah
-Jews are expected to follow 10 Commandments e.g. Jews keep the Shabbat day holy shows they follow Gods laws
Points you would say in God as Judge question
-God judges peoples actions justly and fairly
-God judges Adam and Eve in Genesis for eating the forbidden fruit
-In the festival of Rosh Hashanna it is believed God will judge people for their actions in the previous year
-Talmud describes how God will bring out scales to judge each person
-In Yom Kippur Jews repent for the sins they have committed
Describe Jewish beliefs about the Shekinah
-Means “The dwelling” Divine presence of God
-God continues to work and be present in the world
-God appearing to Moses as a burning bush and as a cloud to Moses as well.
-Helps Jews to understand God
Describe Jewish beliefs about the Messiah
-Anointed or chosen one
-Refers to anointment of King, God anoints the Messiah
-Isaiah says the Messiah will be a great political leader, descended from King David
-Superb understanding of Jewish law and follow all mitzvot
Orthodox beliefs about the Messiah
-Every descendant of King David has the potential to be a Messiah
-Rule over humanity with kindness and justice
-Follow and teach the Torah
-Rebuild temple destroyed in 70AD
Reform beliefs about Messiah
-No actual Messiah who is a descendant of King David
-Jewish people have the power to bring peace on earth through actions
-Act in the way the Messiah would act to bring about the Messianic age
-Keep Gods commandment to bring about this age
Covenant with Abraham in general
-Covenant meaning promise or agreement
-Abraham, Issac and Jacob are the Patriarchs and spiritual and physical ancestors of the Jewish nation
3 parts of the covenant with Abraham
Promised land
Promised land part of the covenant
-Abraham goes from Ur to the promised land in Canaan (Israel)
-God promised Abraham to live in the land he gave him
-Israel named after Jacob
-Jews have lived there for 3,200 years
Descendants part of the covenant
-Abram changed to Abraham meaning father of all nations
-God promised to create a great nation out of him
-Issac and many other descendants came from Abraham despite Sarah being too old
Circumcision part of the covenant
Abraham’s part of the covenant
Removal of foreskin after the 8th day after birth
Shows relationship with God
Covenant with Moses
Moses was chosen by God to lead his people out of the enslavement in Egypt
Mount Sinai
Moses brings Jews to the promised land
What was Moses raised as
A part of the Egyptian royal family
What did God first do to Moses
Appeared to him as a burning bush and tell him to get the Israelites out of egypt
Pasach commemorates?
How the Jews had no time to let their bread rise before escaping egypt and God parts the red sea and brings it down on the egyptian army
How long were the Jews in the desert before reaching the promised land
40 years
Moses is known as the first
Moses is the greatest
Moses is the only person who has
Seen God face to face
What did Moses recieve on mount sinai
613 Mitzvot and Torah
Why do Jews follow the mitzvot (Moses)
It is part of the covenant with Moses