Foundational Catholic theology: Origins and Meanings Flashcards
Ex Nihlio
The belief that God created the universe “From nothing”
The belief that God is all-powerful
The belief that God exists above and beyond space and time
The gradual change and development of a species over time. Associated with Charles Darwin
Imago Dei
The belief that all humans are made in the image of God
The belief that humans should protect and preserve the environment so it can be passed on to the next generation
The way God makes himself known to the world e.g the Bible
The belief that the writers of the Bible were guided by the Holy Spirit to write what is good and true
Catholic beliefs about Origins of the universe
God is omnipotent and transcendent
St. Augustine- ex nihilo
The creation story is a myth said by St.Augustine
The creation story is a metaphor for God’s power and love for us
John Paul II says “Science and religion purify each other”
Evolution is accepted
Fundamentalist Christian beliefs about origin of universe
Belief in Creationism
Ex nihlio
The creation story described is exactly how it happened
Bible is the direct word of God and God cannot be wrong
Universe created in 6 days
Jewish beliefs about origin of the universe
God is the creator and source of life
Orthodox Jews say the Torah was given to Moses and is right because it is the written word of God
Celebrated on Shabbat and Rosh hashanna
Reform would give a more modern interpretation
Non-religious views about the origin of the universe
Big bang- matter concentrated at a small point causes massive explosion 13.7 billion years ago, Stephen Hawkings
Evolution- Natural selection causes organisms to develop and evolve over time into new species, Charles Darwin
Catholic beliefs on: Sanctity of Life, Abortion , Imago Dei
Imago Dei each person is unique becauase they were created in Gods image- st catherine of sienna
Sanctity of life, God created human life so therefore only he has the authority to take it away, lofe should be protected
Catholic church is against abortion is all circumstances
Mortal sin
Life begins at conception- “before i formed you in the womb i knew you”
If the baby life ends as a non deliberate result that is okay
Protestant beliefs on: Sanctity of Life, Abortion, Imago Dei
All life is sacred and belongs to God
Every is created imago dei
Abortion is not good but is often the lesser of 2 evils
For example if it impacts the womans mental or physical health or if it is a case of rape
If the child will be severly disabled
Jewish beliefs on: Sanctity of Life, Abortion, Imago Dei
God is the creator and source of all life
Torah says this
Jeremiah and Psalms says all life is sacred and belongs to God
“Do not kill” in the 10 commandments
Exodus says unborn childs life is equal to mother’s life
Pikaush nefesh allows abortion if the womans life is in danger
Humanist belief on sanctity of life, abortion, imago dei
Peter Singer denies sanctity of life
Human life has value but is not sacred and does not belong to God
Happiness is the most important thing
Needs of the many outweigh needs of the few
Pro-choice stance on abortion and peter singer says quality of life over sanctity of life
Catholic beliefs on stewardship and environment
Humans are given reason and free will
humans are the stewards of the world and should look after the environment
Look after the world so it can be passed onto the next generation
“Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds of the sky”
Laudato Si “care for our common home”
Loving our neighbour is one of 10 commandments so we should care about global warming
Jewish beliefs about stewardship and the environment
God is lawgiver and judge, because God created the world in the Torah we should not destroy it. God will judge them on how they follow the mitzvot and the mitzvot are followed to keep their relationship with God and maintain the covenant
Humanist belief about stewardship and the environment
Believe in Big Bang and evolution.
Peter Singer says to protect and preserve the environment and protect both human and animal life. Control population through contraception
Catholic beliefs about Genesis 1 and 2 not just Genesis
Symbol for God’s power and love for us.
Genesis 1 shows God is omnipotent transcendent and eternal
Genesis 2 shows God’s omnibenevolence
Both Genesis account higlight sanctity of life, imago dei and stewardship
John Paul II says “science and religion purify each other”
Fundamentalist Christian Beliefs about Genesis 1 and 2
Genesis is taken literally
6 calendar days, Bible is direct word of God
Genesis 1 and 2 also reveal important beliefs about God and humans
Catholic beliefs about the Bible
Bible is a form of revelation- how God makes himself known
Bible is the inspired word of God by the Holy Spirit
Not everything is historically or literally accurate
Metaphors like genesis are often used
Must be read in context
Pope John Paul II believes in compatibility of science and religion
Fundamentalist beliefs about the Bible
Bible is the literal word of God
Holy Spirit DICTATED the Bible because it comes from God
Understandable things written are just a lack of human knowledge
Big Bang and evolution rejected
6 Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam beliefs
God is muscular which shows his omnipotence
God has grey hair showing his omniscience
God’s hand stretching out shows him giving Adam the spark of life and shows God’s omnipotence and his dynamic role in the world
Adam is lying back on the green earth showing how he was given the authority of stewardship
Adam mirrors God’s pose showing how he was made in God’s image
God is on a cloud surrounded by angels shows his transcendance
4 Tree of life mosaic beliefs
Twelve lambs represent the 12 disciples who passed on the Christian message and most were martyred
The tree and vines represent the Christian message and salvation spreading throughout the world
Alpha and omega, Greek letters represent the divinty of Jesus seen in “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last”
Chi-Rho is the Greek symbol for Christ which Constantine saw
Catholic Social teaching
Human dignity
Sanctity of life and imago dei
Peace and reconcilliation
Condemms arm trade
Caring for common good through catholic charities
Interfaith dialogue
Put across the gospel message
Christianity is the whole truth
Respect for all religions because of imago dei
Vatican council II says dialogue between jews and muslims
Focuses on long term development of other countries
Disaster fund, emergency aid
5% of budget is spent on education
Social justice and equality
Help those in need in the UK
Visit the sick or the old in hospitals
Housebound elderly
Organising children’s camps.
Fundraising using mini-vinnies