Applied Catholic Theology: Sin and Forgiveness Flashcards
The consequences or penalty for someone who has committed a crime
An act against God
The act of pardoning someone for offensives they cause you. Overlooking a persons faults
The beliefs that Jesus’s death and resurrection humanity has achieved through the possibility of eternal life
The belief that there are certain actions that are always right or always wrong.
The belief that certain actions are right and wrong depending on the circumstances or situation
Spreading the “Good News” which can be translated as “Gospel.” Sharing the life of Jesus with others
Meaning thanksgiving. The sarcaments in Roman Catholics remember the last supper
What are differences between sins and laws
Laws can be made unlawful, when God defined sins it was not unlawful
Both change and adapt to their time period
Some things are laws but not sins and vice versa
Alot of the time sins are stricter than laws like adultery and pride
What is the difference between absolute and relative morality reference Catholicism
Absolute morality would say that in all situations a certain moral law/ obligation applies. Alot of the magisteriums teachings include cases of absolute morality for example in the case of abortion.
Relative morality is the accommodation of the situation when taking into account the morals of a situation
An example of this would be when Peter Singer allows for euthanasia in circumstances of quality of life
What are the 3 types of punishment and explain
Retribution- Making a criminal pay for their crime through punishments like the death penalty
Deterrence- A punishment that is so severe that it puts people off for doing that crime, large fines
Rehabilitation- Helping criminals reform so they won’t commit that crime again, education
What WAS the Catholics teaching on the death penalty
For 2000 years the church has allowed the death penalty but not encouraged it
Evangelium Vitae said it should be avoided
Augustine said someone cannot be rehabilitated
What is the Catholic teaching on the death penalty
In 2018, Pope Francis said that Capital punishment should be banned everywhere
Pope Francis says it is an attack on dignity
Arguments in favor for capital punishment
Old Testament could promote it “an eye for an eye” retribution
Capital punishment is a detterant and protects society
Fair punishment
What does Jesus teach on forgiveness in Gospel of Matthew (actual quotes)
“I tell you not seven times but seventy-seven times”
Our Father “Forgive us our trespasses”
Parable of the unmerciful servant
“Blessed are the merciful”
Arguments against capital punishment
“Do not kill”
Sanctity of Life
Imago Dei
St. Augustine says we can’t reform a dead person
Does not reduce crime
“Say yes to life and no to death” Francis
Other teachings on forgiveness from Jesus apart from Matthew Gospel
“Go and sin no more”
Prodigal Son
“Father forgive them” on the cross
Should Catholics always forgive?
People will be judged by God at the end of time anyway
Punishment helps the person know what they did wrong
Why is Jesus important for salvation
God became incarnate so he could rid the world of sin
Jesus gave good teachings of how we should live
Jesus death on the cross was a sacrafice
Jesus is the “lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” and his death has cleansed us of all sin and have eternal life with God
Jesus resurrected from the dead showing that us as humans can also defeat death
40 days after his resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven which shows God’s omnipotence
God and human relationship is mended
Why would a loving God send anyone to hell for and against
Humans have free will and by our own actions of rejecting God we send ourselves to hell
Why would a loving God allow evil to be unpunished
Evil does not deserve to be in heaven
Through our earthly lives we have chosen to be distant from God
If God is omnibenevolent he would not send us to hell
God is all forgiving
“Not seven times but seventy times seven”
People cannot reform in hell
What are the 4 marks of the Catholic and where did they come from
Council of Nicene
1. One, The Church is the one true Church employed by Jesus
2. Holy, Through the sinless Jesus the Church is also Holy
3. Catholic, the Church is universal and anyone can join
4. Apostolic, due to apostolic succession this Church is the same that was established by the apostles
How is Mary a model of the Church
Without Mary Jesus could not be born and we would not be saved
Mary is a perfect disciple of Jesus like we should be
Mary accepts God’s commands to her
Mary can intercede for Catholics when they pray to God
Mary is always there for Jesus
How is the Church the Body of Christ
All Church members are united with Christ
Physical form of Jesus on earth today
St. Paul says this
The miracles of Jesus are carried on by us today
We become part of this body of Christ through baptism
Name and explain 4 external features of a Church
The Church faces east as a reminder of where the Holy Land is and also that we will be resurrected that way
Churches are cross shape to show Jesus’ triumph over death
Churches are tall with domed ceilings showing a connection to God in heaven
Stained Glass windows show important events of history and allow us to focus on certain people
Name and explain 4 internal feature of a Church
The altar is where the priest blesses the bread and wine in commemoration of the last supper and turns into the body and blood of Jesus
The lectern is where the Priest or reader reads from, this is where the Word of God is read from
The baptismal font is a stone bowl filled with water, we become Christian here and we have original sin removed
The tabernacle is a box where the Holy Host of Jesus is placed, we can do eucharisitc adoration here
What are the sacraments of initiation
Baptism- washes original sin, Confirmation- gifts of Holy spirit, Eucharist- recieve the literal body and blood
What are the sacraments of healing
Reconciliation, anointing of the sick do what Jesus did
Importance of the Eucharist
“Do this in memory of me” last supper
Jesus sacrifice
Re enacts Jesus sacrifice
Jesus is the body of the Church
What are the sacraments of service
Marriage and Holy Orders, Marriage binds 2 people to 1, allows the welcoming into priesthood
How does the Church evangelise
Locally- Local Churches
Nationally- Bishops and leaders
Globally- The Church and the Pope
What is Evangelium Gaudiium
Letter wrote by Francis meaning the joy of the Gospel and focuses on evangelising and helping the poor
Why is evangelising in Britain harder
More diversity in faiths
Other faiths should be respected
New faiths like Islam that directly oppose Christians
Is salvation only available to Catholics
Some fundamentalists have an exclusivity approach to Catholics due to heresies.
Usual Catholics would say you have to be Christian to go to heaven “No-one goes to the Father except through me”
People who have not heard of Christianity will go to heaven