Foundational Catholic theology: Good and Evil Flashcards
The quality of being like God. Putting the needs of others before your own
The absence of good that results in suffering
The pain and loss that harms human beings
The absence of something, Catholics believe evil is the privation of good
Free Will
The God given ability to choose right from wrong freely without being controlled
Means to ‘be made flesh’. The believe that God became human in the form of Jesus Christ
Natural Law
A belief that there is universal right and wrongs that apply to all humans at all times
God given feeling of right and wrong
Who says the inconsistency Traid
John Mackie
What does the inconsistency triad say
God cannot be both omnipotent and omnibenevolent if evil exists
John Mackie says if God is omnipotent then he should have the power to stop evil
John Mackie says if God is omnibenevolent then he should love us enough to stop evil
John Mackie says if evil exists then one of these must be false
What does St. Augustine say about evil
“Evil is necessary as an opposite for good”
“Evil helps us become better people”
How does John Mackie try to disprove what augustine says about evil
“There is far more evil than is nessisary”
What does John Hick say about evil
Free will explains why evil exists
How does John Mackie try to disprove what John Hick says about evil
He says “Why can’t God create free humans that always choose good”
What examples does William Rowe use to disprove God
Fawn in a forest fire
Abuse of a 5 year old child
Who says intense “human and animal suffering disproves God”
William Rowe
What is the Catholic response to the problem of evil and suffering
Free will is a gift from God and abuse of this gift from God cannot be blamed on God
All humans are tainted by ‘original sin’ which is inherited from Adam
Augustine says
1. Evil is necessary as an opposite to good
2. Evil is simply a privation
3. God brings the greater good out of evil and suffering
What would be a liberal (protestant) Christian response to evil and suffering
John Hick uses St. Ireanus
God is aware of evil occurring in the world however allows it to happen to build us spiritually and mentally. This is Soul Making
Jewish response to problem of evil and suffering
Believe they are born with free will and are born with an inclination to do either right or wrong
God is the ultimate judge and judges all evil and uses the Torah to teach how to not commit evil
Rosh Hashannah and Yom KIppur show a remorse for evil
What do Catholics believe is the meaning behind suffering
Bring about greater good- suffering of Jesus
Suffering allows those to be helped and gives people vocations
Suffering is a mystery, Book of Job describes complexity of suffering
Salfici Doloris by Pope John Paul II
“The beauty of suffering” Pope John Paul II describes how if we all share out our suffering good can come from it
Catholic beliefs about the Trinity
Trinity is a mystery
Shown in Jesus baptism
Glory Be
Nicene Creed
3 persons 1 being
St. Augustine says To Love to be loved to love itself
Jewish beliefs about Trinity
Breaks covenant with Abraham
Breaks first commandment
Hear O israel
God is one in person and essence
“Spirit of the Lord” is just God
Catholic beliefs about incarnation
Meaning ‘in the flesh’
Describes how God became human through virgin Mary
Nicene creed
Jesus has 2 natures of fully God and fully human
Gospel of John
Kenosis from St. Paul meaning God emptied himself of power to be Jesus
Jewish beliefs about incarnation
Shema as well as first commandment
There will be one resurrection at the end of time with everyone
How can a Man be God?
Covenant with Abraham
What were the Teachings of Jesus
“No one goes to the father except through me”
Sermon on the mount which includes the beatitudes
Changes in Old Testament law aswell as introduction of harsher laws “whoever looks at a woman with lust in their eyes”
What does Jesus do to show he is of Moral Authority
Heal sick Matthew
Parables of Rich men
Change testament law
New laws
Jewish sources of moral authority
Torah is the moral authority- mitzvot
Because it is the literal word of God
The talmud is the commentary of the Torah written by various Rabbi
Tanakh is still authoritative
What is natural law use for Catholics
Who said it and acronyms
Helps Catholics to have a sense of right and wrong and laws are tried to be passed for natural law
Thomas Aquinas
Worship God
Ordered society
Defend innocence
What is conscience for Catholics
God given feeling of right and wrong
Imago Dei so therefore have God’s goodness
Conscience should be shaped by the Bible and Church
Always follow conscience
What are ‘virtues’
Moral habits that are put into practice
Means perfection in Latin
Courage, patience, bravery
Conscience into practise
Catholic opinions on statues
Not idols, icons
Preserve the memory and the faith
Catholics do not pray to the statue
Catholics ask the Saints in heaven to pray for them
Veneration not idolatry
Catholics are inspired by the Saints and their good works
In exodus on the ark statues are allowed
Protestant opinions on statues
Believe any images of figures are idolatry
Do not make images of anything due to second commandment
Believe that Catholics put Saints and Mary onto a status similar to God
Need to focus on God
Jewish opinions on statues
Orthodox would reject due to the second commandment
Believe it would be idolatry
Only the Ark and Ner Tamid can have sacred images
Definetely do not even venerate people
4 Beliefs about Michelangelo pieta
Mary doesn’t touch the body of Jesus because the body is holy
Shadow created by garment represents a wound
Mary has a blank expression showing her resilience
Mary’s hand is open as she accepts the pain
Mary holds Jesus like a baby
Why do Catholics go on pilgrimage
Closer to God
Strengthen Faith
Prayer for something special
Lourdes has physical healing miracles
Why do Catholics go to Lourdes
1858 a young girl called Bernadette Souberux was visited by Holy Mary
Volunteer to help disabled or elderly
Stations of the Cross
The Holy water can be bathed in where Mary opened the spring
Describe the rosary beads and their origin
Mary gave them to St. Dominic
1 Apostles Creed
1 Our Father
3 Hail Mary
1 Glory Be
1 Our Father
What are the 5 sorrowful mysteries
- Agony in garden
- Scouring at Pillar
- Crowing of Thorns
- Jesus Carries cross
- Crucifixion