Applied Catholic Theology: Life and Death Flashcards
The raising of the body to life following death. Catholics believe Jesus rose from the dead
Eternal existence in God’s prescence
The teaching authority of the Catholic Church that comes from the Pope and Bishops
Eternal Life
Spiritual existence in heaven after the death of the body
The spiritual part of a human that can never die. The part created by God that lives on after the death of the body
Lack of God for all eternity
Judging someone based on their actions. God will judge people on how they have lived their lives
The end of physical life, Catholics see death as a change and not as an ending
Humanist beliefs about euthanasia
Least pain as possible
People have the right to die
Peter Singer says quality of life over sanctity
Says people are still dying with dignity
Catholics beliefs about euthanasia, and palliative care
Sanctity of life
Emphasis on human dignity
10 commandments, do not kill
Palliative care should be researched and explained
Reduce pain as much as possible
Arguments for Euthanasia (Catholic)
Treat others as you would like to be treat
As Jesus says
“Love thy neighbor”
Euthanasia is the most loving action
Incurable illnesses
Arguments against Euthanasia (Catholic)
Sanctity of Life- St. Catherine of Sienna
Salfici doloris by Pope John Paul II shows there is purpose to suffering
Palliative Care
Slippery slope argument
Catholic beliefs about the resurrection of the body
Apostles creed “Resurrection of the body”
St Paul writes in his letters about the resurrection of the body of Jesus and us in the future at the end times
Christian beliefs about immortality of the soul
Soul is spiritual part of human that can never die
The soul is the eternal God created essence of a person
Some Christians and Jews only believe in immortalityb of the soul and not bodily ressurection
Atheist beliefs about life after death
Materialists, meaning anything beyond the material world is not real
Richard Dawkins believes in simply the material body of humanity and no spiritual existence of souls
Lack of evidence for life after death despite Jesus
Catholic belief about death
Death is more of a change rather than an ending
Our physical bodies might die but the soul is immortal and we will receive pure bodies in heaven according to St. Paul
Other religious beliefs about life after death
Sikhs and Hindus believe after death your essence of life passes into another body after death
Karmic retribution
Cycle of rebirth
Catholic beliefs about judgement
God passes particular judgement on a persons soul right after death.
Sheep and Goats promotes the belief in venial and mortal (damning sins)
“No one goes to The Father except through me”
Parable of Lazarus and the Rich man tells us what gets us into heaven
Catholic beliefs about heaven and hell
Eternal happiness and in the eternal presence of God
Hell is eternal suffering and lack of God
Faith which contains works achieves salvation
Mortal and Venial sins
Catholic beliefs about purgatory
Purges us of venial sins so we can be pure before we enter heaven
Corinthians “peoples works will be tested”
Catholics pray for the dead
What is the Magisterium
Teaching authority is put forward by the Pope and Bishops. Put forward Catholic social teachings, the Holy Spirit guides its Catholic Church for her and the Pope to be infallible
“Assumption of Mary”
Ordinary Magisterium and example
The everyday teachings of the Church, what is put forward by popes and bishops
Laudato Si
Extraordinary Magisterium and example
Concillar, large council of Bishops from all countries that meet and discuss important topics, Council of Nicene
Pontificular are the papally infallable statements made from ex cathedra through the Holy Spirit
Example immaculate conception
What was the second Vatican council II
Took place in 1962 it was ecumenical and said how the Church should operate in the modern world
What were the 4 major documents in the second Vatican Council
Gaudium et Spies- Church in modern world
Catholic Social Teaching
Sacrosanctum Concillium- Changes to the Holy Mass, Priest now faces congregation
Dei Verbum- Importance of the Bible it encouraged Catholics to use Bible in prayers
Lumen Gentium- Catholics take a more active role in Church
4 beliefs taken from early Christian Sarcophagi
Jesus is given the crown of thorns, the crown is actually filled with Jewels- Jesus is an actual King
In the center there is a cross with the Chi-Rho which is what was shown to Constantine and show Jesus divinity
A wreath with eagles are symbols of victory that Jesus triumphed over death
Empty cross shows Jesus rose from the dead
4 beliefs taken from the Paschal Candle
Flame represents Jesus is the light of the world Jesus sacrifice
Alpha and Omega taken from revelation showing Jesus eternal and divinity
The cross on the candle shows Jesus resurrection and how he overcome death
The candle is marked with the year after Jesus birth showing how Jesus got us salvation
6 Christians traditions for funerals and explain them all >:)
Coffin Pall- Symbolic of baptism and eternal life in God
Crucifix/ gospels- Jesus victory over death
Holy water/ incense- Reminder of the dead persons baptism and new life in Jesus
Paschal candle- Jesus won a victory over death
Readings and prayers- The reading focus on readings of eternal life
Music- Faure’s requiem is played, music helps us morn and feel happy they are in a better place
Why is Catholic music necessary
Hymns have specific themes which help us focus on different seasons of the year. Focus on God and his goodness
Faure’s requiem
Moves away from sadness
Wants to show eternal life
Hope the dead will be in heaven
Joy that their life brought
What are the 2 types of prayer
Formulaic and exempore
What are formulaic prayers
Prayers that have been passed down through Church tradition for example Hail Mary, Our Father
What are extempore prayers
Spontaneous prayers said when wanting to directly dialogue with God
Why are prayers important for Catholics (4 types of extempore prayers)
Adoration- Praising God
Confession- Asking for forgiveness of grave sins
Thanksgiving- Thanking God
Supplications/intercession- Asking for something sometimes through saints
Why do Catholics pray for the dead
Catholics most commonly use the ‘Eternal Rest’ prayer to pray for the dead as this is believed to deliver them out of purgatory faster and cleanse them faster
People are cleansed