The framers of the constitution established the principle of civilian control over the armed forces of the United States.
What part of the consitution states congress alone would have the power to raise and support armies, declare war, make rules concerning captures on land and water adn to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia.
Article I Section I
Who created the US Joints chiefs of Staff?
Pres. Roosevelt
Prime minister churchill
Initially how many people did the JCS consist of?
Army chief of staff
Commanding general of the army/airforces
Commander and chief of the US fleet and naval operations
What did congress pass to formally establish the organizations that were created during world war II, to facilitate better control over the military?
National security act of 1947
Who advises the President on the integration of domestic, foreign and military policies.
National Security Council (NSC)
National Security Act of 1947
War Department and the Department of the Navy were combined by?
National Military Establishment
What act created;
The National security council
The National Military Establishment
The Service Secretaries and all their responsibilities
The Unified and Specified Combatqnt commands
Legitiimzed the Joint Chief of staff as a permanent organization
The National Security Act of 1947
Amendments to the National Security Act in 1949 significantly strengthened the authorities of who?
Secretary of National Defense
When did congress make changes to the defense establishment through an amendment to the national security act of 1947 and what is it commonly referred to?
Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986
After problems durring a attempted rescue of American Hostages in Iran (Operation Desert one) and the Invasion of Grenada (Operation Urgent Fury) what amendment came about?
Goldwater Nichols Act of 1986
- Designate the Chairman as the principal military advisor.
- Transfer corporate duties of the JCS to the Chairman
- Specify the chain of command from the President to the Sec. of Def. to the Combatant commanders .
Are the 3 things that this act did?
Goldwater Nichols Act
After Gold water and Nichols, the invasion of Panama (capture of General Noriega) Operation Just Cause, Operation desert storm and Operation desert shield were the first what?
Major Operations after the inactment of Goldwater Nichols.
What did the Homeland Security Act of 2002 create?
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Prevent Terrorist attacks within the US, reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism and minimize the damage from terrorism and national disasters are responsibilities of who?
Homeland Security Act of 2002.
The Coast Guard, Customs Service, Transportation Security, Secret Service, Federal Emergency Management and portions of other agencies all fall under what Department?
Department of Homeland Security.
The Coast Guard operates under whose authority?
Department of the Navy.
Who heads the National Security Council?
The President
Who assist the President through the national security council?
Executive Branch Departments
During developing crisis situations who determines who will have the lead and where do they get their advise from?
The President determines with advise from the NSC.
When was SOCOM established?
What are the 3 roles of the services?
Organize, train and equip forces
Role of the Army is sustained combat operations on?
Role of the Navy is sustained combat operations at?
Service with the fleet in the seizure of defense of advanced naval bases and the conduct of such land operations as may be essential to the prosecution of the naval campaign is whose responsibility?
Role of the Airforce is sustained offensive and defensive combat operations in the?
Air and Space
Specific responsibilities assigned by the President adn Secretary of Defense to enable the services to fulfill their legally establishe roles are called?
Each service has a function related to its what?
Primary Role
These are assigned by the President or by the Secretary of Defense and the President to the commanders of Combatant Commands.
Broad responsibilities of the combatant commander are spelled out in the what?
Unified Command Plan
Rapidly deployable, versatile, capabilities based force contributing light, heavy, and special Operations forces defines what branch of service.
The Army
The US Navys primary purpose is to provide a what?
Forward Presence
Who provides strategic deterrence through its portion of the Nuclear Triad?
Uses informational superiority to conduct combat search and rescue; intellience, surveillance, and reconnaissance; and combat actions with a minimum collateral damage.
Air force