Jeppesen Oral- Chapter 14 (Maintenance Publications, Forms, And Records) Flashcards
What federal aviation regulation prescribes the requirements for issuance of a type certificate?
FAR 14 CFR Part 21
What part of the FARs describes the airworthiness standards for Transport Category Aircraft?
Part 25
What part of the FARs describes the performance characteristics that a small aircraft must demonstrate in order to be airworthy?
Part 23
Who is responsible for ensuring that only the most current information is used when performing maintenance on aircraft?
The person performing the maintenance
Why are Airworthiness Directives issued?
To correct unsafe conditions found in aircraft, engines, propellers or appliances
How does the FAA notify aircraft owners of unsafe conditions that must be corrected?
By issuing ADs
How do you determine the time frame within which AD compliance is required?
The AD contains the compliance deadlines
If a mechanic wishes to develop a checklist for an annual or 100-hour inspection, what publication contains the guidelines for the required inspection items?
Part 43, Appendix D
How can you determine of the repair of damage is a major or a minor repair?
Part 43 Appendix A defines what is minor or major
What publication might you consult for guidance when maintaining an old aircraft for which no maintenance manual exists?
AC-43-13 1B
What are Advisory circulars?
Non regulatory information of interest to the aviation public
What publication would you consult to determine an aircraft’s, (or engine or propeller’s), type design and its limitations?
TCDS or Aircraft Specs sheet
In what FAA publication could you find a list of engines approved for use in a specific make and model of airplane?
TCDS or Aircraft spec sheet
What reference material can be used to determine if an aircraft is certified in more than one category?
TCDS or Aircraft spec sheet
What is the name of the manual that the manufacture provides the technicians who normally perform work on systems and components of an aircraft?
Aircraft Maintenance manual
Under what circumstances is compliance with a manufactures service bulletin mandatory?
When it references an AD (O
What kinds of publications are used by aircraft manufactures to notify owners of design defects and product improvements?
Service bulletins, serivce letters and service instructions
If you need to determine the serviceable dimensional limits for an engine part, what publication would you consult?
The current engine manufacturer overhaul manual
How often is the summary of AD’s published?
Every 2 years
As a certified mechanic, will you automatically receive all AD’s?
No. AD’s are automatically sent only to aircraft owners
How are AD updates issued to subscribers to the Summary of Airworthiness Directives?
Through bi-weekly supplements
Where do you find the minimum scope and detail requirements that a 100-hour inspection checklist must contain?
FAR part 43 Appendix D
Records of a major alternation must be made in what two places?
Aircraft maintenance records and a FAA 337 form
When completion of FAA Form 337 is required, how many copies are normally prepared and what is their distribution?
Two singed copies. One given to aircraft owners and one sent to local FISDO within 48 hours of approval or return to service
When an aircraft is sold, what do the regulations require regarding the disposition of records that contain the current status of Airworthiness Directives?
The seller must transfer the records to the buy at the time of sale
For what period of time must an aircraft owner maintain records of a 100-hour inspection?
Until work is superseded or for one year after the inspection
In what publication may a mechanic find an example of a maintenance record entry for a 100-hour inspection?
Part 43.11
Where should a 100-hour inspection be recorded?
Maintenance record of the aircraft, power plant or propeller or appliance
What items must be entered into the aircraft records after maintenance is performed?
- Description of the work performed
- Date work was completed
- Signature, certificate number
What person makes the final maintenance record entry after a 100-hour inspection is completed?
The person approving the aircraft for return back to service
What documents must be prepared when a required inspection is performed and defects are found which render the aircraft or engine un-airworthy?
Required maintenance entries must be made and list of discrepancies and un-airowrthy items must be given to the owner
What maintenance record entries are required to contain the aircraft total time in service?
Only records of inspections require total time
What regulations authorize a certified mechanic who holds an inspection authorization to approve or disapprove a major repair or alteration?
FAR 65.95
Who has the authority to rebuild an aircraft engine and return the operating time to zero?
Only the engine manufacturer or an overhaul facility approved by them
Are there any circumstances when more than two copies of Form 337 are required, and if so, when?
Yes. There copies are required when a fuel tank is stalled in the passenger or baggage compartment. Third copy must be kept aboard the aircraft
How do the regulations define, “time in service”, in regard to maintenance record entries?
time in service begins when the aircraft leaves the earth’s surface until it touches it at the next point of landing
What are the penalties for making fraudulent or intentionally false entries in any required record or report?
Certificate suspension or revoking
What persons are authorized to make the required maintenance entry approving the return to service after a progressive inspection is performed at the location other than the aircraft’s home base?>
A certified mechanic. Repair station . Aircraft manufacturer
What is the difference between the terms, “overhaul”, and, rebuilding, as they pertain to aircraft engine maintenance records?
Overhauled engine must be tested to approved or acceptable conditions
Rebuilt engines must be tested to same tolerances and limits as a new engine
When performing an inspection required by FAR Part 91, what rotor craft systems must be inspected in accordance with the manufactures maintenance manual or instructions for continued airworthiness?
The drive shafts.
Main rotor transmission gearbox
Main rotor and center section
Auxiliary rotor on helicopters
How can you determine that an aircraft part or appliance you receive is serviceable?
By an approval for return to service in the maintenance record for the par or appliance with a completed 337 form
What records must be made of a 100-hour inspection before the aircraft is approved for return to service?
An entry must be made in the aircraft maintenance records that describes the type of inspection, the date of the inspection, the aircraft total time in service, and the signature and certificate number of the person approving or disapproving the aircraft for return to service.
What record must be made of the compliance of an Airworthiness Directive?
An entry must be made in the aircraft maintenance records stating that the AD has been complied with. This entry must include the AD number and the revision date, the date of compliance, the aircraft total time in service, the method of compliance, and whether or not this is a recurring AD. If it is a recurring AD, the time of next compliance must be noted.
What record must be made of a major repair to an aircraft structure?
An FAA form 337 must be completed for the repair, and a record must be made in the aircraft maintenance records referencing the form 337 by its date.
How many copies must be made of a Form 337 after a major airframe repair? What is the disposition of each of the copies?
At least two copies must be made. The original signed form goes to the aircraft owner, and a copy goes to the FAA district office.
Who is authorized to perform a 100-hour inspection?
A certificated mechanic who holds and Airframe and a Powerplant rating.
Who is authorized to perform an anual inspection of an aircraft?
A certificated A&P mechanic who holds an Inspection Authorization.
For how long must the record of a 100-hour inspection be kept?
For one year or until the next 100-hour inspection is completed.
Can a certificated A&P mechanic supervise an unlicensed person as the unlicensed person performs a 100-hour inspection on an aircraft?
No, a certificated mechanic must personally perform the inspection.
Where can you find a list of the basic items that must be inspected on a 100-hour inspection?
In FAR Part 43, Appendix D
Where can you find an example of the correct type of write-up to use for recording a 100-hour inspection in the aircraft maintenance records?
In FAR Part 43.11
What is done with the aircraft maintenance records that include the current status of the applicable Airworthiness Directives when the aircraft is sold?
The maintenance records must be transferred with the aircraft when it is sold.
What is meant by a progressive inspection?
An inspection that is approved by the FAA Flight Standards District Office in which an aircraft is inspected according to an approved schedule. This allows the complete inspection to be conducted over a period of time without having to keep the aircraft out of service as long as would be necessary to perform the entire inspection at one time.
Who is authorized to rebuild an aircraft engine and issue a zero time maintenance record?
Only the manufacturer of the engine or a repair station approved by the manufacturer.
What action must a mechanic take if the aircraft he is inspecting on a 100-hour inspection fails because of an unairworthy component?
The aircraft maintenance records must indicate that the aircraft has been inspected and found to be in an unairworthy condition because of certain discrepancies. A signed and dated list of these discrepancies must be given to the owner or lessees of the aircraft.
What is an FAA Advisory Circular?
A publication put out by the FAA for information rather than for regulation
What is a Federal Aviation Regulation?
The actual law regarding the conduct of aviation activities.
Where can a mechanic find specific instructions for the maintenance of a particular aircraft?
In the FAA-approved maintenance manual produced by the manufacturer of the aircraft
What is the purpose of an Airworthiness Directive?
An Airworthiness Directive is issued by the FAA to warn the owner or operator of an aircraft of a condition that has been discovered that renders the aircraft, engine or component unairworthy.
How does a mechanic record the compliance with an Airworthiness Directive?
An entry must be made in the aircraft maintenance records stating that the AD has been complied with. This entry must include the AD number and revision date, the date of compliance, the aircraft total time in service, the method of compliance, and whether or not this is a recurring AD. If it is a recurring AD, the time of next compliance must be noted.
Where can a mechanic find a list of major alterations that have been made and approved for FAA certificated aircraft?
In the Summary of Supplemental Type Certificates
In what part of the FARs can a mechanic find the airworthiness standards for normal, utility, and acrobatic category aircraft?
FAR Part 23
In what part of the FARs can a mechanic find the airworthiness standards for transport category aircraft?
FAR Part 25
In what part of the FARs can a mechanic find the airworthiness standards for normal category rotorcraft?
FAR Part 27
In what part of the FARs can a mechanic find a list of items that must be inspected in an annual or 100-hour inspection?
FAR Part 43, Appendix D
In what information provided by the FAA can a mechanic find a list of the engines that are approved for a specific FAA certificated airplane?
In the Type Certificate Data Sheets for the aircraft
In what part of the FARs can a mechanic find the specifications for the identification numbers that must be displayed on an aircraft?
FAR Part 45
What type of information is issued by the manufacturer of an aircraft or engine that allows the mechanic to properly maintain the aircraft or engine?
FAA-Approved service manuals
How does the manufacturer of an aircraft or engine keep the mechanics in the field aware of changes that affect the safety and performance of the aircraft or engines?
By the issuance of service bulletins
In what government publication can a mechanic find the category in which a particular aircraft is certificated?
In the Type Certificate Data Sheets for the aircraft
What is the difference between AC 43. 1B and 2B?
1B - Inspections & Repairs
2B- Alterations