Jeppesen Oral- Chapter 13 (Ground Handling & Servicing) Flashcards
Name at least three possible hazards that may be encountered during typical ground operations such as during the engine run-up or taxing?
- Possibility of fire
- Jet blast
- High noise level
What is the most generally used knot for tying down a small aircraft?
Describe the precautions that should be taken to protect life and property while starting and running an aircraft engine
Study starting procedures in Flight manual. Be sure propeller area is clear.
Ensure prop/jet blast does not damage any structures
If an engine induction fire occurs while starting a reciprocating engine, what procedure should be followed to extinguish the fire?
Continue cranking engine to start it, and suck the fire into the engine.
If engine starts and flame is not extinguish, cut fuel and power and attempt to extinguish with an extinguisher
What safety procedures must be observed when hand-propping a small aircraft engine?
Have qualified person in cockpit Check BRAKES Call "SWITCH OFF" before moving the prop When ready to start, call "CONTACT" and listen for reply Swing prop with flat of your hand
What procedure should be followed prior to starting a large radial engine, to detect and prevent hydraulic lock in cylinders?
Pull the propeller through by hand for four complete revolutions. Resistance to prop turning indicates possible hydraulic lock
What is the cause of hydraulic lock in large radial engines?
Oil seeps by the piston rings and accumulates in the combustion chamber of lower cylinders. When piston comes up on its compression stroke, lock occurs
What is meant by the term, “Hot-start”?
Ignition occurs with an excessively rich mixture, leads to rapid EGT rise
When towing an aircraft, should you use the tow vehicle or aircraft brakes to stop the aircraft?
Only in an emergency
Why should an aircraft technician become familiar with standard light signals?
Light signals used when aircraft coms or atc coms become inop
If a mixture of aviation gasoline and jet fuel is used in a reciprocating aircraft engine, what are the possible results?
Engine may be damaged or destroyed
What does the number 100 signify in 100LL aviation gasoline?
It refers to the lean mixture performance number (octane rating) of the fuel
Is it permissible to use avgas in a turbine engine?
Limited operation recommended by manufacturer. Excessive use can lead to lead deposits on turbine blades
What are some of the possible outcomes of using lower grade of avgas than the specified grade?
increased chance of damage due to detonation, loss of engine power
Part 23.973 of the FARs specifies certain markings must be placed adjacent to fuel filler openings. What markings are used for piston engine aircraft?
Filler cap must be marked with fuel grade and the word “AVGAS”
Describe the important precautions that should be observed when fueling aircraft
Be certain you are using correct fuel, properly ground the airplane
The marking requirements for oil tank filler openings are specified by FAR 23. 1157. What markings are required for a piston engine?
The word “OIL” and permissible grades
Where can the standard aircraft taxi hand signals be found?
Under what conditions should a piston engine be pre-oiled?
Prior to starting a new engine or
a preserved engine coming out of storage
Under what conditions may automobile gasoline be used in an aircraft engine?
Only if FAA approved usually through STCDS
What are the indications of water in aircraft fuel after draining a sample from the fuel sumps?
Sample will appear cloudy or hazy
What is the proper way to extinguish an induction system fire that occurs when starting a reciprocating engine?
Keep the engine running, which will blow the fire out. If this does not work, use a CO2 fire extinguisher directed into the carburetor air inlet.
What type of fire extinguisher is best suited for extinguishing an induction fire in a reciprocating engine?
Carbon dioxide
What must be done if a hung start occurs when starting a turbojet engine?
Terminate the starting operation and find the reason the engine would not accelerate as it should.
What is meant by a liquid lock in the cylinder of an aircraft engine, and how is one cleared?
Oil accumulates in the cylinders below the center line of the engine and prevents the piston moving to the top of its stroke. To clear a liquid lock, remove one of the spark plugs and turn the crankshaft until all of the oil is forced out of the cylinder.
What special precautions should be taken when towing an aircraft that is equipped with a steerable nose wheel?
Be sure that the nose wheel does not try to turn past its stops. Some aircraft must have the torsion links on the nose wheel strut disconnected when they are being towed.
When starting an aircraft engine that is equipped with a float carburetor, in what position should the carburetor be placed?
In the “cold” position
How far ahead of an idling turbojet engine does the danger area extend?
25 feet.
Why is it important that turbine fuel not be mixed with aviation gasoline that is used in an aircraft reciprocating engine?
The turbine engine fuel will cause the engine to detonate.
What grade of aviation gasoline is dyed blue?
Low-lead 100-octane
What damage is likely to occur if an aircraft reciprocating engine that is designed to use 100-octane fuel is operated with 80-octane fuel?
Detonation will occur, which will cause such things as bent connecting rods, burned pistons, and cracked cylinder heads.
What is the danger of using fuel that vaporizes too easily?
Vapor lock can occur in the fuel lines. This will shut off flow of fuel to the engine.
What type of fuel is Jet-A fuel?
A fuel with a heavy kerosene base, a flash point of 110-150 degrees Fahrenheit, a freezing point of -40 degrees Fahrenheit, and a heat energy content of 18,600 Btu/lb.
What is the significance of the two numbers, 100/130, in the dual rating of aviation gasoline?
The first number is the octane rating or performance number of the fuel when operating with a lean mixture, and the last number is the octane rating or performance number when operating with a rich mixture.
What are two functions of tetraethyl lead that is added to aviation gasoline?
It increases the critical pressure and temperature of the fuel, and it acts as a lubricant for the valves.
What information must be located near the fuel tank filler opening in an aircraft powered by a reciprocating engine?
The word “FUEL,” the octane rating or performance number of the required fuel, and for pressure fueling systems, the maximum permissible fueling supply pressure and the maximum permissible defueling pressure.
What action should a mechanic take while taxiing an aircraft on a runway if the tower shines a flashing red light at him?
Taxi the aircraft clear of the runway in use
What publication lists the standard hand signals that are used for directing a taxiing aircraft?
Advisory Circular 65-9A
What should be done to a reciprocating engine fuel system if turbine fuel is inadvertently put into the tanks and the engine is run?
The entire fuel system must be drained and flushed with gasoline, the engine given a compression check, and all of the cylinders given a borescope inspection. The oil must be drained and all of the filters and strainers checked. After the aircraft is properly fueled, the engine must be given a proper run-up and check.