Jeppesen Oral- Chapter 10 (Cooling Systems) Flashcards
Shortens life of engine, changes combustion behavior and impairs lubrication
Provide larger cooling surface area for removing heat from cylinder
Cowling serves to streamline the engine, and together with the baffles and cowl air seals, directs airflow over cylinders to promote cooling
Control the amount of airflow through cowling. Operated mechanically, electrically or hydraulically
An outer tube placed over the exiting exhaust gas creates a venturi effect that draws more airflow over the engine
fully open
Manual, hydraulic or electrical
Consult MMM. If damage is excessive, the cylinder should be repalced
The movement must be within tolerances to keep cylinder head temperatures within allowable limits
Engine compressor
Air passing through the engine. Bypass air
The higher the combustion temperature, the higher the amount of power that can be produced up to the limit
Multi feed internally cooled blades with film cooling