Jawless Fishes & Gnathostomes: Chondrichthyes Flashcards
Identify the diagnostic features, explain adaptations of hagfish and lamprey
hagfish/ lamprey- jawless, no paired appendages, monophyletic (from same origin)
Explain the evolution of “jaws” and importance in feeding ecology
Expanded realm by moving into water column, away from bottom dwelling; jaws were originally a gill arch
Discuss Gnathostomes and two main groups of modern fish
Gnathostomes- Fish with jaws.
Two main groups (modern)- Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)- sharks, rays, skates, & chimaeras
Bony fish (Euteleostomi)- replaced ostichthyes
Explain phylogeny and identify different families & representative species in Class Chondrichthyes
Chimaeras, sharks, & rays
Discuss differences between stingrays and skates
Stingrays- viviparity, large, thinner tails, barb on dorsal, have spiracles, pectoral fins, & pelvic fin.
Skates- oviparity, smaller, thicker tails, spiracle, pelvic, & dorsal fin.
Order Myxiniformes (Hagfishes)
simple, cartilagenous skeleton; 1 semicircular canal in inner ear; rudimentary eyes; 1-16 pairs on external gill aperatures; ventolateral surface: glands produce slime (protects while feeding on carcasses); marine only; developed from large meroblastic egg
Order Petromyzontiformes (Lampreys)
Cartiligenous skeleton;
2 semicircular canals (inner ear);
eel-like body;
7 pairs lateral gill openings;
2 types (parasites, non- feeding forms)
Extinct Ostracoderms
Mineralized tissue in dermis- hard exoskeleton
Fishes with Jaws
Subclass Holocephali (Order Chimaeriformes)
Single gill cover;
no spiracle;
upper jaw fused to cranium;
no scales;
2 dorsal (1st venom);
male w/ claspers;
inferior mouth;
all marine; respire through nostrils; hylostylic jaw (primitive jaw, mandible fused to cranium)
Subclass Elasmobranchii (Sharks and Rays)
Cartilaginous endoskeletons (can be calcified);
jaw suspension hyostylic or amphistylic;
Branchial skeleton posterior to neurocranium;
dermal denticles (placoid scales (decr. drag), some no scales);
5-7 gill open. each side;
males with claspers;
no gas bladder;
can replace teeth
Class Chondricthyes
Jaws & Paired appendages;
Cartilaginous vertebrae;
Some feed on plankton;
no bone; Ampullae of Lorenzini (pourous structures, detect electrical fields); no swim bladder; fatty liver; lateral line present; placoid scales;
more developed eyes/ brain
inferior mouth; Rays- venomous barb;
subterminal mouth; countershading; jaw suspension; dorsal, pectoral, anal fins; appendages; lack spine; 5 gill slits; some with spiracles; many rows of teeth; Ampullae Lorenzini;
placoid scales
Batoidea/ Squalea
dorsal; spiracles; depressiform; some with electric organs; some give live birth; cartilagenous endoskeleton (can be calcified); jaw suspension: hydrostylic or amphistylic; 5-7 gill slits; no gas bladder; cloaca
depressiform; electric organs; pectoral extended/ fused to head; electroplaque
No paired appendages?
Paired appendages?
Different shark species (great white shark, thresher shark, goblin sharks, mako sharks, sand tiger sharks, basking sharks)