Intro to subdivision Euteleostei Flashcards
Argentiniform & Salmoniform Fishes
Identify and discuss the Pacific barreleye
discovered by MBARI; smell organs; eyes are below green bulbs
Explain the phylogeny and identify the different
families and representative species in the Suborder
Salmonoidei (salmons, trouts)
Soft-rayed, mostly physostomis (although swim bladder absent in some), no otophysic connection, adipose fin present, tetraploid karyotypes;
Families include trout and salmon; light spots on dark background
Discuss the various spawning cycles of salmon
Interoparity- do not die following spawning; semileparity- die soon after spawning
Identify and discuss some of the deep sea fishes
(viperfish, scaly dragonfish, lanternfishes) and their
adaptations in the basal Neoteleostei Clade that
arose ~ 175 mya
bioluminescence; photophores, some shine into eyes; prominent barbels (helps with sensory capabilities)
Familiarize yourself with the differences in phylogeny
of the Superorder Paracanthopterygii and
Paracanthopterygii- resembles acanthopterygii; small fresh water, large marine; forms at al depths; cods (fish profile); bizzare (enlarged/ elongate heads); benthic substrate
spiny finned teleost, hard sharp spines in dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins
Pirate perch … strange reproduction!!!
males congregate at spawning sites and release sperm into crevices where females go; far forward placement of urogenital opening, facilitates head first egg release & fertilization
Explore the Order Gadiformes (cods), Order
Ophidiiformes (cusk eels, pearlfishes), Order
Batrachoidiformes (toadfishes, midshipmen) …
many species produce sounds!!!
Order Gadiformes (cods)- diagnosis pg 219
Order Ophidiiformes (cusk eels (produce sound, deepest fish (some), some live with sea cucumbers), pearlfishes)- mostly benthic
Batrachoidiformes (toadfishes, midshipmen)- sharp spines may be present in dorsal fin, some produce venom at base of spine, many produce sound, squat- broad-mouthed- bottom fish of tropic and temperate seas
Weird Lophiiformes … goosefishes, frogfishes,
coffinfishes, batfishes, anglerfishes!!!
anglerfish- strange reproduction; Diagnosis pg 224;
Angler and frog fish spinous dorsal which is modified into fishing lure (some with luminescent qualities)
Boney Ray finned fishes
modified gill arch
forked caudal
Crumenal organ allows them to consolidate small prey
Argentinoidei: Barrel eye fish
Smell organs
Deep sea fish
Alepocephaloidei: Tubeshoulder
Luminous substrate production
Deep sea
Dark color
Anadromous- migrate from Marine water to fresh water
Dark Spots with a light background
Osmeroidei: Smelts
Silver sided slender
spawn in small gravel or sand
Salmonoidei: Salmon and Trout
Like cold water due to high O2 concentration
Interoparity- Live after sex (Atlantic)
Semeloparity- Die after sex (Pacific)
Esociformes: Pikes Mud Minnows
Dorsal and Anal fins are posteriorly to body (ventral)
Physostomous- connects gas bladder to alimentary canal
remaining teleosts
flexible and versitile
faster and deeper water fish
large teeth
Stenopterygii: Hatchet fish
Deep Sea
Bioluminescence (Photophores or bacteria)
Cyclosquamata: Tripod fish
walks on the ground
Scopelomorpha: Deep sea lantern fish
Bioluminesce (similar to fireflies)
Light producing organs (ventral)
Suborder Lampridomorpha : Oar fish
Big eyebrows
Suborder Polymixiomorpha
Tropical Marine fish
Paracanthopterygii: Cod/ Toadfishes
Bottom dwelling teleosts
Sound producing
Salmopercae: Pirate perch
“Headfirst mating”
eggs and sperm compulate in rootmasses
excrement throat
Anacanthini: Gadiformes : COD
Produce sound
over fished
family GADIDAE
Diverticula of gas bladder connects to inner ear increasing hearing
Anacanthini: Amblyopsiformes : Cave/Swamp fish
Good lateral line system
Most are blind
Anacanthini: Ophidiiformes : Cusk Eel
Produce sound
Deepest fish!
Pediculati: Batrachoidiformes : Toadfish / Midshipmen
Produce sound
Venom in their spines
Sharp Spines
Pediculati: Lophiiformes : Angler fish/ Frog fish
Produce sound
walk on sea floor
Really good camo
Parasitic mating
Male attaches to female
Lure (illicium lure : Bioluminescence with bacteria