Jacewicz/Sweatman - Pain Pathways and Mgmt Flashcards
What are the 2 functional divisions of the anterior lateral spinothalamic tract? Associated nuclei?
- NEO-SPINOTHALAMIC: intensity, location, quality of pain; fast pain that is sharp, well localized, and relayed rapidly to somatosensory cortex -> relayed to lateral pain system
1. Ventral posterior lateral (VPL)
2. Ventral posterior medial (VPM) - PALEO-SPINOTHALAMIC: emo, visceral responses to pain, & influences descending pathway from brainstem that modulate pain; dull, throbbing, poorly localized pain; relayed to medial pain system
1. Dorsal medial (DPM)
2. Intralaminar centromedian (CM)
3. Parafascicular (PF)
What are the peripheral pain sensors?
- Free nerve endings:
1. TEMP via transient receptor potential channels (TRP) -> TRPV1 sensitive to >43o C and Capsaicin, and TRPM8 sensitive to <25o C
How is peripheral pain transduced (key fibers and NT’s)?
- A-delta fibers (III): thinly myelinated, transmit temp and mechanical pain, discrete location, fast, sharp pain
- C fibers (IV): unmyelinated, transmit temp, mech, and chemical pain (polymodal), diffuse, slow pain
- A-delta and C-fiber cell bodies are in DRG, and use glutamate, substance P, and calcitonin-gene related peptide (CGRP) as NT’s
1. These NT’s may be released at both central (dorsal horn) and peripheral (skin, other organs) terminals
How does peripheral pain receptor sensitization work?
̧- Stimulation (tissue injury)of nociceptive receptors triggers release of several substances (H+ ion, 5-HT, ATP, bradykinin, prostaglandins) that activate free nerve endings to fire AP back to spinal cord dorsal horn
̧- Activation of nociceptive receptors causes the local (peripheral) release of substance P and CGRP from free N endings at site of injury -> cause release of histamine from mast cells and vasodilation of local blood vessels
- Combo of local tissue injury (inflam) + release of above substances + SP and CGRP sensitizes free nerve ending receptors so threshold for activation is lowered
̧- Inflam chem milieu activates previously silent nociceptive receptors on free N endings, INC temporal and spatial summation of AP’s traveling to dorsal horn

What 2 types of neurons are critical for spinal cord pain processing?
- Nociceptive-specific neurons (SPN’s): neurons in laminae I and II of dorsal horn that only respond to A-delta or C fiber AP’s, and encode only pain
Wide dynamic range neurons (WDRN’s): neurons in laminae V of dorsal horn that respond to variety of synaptic inputs encoding pain AND non-pain stimuli
1. Fire AP’s in graded fashion, depending on stimulus intensity (proportional to stimulus freq)
2. > C-fiber AP frequency = > WDRN Ap response
What is wind up (central sensitization)?
- SIGNAL AMPLIFICATION -> repetitive AP’s from C-fibers trigger wind up by:
1. Glutamate activation of WDRN AMPA receptors and CGRP activation of WDRN CGRP receptors lead to WDRN depolarization, and release of Mg2+ block of NMDA channel
2. Enhanced Ca2+ influx through NMDA channel causes insertion of more Na+ channels and blockade of K+ channels in WDRN’s - Substance P activation of NK1 receptors contributes to process by prolonging WDRN depolarization
- Combined activation from these NT’s reduces threshold and INC insertion of receptors in WDRN’s, leading to lowered threshold for firing AP’s

What is the functional consequence of wind up?
- A relatively brief C-fiber stimulation can lead to long-lasting facilitation of the pain pathway stimulated
- This is a partial explanation of why and how patients experience hyperalgesia, and long-lasting, chronic pain
What are three endogenous pain modulation methods?
- GATE CONTROL MECHS: A-beta fibers (Ib, II) activate dorsal column interneurons that INH WDR neurons, blunting activation of the latter neurons in response to A-delta and C-fiber activity
- DESCENDING PATHWAYS: cortex, amygdala, and hypothalamus all impinge on PAG and reticular formation neurons that send descending fibers to modulate lamina II neurons in dorsal horn -> may INH or facilitate pain
- ENDOGENOUS OPIOID: activation of opioid receptors blocks presynaptic voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and/or opens postsynaptic K+ channels, hyperpolarizing postsynaptic neuron and reducing AP’s

How might the pain pathways result in referred pain? Provide an example.
- Nociceptive receptors in viscera (intrathoracic, pelvic, abdominal organs) synapse on dorsal horn neurons primarily devoted to surface (dermatomal) receptors
- Viscera are sparsely populated by these receptors
- Significant sharing of visceral nociceptive activity with dermatomal system -> REFERRED PAIN
- EXAMPLE: poorly localized nociceptive receptors in heart muscle may generate pain localized to midline L chest, C8-T1 dermatome and neck region
- EXCEPTION: some visceral pain neurons bypass this pathway, and synapse in the intermediate gray zone neurons lying near the central canal

Describe the “newly discovered” visceral pain pathway, and its clinical consequences.
- Some visceral nociceptive receptors send afferent fibers that bypass 2o dorsal horn neurons associated with anterior-lateral spinothalamic tract to synapse on intermediate gray zone neurons near central canal
- These 2o neurons send fibers upward, traveling with dorsal column pathway; distinguished by the fact that they travel very close to midline in dorsal column
- Synapse in VPL of thalamus; 3o fibers redistributed to somatosensory cortex and other pain matrix centers
- Clinical consequences of this pathway = small midline lesions of the dorsal column at the lower thoracic cord alleviates chronic visceral pain, such as cancer pain
What are the 3 families of endogenous opioid peptides in the human body (that we need to know)? What are their precursors, and where are they located?
- Enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins: regulate CNS activity, incl. pain, thermoregulation, appetitie, reward
- Precursor proteins: preproopio-melanocortin (POMC), preproenkephalin, prepro-dynorphin (multiple peptides from trypsin-like enzyme activity)
POMC-producing cells: hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and nucleus tractus solitarius -> project to brainstem, limbic system, and spinal cord (ACTH, alpha-MSH)
1. Expression also in ant/int lobes of pituitary (beta-endorphin), and pancreatic islet cells -
Proenkephalin peptides: in areas of CNS involved in processing of pain info (spinal cord, trigeminal nucleus, PAG), affective beh (amygdala, hippocampus, frontral cerebral cortex), motor control (caudate, globus pallidus), modulation of autonomic control (medulla oblongata), and NE function (median eminence)
1. Circulating proenkephalins from adrenal medulla and exocrine glands of the stomach and intestine - Dynorphins: widely distributed in the CNS; freq co-expressed with other opioid peptides
What are 4 anatomic sites for therapeutic intervention in the pain pathways?
- Interruption of initiating signal in peripheral tissues: NSAIDs modulate signal transduction
- Ascending nerve block with local anesthetics: Na+ channel blockers block signal conduction in nociceptive fibers
- Modulation of transmission at the spinal cord: opioids, anti-depressants, NSAID’s, anti-convulsants, alpha-2 adrenergic agonists modulate transmission of pain sensation in spinal cord by DEC signal relayed from peripheral to central pathways
- Modulation of perception at the cortical level: opioids also modulate central perception of painful stimuli
26-y/o M in MVA. Weakness of R leg, loss of vibratory sensation up to iliac crest, and loss of pin sensation up to umbilicus on opposite side. Up to where do you image to look for a lesion? Where do you suspect the lesion is?
- Thoracic spine -> hemi-section of the spinal cord (aka, Brown-Sequard)
- Lesion suspected at: T10 on the right
What is the site of action of the opioids?
Spinal cord and CNS
What is the MOA of Ketamine?
NMDA antagonist
What is the MOA of the local anesthetics?
- Act at voltage-gated Na+ channels
Name a highly potent opiate often administered via transdermal patch.
- Fentanyl
- Crucial thing with this patch is that it takes time to accumulate a sufficient concentration
- Have to provide analgesia until this thing begins to reach steady-state concentration
Action at which opiate receptor produces respiratory depression?
Mu, OP-3
Which opioids would most likely produce psychotic symptoms that would dissuade abuse?
- Drugs that act on kappa receptor, i.e., Butorphanol
Which opioids are commonly used in combo with acetaminophen? Why?
- Hydrocodone
- Oxycodone
- This diversifies MOA
Death from opiate intoxication is the result of?
- Death from opiate intoxication is the result of: respiratory depression.
- Which of the following is not an AE of pain mgmt with opiate analgesics? Tachycardia. Why might you see tachycardia in a pt to whom you administer opiate? They are still in pain.
- Which of the following is NOT part of the triad of symptoms of opiate overdose? Diarrhea. Pinpoint pupils: opiate overdose, or pontine hemorrhage.
- Which of the following AE’s to opiate therapy would be least likely to disappear as pt becomes drug tolerant? Constipation.
- Which of the following would be most appropriate tx for pt who has become progressively obtunded since last opiate dose? Naloxone; titrate dose.
- Which of the following opioid antagonists can be used to mitigate peripheral AE’s w/o compromising analgesia? Methylnaltrexone —> does not cross BBB due to methyl.
- Which antagonist would be most appropriately used in tx of addiction? Naltrexone b/c good oral bioavailability.
- The mild pain relief from codeine is: due to conversion to morphine. Pt who is ultra-rapid metabolizer of CYP2D6 can have trouble; neonatal deaths from mom taking codeine and breastfeeding.
- Case of man with gastric cancer and admin of crushed tablets. What can you not give? Sustained release oxycodone PGT because crushing would alter the pharmacokinetics of this drug.
- Pt with renal problems. Which med? Hydromorphone tablets bc not metabolized to any pharmacologically active metabolite. Oxycodone is the other opiate most suitable for use in pts with renal insufficiency.
Respiratory depression
Why might you see tachycardia in a pt to whom you administer an opiate?
- Because they are still in pain
- REMEMBER: tachycardia is NOT an AE of pain mgmt with opiate analgesics
What 2 things should you be concerned about in a pt that presents with pinpoint pupils?
- Opiate overdose
- Pontine hemorrhage
What would be the most appropriate tx for a pt who has become progressively obtunded since their last opiate dose?
- Naloxone -> titrate dose
What opioid antagonist can be used to mitigate peripheral AE’s w/o compromising analgesia?
- Methylnaltrexone -> does NOT cross BBB due to methyl group
Which antagonist would be most appropriately used in tx of addiction?
- Naltrexone -> good oral bioavailability
The mild pain relief from codeine is due to…?
- Which antagonist would be most appropriately used in tx of addiction? Naltrexone b/c good oral bioavailability.
- The mild pain relief from codeine is: due to conversion to morphine. Pt who is ultra-rapid metabolizer of CYP2D6 can have trouble; neonatal deaths from mom taking codeine and breastfeeding.
- Case of man with gastric cancer and admin of crushed tablets. What can you not give? Sustained release oxycodone PGT because crushing would alter the pharmacokinetics of this drug.
- Pt with renal problems. Which med? Hydromorphone tablets bc not metabolized to any pharmacologically active metabolite. Oxycodone is the other opiate most suitable for use in pts with renal insufficiency.
Man with gastric cancer and admin of crushed tablets via EG tube. What can you NOT give?
- Sustained release oxycodone PGT because crushing would alter the pharmacokinetics (how the body affects the drug) of the drug
Pt with renal problems who needs analgesia. What can you give?
- Hydromorphone tablets bc not metabolized to any pharmacologically active metabolite
- Oxycodone is the other opiate most suitable for use in pts with renal insufficiency
Why is methadone used in short-term tx of pts experiencing opiate withdrawal symptoms?
- It has a long half-life, so you can space out dosing, and this allows body to become re-acquainted with drug-free state
What attribute of Buprenorphine makes it useful in the tx of opiate addicts?
- Tight receptor binding, bc once bound, it will have persistent effect
What drug is used in the tx of alcohol dependence and craving?
- Naltrexone
Describe the arrival of a pain AP in the spinal cord dorsal horn. What NT’s are involved?
- Incoming AP from periphery activates presynaptic voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels, leading to Ca2+ influx and synaptic vessicle release
- Released NT’s (glutamate and neuropeptides: CGRP and substance P) act on postsynaptic receptors
- Stimulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors leads to fast postsynaptice depolarization, while activation of o/modulatory receptors mediates slower depolarization
- Postsynaptic depolarization, if sufficient, leads to AP production (singal generation) in 2o relay neuron

Where can the synaptic transmission of pain in the spinal cord dorsal horn be modulated?
- Both pre- AND post-synaptically
- PRE: NE (alpha-2 receptors), GABA (GABA B r’s), and endogenous opiates (endorphin, enkephalin) all INH Ca2+ entry into pre-synaptic terminal -> Ca is essential to promote fusion of transmitter vesicles w/endplate to release transmitters into synaptic cleft
- POST: same players activate K+ channels, leading to INC in K+ conductance, and hyperpolarization of cell, DEC likelihood of depolarization threshold being reached -> onward transmission of pain signal interrupted

How do mu-opioid receptors in the spinal cord work?
- Activation of pre- and post-synaptic mu-opioid receptors by descending and local-circuit INH neurons INH central relaying of nociceptive stimuli
- PRE: mu activation DEC Ca influx in response to incoming AP
- POST: mu activation INC outward K+ conductance, DEC post-synaptic response to excitatory neurotransmission
- BOTH mechanism lead to reduction in likelihood of pain signals being conducted to CNS

What are the 3 opioid receptor subtypes? List their functions and endogenous opioid peptide affinities.
- MU (OP-3): supraspinal/spinal analgesia, sedation, respiratory depression, DEC GI transit, modulation of hormone and NT release
1. Endorphins > enkephalins > dynorphins - DELTA (OP-1): supraspinal/spinal analgesia, modulation of hormone and NT release
1. Enkephalins > endorphins > dynorphins - KAPPA (OP-2): supraspinal/spinal analgesia, psychotomimetic effects (mimics sxs of psychosis, incl. delirium; not just hallucination), DEC GI transit
1. Dynorphins > endorphins > enkephalins
What are the common routes of delivery, MOA, and potential relevant side effects of the opioids (fentanyl, morphine)?
- ADMIN: EA (electro-acupuncture), SA (sustained action), IV, SC, TR (time-released)
- MOA: mu-receptor agonist
- SIDE EFFECTS: sedation, N/V, pruritis, respiratory depression, immunosuppression
What are the common routes of delivery, MOA, and potential relevant side effects of acetaminophen?
- MOA: uncertain
- SIDE EFFECTS: hepatic toxicity and liver failure at high doses, hypersensitivity
What are the common routes of delivery, MOA, and potential relevant side effects of NSAID’s?
- MOA: COX inhibition
- SIDE EFFECTS: GI irritation, PLT inhibition, renal insufficiency or failure, CV, hypersensitivity
What are the common routes of delivery, MOA, and potential relevant side effects of the gabapentinoids (gabapentin, pregabalin)?
- MOA: INH of voltage-gated Ca channels
- SIDE EFFECTS: sedation, peripheral edema, GI; DEC dose for renal insufficiency
What are the common routes of delivery, MOA, and potential relevant side effects of the alpha-2 agonists (clonidine, dexmedetomidine)?
- MOA: alpha-2 receptor agonist
- SIDE EFFECTS: sedation, hypotension, bradycardia (bc act presynaptically to reduce SYM outflow)
Which opioids are partial agonists?
- Pentazocine, Nalbuphine, Buprenorphine, Butorphanol
1. Partial agonists on the mu (OP-3) receptor, and more significant activity on the kappa (OP-2) receptor -> devo w/expectation of avoiding some of the AE’s mediated via OP-3 receptor system - NOTE: do NOT need to memorize potency, but the fentanill series (newer synthetic opioids) are much more potent
1. Tramadol is a weak OP-3 agonist only partially antagonized by Naloxone, suggesting effects on serotonin reuptake more important to clinical action

What are the differentiating features of the various agonists?
- MORPHINE: pulmonary edema, diarrhea
- MEPERIDINE: strong anti-muscarinic (tachy, no miosis, no GI spasms); Normeperidine (CYP), an SSRI, can cause seizures
- METHADONE: blocks NMDA receptors, additive resp depression w/heroin
- HYDRO-/OXYCODONE, HYDRO-/OXYMORPHONE: commonly abused drugs
- FENTANYL, ALFENTANIL, REMI””, SU””: used in anesthesia (S most potent analgesic)
- CODEINE: used in combo w/NSAIDs; used for cough suppression
- TRAMADOL: NE and 5-HT reuptake blocker; can cause seizures, and AE’s on blood sugar regulation reported
What are some differentiating factors b/t the partial and full agonists at OP-3?
- Pentazocine, Butorphanol, Nalbuphine
- MOST IMPORTANT: partial agonists will precipitate withdrawal in addict, or someone receiving opiates for legitimate medical reason
- Via effects on OP-2 receptor, these drugs are also assoc w/production of dysphoria; can compromise their clinical utility
- Due to mixed agonist/antagonist actions, these drugs have a ceiling effect relative to analgesia (ineffective compared to morphine for severe pain), and in extent to which they depress respiration w/INC drug dose
What partial agonist is considered the best suited for relief of acute pain (e.g., post-op)?
- Butorphanol
- Produces more sedation that Nalbuphine at equi-analgesic doses
- NOTE: nasal formulation used for migraine headache
Which partial agonist is safest to use in pts w/stable coronary artery disease?
- Nalbuphine
- In contrast to Pentazocine and Butorphanol, low doses of Nalbuphine given to pts w/stable CAD do NOT produce INC in cardiac index, pulmonary aa pressure, cardiac work, and systemic BP is NOT significantly altered
How can opioids be administered?
- PO: usually preferred due to convenience/flexibility
1. Peak analgesic effect at 1-1.5 hrs; modified-release formations in 3-5 hrs - TRANSDERMAL: Fentanyl patches provide 48-72 hrs of relatively stable drug delivery -> may be preferred over PO opioid in setting of poor GI tract absorption or dysphagia, or if constipation is an issue
- RECTAL: occasionally morphine, hydromorphone, oxymorphone
- SC/IV: may employ patient controlled analgesia (PCA) device -> dose rate and max delivery/hr dose set by nurse/physician, and controls locked to prevent tampering
How well are opiates absorbed via different admins?
- Most well absorbed SC, IM, PO
- Some, e.g., MORPHINE, have high first-pass metab
1. Oral dose much higher than parenteral
2. High inter-pt variability makes prediction of dose difficult - Some, e.g., CODEINE or OXYCODONE, effective orally through low first-pass effects
- O/routes of delivery: nasal insufflation, lozenges, transdermal patch (sustained-delivery modality)
How are opiates distributed in the body?
- Lipophilic drugs w/weak binding to plasma proteins
- Easy transfer to tissues; high-flow organs first
- Skeletal mm = main reservoir bc > relative bulk
- Adipose tissue bloodflow limits accumulation
1. Freq high-dose admin or continuous infusion of highly lipophilic, slowly metabolized opioids (e.g., Fentanyl), can lead to accumulation in adipose tissue, which can act as a depot
Which opiates are good/bad for pts with renal insufficiency/failure?
- GOOD: Hydromorphone, Fentanyl lack active metabolites (safe in setting of renal insufficiency)
- BAD: Meperidine active metabolite (normeperidine, a CNS stimulant) accumulates w/renal dysfunction or prolonged use at high doses
1. Morphine glucuronides renally excreted; can accumulate, leading to unanticipated changes in potency/side effects in pts w/renal failure
2. Codeine, Tramadol: can accumulate in pts w/renal failure, extending their effects
What are some of the AE’s of the opiate analgesics?
- Behavioral restlessness, tremulousness, hyperactivity (in dysphoric reactions)
- Respiratory depression
- N/V
- INC intracranial pressure
- Postural hypotension accentuated by hypovolemia
- Constipation, urinary retention
- Itching around nose, urticaria (more freq w/parenteral and spinal admin)
What are the consequences of opiate overdose?
- COMA: DEC cortical stimulation via thalamus and hypothalamus
- PINPOINT PUPILS: E-W complex CN III nucleus (midbrain)
- RESP DEPRESSION: DEC CO2 sensitivity, DEC RR, DEC tidal volume
- RED BOX: altered mental states, severe perspiration, shock, pulmonary edema, and unresponsiveness

What are 3 drug classes that can exacerbate the CNS depression precipitated by opiates? How so?
- Sedative-hypnotics: INC CNS depression, esp. resp depression
- Antipsychotic tranquilizers: INC sedation, variable effects on resp depression; accentuation of CV effects (anti-muscarinic and alpha-blocking actions)
- Monoamine oxidase INH: relative CONTRAIND to all opioid analgesics bc high incidence of hyperpyrexic (abnormally high fever) coma; HTN has also been reported
Which opioid side effects have the highest and lowest likelihood of tolerance developing?
- HIGH: analgesia, euphoria, dysphoria, mental clouding, sedation, resp depression, antidiuresis, N/V, cough suppression
- MODERATE: bradycardia
- MIN/NONE: miosis, constipation, convulsions -> persistent where they occur in pts unless there is an adjustment in drug dose, or rotation to another opiate agonist w/different binding characteristics
- NOTE: tolerance based on receptor recycling process (kinetics depend on where receptor is expressed, and amt of drug dose that reaches site)
What is the classical view for the recycling of G-protein coupled receptors? How does this cycle vary for Morphine v. Enkephalin?
- Homologous desensitization: receptor activation by agonist triggers receptor activation + desensitization
- Receptor phosphorylation by GRK protein INC receptor affinity for beta-arrestin, enhancing interaxn bt the 2 proteins, and internalization
- Internalized receptors directed to early/sorting endosomes; recycle back to mem or are degraded
- NOTE: endogenous ENKEPHALIN signaling can persist bc relative balance bt desensitization and resensitization; with exogenous MORPHINE, there is a slow persistent desensitization and little recycling, so the overall balance falls in favor of loss of drug activity (poorly mediate endocytosis)

What is the “new” perspective on resensitization? Why is this important?
- Advocacy of resensitization process that can occur w/o need for internalization
- A: receptor dephosphorylation thought to occur at cell surface if GRK2 and beta-arrestin proteins INH w/pharma agents
- This opens up possibility that drugs INH these proteins may be used as a means to maintain potency and efficacy of current opiate agonists in the future

How should pts manage opiate-induced constipation? What are some predisposing factors?
- PROPHYLAXIS with stool softener/laxatives + INC consumption of fluids/dietary fiber
- OPIOID ANTAGS (careful titration) may be useful to tx refractory constipation due to opioid agonists; avoid in presence of bowel obstruction
1. Loss of pain relief if dose is too high - Predisposing factors: advanced age, immobility, poor diet, intra-abdominal pathology, neuropathy, hyper-calcemia, concurrent use of o/constipating drugs
- NOTE: most comm/persistent opioid AE; both direct and anti-cholinergic actions to DEC motility
1. Varies by drug: transdermal Fentanyl < oral sustained-release Morphine
How do opioid agonists cause constipation?
- Presence of opiate receptors in the enteric nervous system produce an anticholinergic action
- Since Ach is the major stimulatory transmitter with regard to peristalsis, opiates lead to stasis, absorption of the water, and hardening of the stool
How can pts manage opiate-induced somnolence?
- Slight inattention to extreme confusion/delirium
- Address obvious contributing causes: CNS pathology, metabolic disturbances, dehydration, drugs
- DEC/ELIM non-essential centrally-acting drugs/meds
- ADJUST analgesia DOSE: opioid rotation (use of opiate w/slightly different pattern of AE’s)
- Consider DRUG TX directed at symptom (stimulants): Methylphenidate, Modafinil, Dextroamphetamine
- NOTE: somnolence/mental clouding typically wanes over days/wks, but may persist (early dementia or use of o/centrally-acting drugs)
What does opioid-induced N/V look like? What causes it, and how can it be managed?
- Freq complicates initiation of opioid tx: GRADUAL TITRATION (rather than rapid upward) of dose may prevent persistent nausea
- Tolerance devo quickly; persistence rare -> often in context of GI symptoms (reflux, anorexia, early satiety, abdominal bloating)
- EMETOGENIC MECHS: direct effect on chemo-receptor trigger zone, enhanced vestibular sensitivity, delayed gastric emptying
- Chronic/acute nausea usually responds to same drugs; change in route of opiate admin (SC v. PO)
When are pts on opiates at risk of resp depression? How is this managed?
- Rarely a problem if dosing guidelines followed, and tolerance devo rapidly, allowing dose escalation (most commonly caused by abuse)
- RISK WHEN: 1) opioids titrated too rapidly, 2) sleep apnea syndrome (obesity, short neck, snoring), 3) combined with sedative-hypnotic
- TX: withhold dose until respiration improves
1. Naloxone reserved for symptomatic resp depression or progressive obtundation suggestive of imminent decline -> risks of abstinence, aspiration, and severe pain (multiple admins may be required to effect sustained reversal due to differences in
How common is pruritis in pts on opioids? What causes it? How is it managed?
- 2-10% of pts on chronic opioids; NOT true allergic rxn
- Possibly a central action on mu receptors
1. Distinct from direct liberation of histamine from mast cells (as observed w/Morphine) bc Fentanyl, Sufentanil, Oxymorphone < likely to produce histamine release, but still assoc w/pruritis - ANTIHISTAMINES commonly used, w/varied success
- Low doses of OPIOID ANTAGS
- NOTE: contact dermatitis & systemic hypersensitivity RARE -> switch to another alkaloid or semisynthetic opioid
What are the 3 opioid antagonists? What are they used for?
- Antagonists at mu, delta, and kappa receptors: precipitate withdrawal in dependent pts (partial agonists have similar effect in intoxicated adults)
- NALOXONE IV: used to tx acute opioid OD and to mitigate AE’s
1. Also may be coformulated w/partial agonist to prevent drug abuse (no effect if taken orally, but antag action if injected) - NALTREXONE: used in maintenance program for addicts -> single ORAL dose given on alternate days
1. DEC alcohol craving; DEC baseline beta-endorphin release - METHYLNALTREXONE: doesn’t pass BBB -> mitigates AE’s w/o impacting (central) analgesia
When does opiate withdrawal happen? What happens?
Onset depends on 1/2 life of drug abused: 12-14 hrs for heroin, 24-48 hrs for Methadone
1. Peaks at 36-48 hrs (7-8d for Methadone); total duration 7-10 days - Craving/drug-seeking behavior first, then “crawling” sensation in skin, diaphoresis, and rhinorrhea (may also have anxiety, fear, sleep disturbance)
1. Devo of MSK pain in back, joints, abdomen + nausea and diarrhea - Fever, seizures, hallucinations, and delirium do NOT occur w/opiate withdrawal -> presence suggests poly-drug withdrawal or assoc medical illness
- PHYSICAL EXAM: agitation, diaphoresis, INC lacrimation, piloerection, dilated pupils
- NOTE: this happens bc body physically dependent, and drug gets below threshold level
What effects do ethanol and sedative/hypnotic withdrawal produce?
- Seizures
- Hyperthermia
- Tachycardia
How does opiate withdrawal affect the CV system?
- Pulse and BP usually WNL
- Slight tachycardia reflects agitation, discomfort, or hypovolemia
- Iatrogenically-induced withdrawal may induce catecholamine surge, leading to HTN and tachycardia
- NOTE: symptoms of opiate withdrawal caused by decline in opiate levels in the brain
What effects does sympathomimetic intoxication produce?
- Mydriasis
- Agitation
- Tachycardia, HTN -> usually much more severe than occur in opioid withdrawal
What effects does cholinergic agent intoxication produce?
- Diarrhea and vomiting
- Distinguished from opioid withdrawal syndrome by salivation, bradycardia, and altered level of consciousness
What are the short term txs for opioid withdrawal?
- INPATIENTS: Methadone -> initial dose of 20mg after documenting evidence of withdrawal
1. Unusual for heroin-addicted pt to need >40mg of Methadone per day - OUTPATIENTS: Clonidine (off-label use) -> 0.2mg q6-8hr tapered down over 21 days (lower doses in pts who devo hypotension)
1. Very effective for tx drug craving, sweating, piloerection, anxiety, and agitation -> binds alpha-2 receptors (- regulators at pre-/postsynapse)
2. Ineffective for insomnia, mm cramps, and GI symptoms
3. Sedation, dry mouth, constipation can be problematic at higher doses
What is the physiologic mechanism behind opiate addiction? Just how addictive are they?
- ADDICTION: activation of opiate receptors in ventral tegmental neurons = disINH of opiate pathways and INC dopaminergic activation in nucleus accumbens
- As addictive as nicotine, but somewhat less than cocaine or amphetamines
- ALL addictive drugs have characteristic acute effects, and induce strong feelings of euphoria and reward

What is the difference b/t dependence and addiction?
- Physical dependence = dependence -> invariably occurs w/chronic exposure (addiction does NOT)
1. Repetitive exposure leads to adaptive changes (tolerance)
2. Once availability of drug lapses, appearance of withdrawal syndrome defines dependence - Psych dependence = addiction
1. Compulsive, relapsing drug use despite negative consequences -> often triggered by cravings in response to contextual cues
What are some opioid dependence txs?
- NALTREXONE: adherence poor, except in highly motivated pts
- METHADONE: mainstay of tx in US
- BUPRENORPHINE: SL tablets available, w/ or w/o Naloxone -> dissolve in 3-6 min (Naloxone has no oral bioavailability, but precipitates withdrawal if injected)
1. Availability outside highly controlled Methadone system has expanded tx options
2. MECHANISM: tight binding to opiate receptors with slow release and gradual decline in serum levels (long-acting opiates)
a. Plateau effect at >16mg/d DEC OD risk
What is Methadone maintenace therapy?
- <180d = detox; >180d = maintenance
1. Single daily dose in controlled setting w/provision of counseling/social services
2. Sufficiently high add’l opiates don’t cause euphoria
3. Some pts undergo very slow tapering, while others remain on stable dose indefinitely - NOTE: physician needs special state/federal license
Is Methadone maintenance safe during pregnancy?
- YES: treatment of choice for opioid-dependent pregnant women
- Dose requirements may INC in 3rd trimester due to larger plasma volume, reduced protein binding, INC tissue binding, and INC metabolism
What are some potential side effects of Methadone maintenance therapy?
- Constipation, mild drowsiness, excess sweating, peripheral edema
- Reduced testosterone -> reduced libido and sexual performance, erectile dysfunction
Prolonged QT and arrhythmia -> reported over a wide range of Methadone doses
1. Many pts who devo torsades de pointes while taking Methadone have o/risk factors for this arrhythmia
Describe the pharmacology of Buprenorphine.
- VERY TIGHT BINDING to opioid receptors: displaces other opioids from receptors, triggers withdrawal in physically dependent pts, blocks analgesic axns of other opioids
- SLOW DISSOCIATION from opioid receptors: long duration of action, relieves withdrawal/cravings >24hrs
- NO BIOACCUMULATION: quick titration to effective dose
- Partial agonist with CEILING EFFECT: very low risk of OD, may be < effective than higher Methadone doses
- SL/IV absorption/poor PO absorption: can be abused IV
How can opiate intoxication be confirmed in the ED? What variables are important to consider here?
- Antibody-based enzymatic immunoassays (EIA’s) to ID morphine, heroin, hydrocodone, codeine -> if exact drug and concentration desired, use GC-mass spec
- Most heroin samples yield morphine >15,000 ng/mL, w/morphine:codeine ratios >2:1, usually >10:1
1. 6-MAM, a heroin metabolite, is definitive evidence of heroin use
2. Morphine:codeine ratio >2:1 indicates heroin or poppy seed use; ratio <2:1 = codeine use -
Synthetic opiates are EIA negative (Fentanyl, Meperidine, Methadone)
1. Semi-synthetic opiates (Oxycodone, Hydromorphone) may yield sporadic positive
2. Fluoroquinolones (Cipro) can produce false positive EIA’s
What are the MOA, admin, excretion, and AE’s of Gabapentin/Pregabalin?
- MOA: bind alpha-2-delta subunit of voltage-gated Ca channels, preventing their trafficking to the cell surface in hypersensitization
1. INH neuronal excitability, esp. in dense synaptic connxns of neocortex, amygdala, hippocampus
2. Ectopic activity reduced; normal nerve func unchanged
3. NO effects on GABA-A or -B uptake or degradation - ORAL dosing: gabapentin saturable uptake, pregabalin linear peaks
- EXCRETION: renal (dose adjust in renal compromise)
- Most common AE’s: dizziness, drowsiness

What are the MOA, use, and AE’s for Lamotrigene?
- MOA: blocks Na-channel function
- Useful in neuropathy, stroke, MS, phantom limb
- Dose adjustment in hepatic failure
- Most common AE’s: diplopia, blurred vision, rarely hematologic toxicity

What are the MOA, use, and AE’s for Carbamezepine?
- MOA: blocks voltage-gated Na-channel function
- Pain relief associated w/blockade of synaptic transmission in trigeminal nucleus
- Potent enzyme inducer (CYP); induces own metabolism -> dose adjustment in hepatic failure
- AE’s: dizziness, drowsiness, rarely agranulocytosis
- NOTE: anticonvulsants carry risk of

What are the MOA, use, and AE’s for Ketamine?
- MOA: NMDA receptor antagonist (NMDA activation usually leads to Ca entry, initiates central sensitization)
- Limited by psychomimetic effects: case reports indicate low epidural doses effective w/o toxicity
- Useful in avoiding respiratory depression
- Particular utility for severe, acute pain
- Anesthetic agent

What are the MOA, use, and AE’s for Dextromethorphan?
- MOA: low affinity NMDA receptor antagonist (NMDA activation usually leads to Ca entry, initiates central sensitization)
- Used for chronic and post-op pain
- Used primarily as antitussive, working in CNS cough center
- Limited by psychomimetic effects at high doses

How are the TCA’s used to manage pain? Metabolism? AE’s?
- MOA: NE and 5-HT reuptake blocking properties
1. Ascending corticospinal monoamine pathways important in endogenous analgesic system
2. Chronic pain conditions also commonly assoc with major depression - Minor differences in TCA’s lead to variation in effects on NE and serotonin reuptake activity (no effect on dopamine reuptake)
- Hepatic metabolism; CYP2D6 interactions possible
- AE’s: dizziness, headache, fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, uneasiness, hypersomnia, difficulty concentrating, memory impairment
Which opiates are used as antitussive agents?
- Magnitude/timing of cough controlled by cough pattern generator in brainstem -> nucleus solitarius
- CODEINE: gold standard, but studies show it is no more effective than placebo in suppressing cough caused by respiratory disorders or COPD
- DEXTROMETHORPHAN: weakly effective in several studies of cough w/upper airway disorders
1. Hallucinogenic and habit-forming if abused - Act at mu and non-opiate receptors (dex)
- Minimal toxicity if taken as directed
Which opiates are used as antidiarrheals? Why?
- Opiate agonists INH presynaptic cholinergic NN in submucosal and myenteric plexuses -> INC colonic transit time/fecal water absorption, DEC mass colonic mvmts and gastrocolic reflux
- LOPERAMIDE: nonprescription opioid agonist -> no analgesia or potential for addiction (no BBB access)
- DIPHENOXYLATE: prescription opioid agonist -> no analgesia at recommended doses
1. Higher doses have CNS effects, and prolonged use can lead to opioid dependence
2. Commercial preps contain Atropine - NOTE: for mild-mod acute diarrhea, and diarrhea of IBS or IBD (not with bloody diarrhea, high fever, or systemic toxicity)
How can alcohol dependence/craving be treated?
- Alcohol consumption by dependent person elevates dopamine in nucleus accumbens -> beta-endorphin stimulates dopamine release directly (nucleus accumbens) or indirectly (ventral tegmental area) by INH GABA neurons
- Naltrexone: opiate antagonist -> blocks elevation of dopamine levels arising from signals in ventral tegmental area and arcuate nucleus (both of the axns described above)

How effective are complementarty/alternative med txs for non-cancer pain?
- Spinal manipulation: more effective than sham txs, bed rest, and traction, but not other recommended txs for lower back pain
- Massage: benefit in low-back and shoulder pain, and possible benefits for fibromyalgia and neck pain
- Acupuncture: effective for chronic low-back pain, promising for fibromyalgia and neck pain (little evidence of improvement in physical/emo func)
- Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation: mixed conclusions about effectiveness
What is important to consider regarding herbal remedies for pain?
- Pain relief most common reason for using herbals
- Used by more educated, poorer health status pts
- Most commonly used in conjunction w/conventional meds
- Efficacy research lacking
- Openly communicate w/pts who use CAM therapies, and be aware of potential interaction w/conventional therapies
- Don’t discount long-term use as causing side effects; batch-to-batch variation
What CAM agents have the best evidence of activity (table)?