ITM102 chapter 13 Flashcards
Acceptance testing?
Provides the final certification that the system is ready to be used in a production setting.
Agile development?
Rapid delivery of working software by breaking a large project into a series of small us projects that are completed in short periods of time using iteration and continuous feedback.
Application software package?
A set of prewritten, preceded application software programs that are commercially available for sale or for lease.
Using the computer to speed up the performance of existing tasks.
Business process management?
An approach to business which aims to continuously improve and manage business processes.
Business process management?
Type of organizations coordinate and organize work activities, information, and knowledge to produce a product or service.
Component-based development?
Building large software systems by combining pre-existing software components.
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE)?
Automation of step-by-step methodologies for software and systems development to reduce the amounts of repetitive work the developer needs to do.
The process of changing from an old system to a new system.
The modification of a software package to meet an organizations unique requirements without destroying the packaged software’s integrity.
Data flow diagram (DFD)?
Primary tool for structured analysis that graphically illustrates a system’s component process and the flow of data between them.
Direct cutover strategy?
A risky conversion approach where the new system completely replaces the old one at an appointed time.
Descriptions of how an information system works from a technical or end-user standpoint.
End-user development?
The development of information systems by end users with little or no formal assistance from technical specialists.
End-user interface?
The part of an information system through which the end user interacts with the system, such as online screens and commands.
Feasibility Study?
As part of the systems analysis process, the way to determine whether the solution is achievable given the organizations resources and constraints.
Fourth-generation languages?
A programming language that can be employed by end-users or less-skilled programmers to develop computer applications more rapidly than conventional programming languages.
Information requirements?
A detailed statement of the information needs that a new system must satisfy; identifies who needs what information, and when, where, and how the information is needed.
A process of repeating over and over again the steps to develop a system.
Joint application design (JAD) ?
Process to accelerate the generation of information requirements by having end users and information systems specialists work together in intense, interactive design sessions.
Change in hardware, software, documentation, or procedures to a production systems to correct errors, meet new requirements, or improve processing efficiency.
Software building block that combines data and the procedures acting on the data.
Object-oriented development?
Approach to systems development that uses the object as the basic unit of systems analysis and design. The system is modelled as a collection of objects and the relationship between them.
Offshore outsourcing ?
outsourcing systems development work or maintenance of existing systems to external vendors in another country.
Paradigm shift ?
Radical reconceptualization of the nature if the business an the nature of the organization.
Parallel strategy?
A safe and conservative conversion approach where both the old system and its potential replacement are run together for a time until everyone is assured that the new system functions correctly.
Phased approach strategy?
Introduces the new system in stages either by functions or by organizational units.
Pilot study strategy?
A strategy to introduce the new system to a limited area of the organization until it is proven to be fully functional; only then can the conversion to the new system across the entire organization take place.
Post-implementation audit?
Formal review process conducted after a system has been placed in production to determine how we’ll the system has met it’s original objectives.
Process specifications?
Describe the logic of the processes occurring within the lowest levels of a data flow diagram.
The stage after the new system is installed and the conversion is complete; during this time, the system is reviewed by users and technical specialists to determine how well it has met it’s original goals.
The process of translating the system specifications prepared during the design stage into program code.
The preliminary working version of an information system for demonstration and evaluation purposes.
The process of building an experimental system quickly and in expensively for demonstration and evaluation so that users can better determine information requirements.
Query language?
Software tool that provides immediate online answers to requests for information that are not predefined.
Rapid application development (RAD)?
Process for developing system in a very short time period by using prototyping, fourth-generation tools, and close teamwork among users and system specialists.
Rationalization of procedures?
The streamlining of standard operating procedures eliminating obvious bottlenecks so that automation makes operating procedures more efficient.
Request for proposal (RFP)?
A detailed list of questions submitted to vendors of software or other services to determine how well the vendor’s product can meet the organization’s specific requirements.
Six sigma?
A specific measurement of quality, representing 3.4 defects per million opportunities; used to designate a set of methodologies and techniques for improving quality and reducing costs.
Structure chart?
System development showing each level of design, the relationship among levels, and the overall place in the design structure; cab document one program, one system, or part of one program.
Refers to the fact that techniques are carefully drawn up, step by step, with each step building on a previous one.
Systems analysis?
The analysis of a problem that the organization will try to solve with an information system.
Systems design?
Details how a system will meet the information requirements as determined by the systems analysis.
Systems development?
The activities that go into producing an information systems solution to an organizational problem or opportunity.
Systems life cycle?
A traditional methodology for developing an information system that partitions the systems development process into formal stages that must be completed sequentially with a very formal division of labour between end users and information systems specialists.
System testing?
Tests the functioning of the information system as a whole in order to determine if discrete modules will function together as planned.
Test plan?
Prepared by the development team in conjunction with the users; it includes all of the preparations of the series of tests to be performed on the system.
The exhaustive and thorough process that determines whether the system produces the desired results under known conditions.
Total quality management (TQM)?
A concept that makes quality control the responsibility of all the people in an organization.
Unit testing?
The process if testing each program separately in the system. Sometimes called program testing.