Issues and Debates Flashcards
Hare-Mustin and Marecek (1988)
Alpha bias: assuming there are differences between men and women.
Beta bias: assuming that there are no difference between men and women.
Arguing for gender equality ignores the needs of women in society.
Josselson (1988)
In the Freudian psychodynamic approach, women are wrongly viewed as being morally inferior.
Taylor et al. (2000)
Men and women respond differently to stress. Traditionally, it was thought to be the same (a beta bias).
Eagly (1978)
Women are less effective leaders, this means that specific training programs may be required.
Rosenthal (1966)
Male researchers are biased in how they interact with female participants.
Eagly and Johnson (1990)
Women and men (in real life situations) have equal leadership skill.
Cornwell et al. (2013)
Women are better at learning because they are more attentive, flexible and organised.
Vernimmen (2015)
Women do often compete for males. Darwin’s theory of sexual selection was influenced by Victorian ideas of women.
Takano and Osaka (1999)
Meta analysis showed that people from collectivist cultures are not more conformist that those from individualist cultures.
Wober (1974)
Collectivist cultures see intelligence as the group’s shared knowledge.
Smith and Bond (1998)
98% of studies in a European psychology textbook were American or European.
Sears (1986)
A large majority of studies use undergraduates.
Henrich et al. (2000)
2/3 of participants in studies are American psychology students. A randomly selected American student was 4000 times more likely to be a participant for a study than a non-Westerner.
Gould (1981)
Original IQ tests created false and enduring stereotypes surrounding intelligence of blacks and Eastern Europeans.
Hill et al. (1999)
People with high intelligence have the IGF2R gene.
Rogers (1959)
If people do not take responsibility for their actions they cannot be self-actualised and healthy.
Dennett (2003)
Total determinism is impossible. Chaos theory: causal explanations are probabilistic not deterministic.
Libet et al. (1983)
There is neural activity in motor regions of the brain before the conscious decision to move.
Soon et al. (2008)
Neural activity in the prefrontal cortex 10 seconds before awareness of a decision to act.
Trevena and Miller (2009)
Brain activity was just the readiness to act, not the intention to act.
It is meaningless to ask which is more important, nature or nurture, because they both contribute to everything.
Plomin et al. (1977)
Reactive interaction: children have to react to an environment which is affected by their genetic predispositions.
Passive interaction: children react to an environment that is influenced by their parents/carers genetic predispositions.
Scarr and McCartney (1983)
Niche picking: people have biological predispositions and then search for groups that match their views.
Blakemore and Cooper (1970)
‘Innate’ visual systems in kittens could be overridden during early development.
Wolpe (1973)
SD didn’t work for woman with fear of insects (reductionist approach) as her husband, called “insect”, was the problem instead (holistic approach).
Martin et al. (2001)
Psychotherapy is just as effective for increasing serotonin in depression-sufferers as drugs were.
Kandel (1979)
Because learning creates new neuron connections, it is logical that nurture can affect our physiology.
Allport (1961)
Idiographic approach teaches us more about personality than personality tests.
Hall and Lindzey (1970)
If idiographic approaches try to make predictions then they are basically nomothetic.
Holt (1967)
The difference between idiographic and nomothetic is meaningless as generalisations are inevitably made. There is no such thing as a unique individual.
Millon and Davies (1996)
Research should start with the nomothetic approach and then, once the psychological principles have been devised, an idiographic approach should be used.
Sieber and Stanley (1988)
Research should be socially sensitive (It’s a whole page so just go read it—pg 54).
Herrnstein and Murray (1994)
The Bell Curve: it is a waste of time to try and educate unintelligent groups as they are genetically destined to under-achieve.
Heather (1976)
Behaviour is predictable but not inevitable: people are free to make a decisions but from a limited repertoire.
James (1890)
Physical behaviour is determined but mental behaviour is not.
Valentine (1992)
Behaviour is always determined but does not always look that way depending on the situation.
Gilligan (1982)
Kohlberg’s (1969) research into morality was only carried out with male participants but men have an ethic of justice whereas women have an ethic of care.
Westcott (1982)
People feel more free in situations when there are few responsibilities or factors that prevent certain behaviours.