Issues And Debates Flashcards
What is the free will determinism debate
Is our behaviour down to free will or are a set internal/external influences determining our behaviour
How do different approaches differ in precise cause of human behaviour in terms of free will determinism
Biological approach says causes are internal (nature/nurture), behaviourist says causes external. Humanistic believes in free will
What is free will
Humans are self determining and chose their own thoughts and actions, doesn’t deny biological and environmental forces but able to reject these forces as in control of our behaviour
What approach focuses on free will
Humanistic approach
What is hard determinism
All human behaviour has a cause and should be possible to identify and describe these causes, everything we do is dictated by internal or external forces we can’t control
What is soft determinism
Scientists explain what determines our behaviour but we still have freedom to make rational choices in everyday situations
What approach is example of soft determinism
Cognitive approach
What is biological determinism
Biological approach emphasised this, like influence of autonomic nervous system on stress response or influence of genes on mental health
What is environmental determinism
Skinner said free will was illusion and all behaviour result of conditioning. We may think we’re acting independently but choice is a sum of total reinforcement throughout our lives
What is psychic determinism
Freud believed free will is illusion but emphasised influence of biological drives and instincts. Saw behaviour as determined by unconscious conflicts, repressed in childhood, no such thing as accident and something random cause of the unconscious
What is one of the basic principles of science and how does it relate to free will determinism debate
Every event has a cause and causes explained using general laws (hard determinism), knowledge of causes and formulation of laws important in allowing scientists to predict and control future events
In psychology why are lab experiments the ideal of science
Enables researchers to demonstrate causal relationships
What is strength of free will
Free will has practical value, common sense view is we exercise free choice on daily basis and even if it isn’t the case, thinking so can improve mental health. Roberts et al saw teens who believed in hard determinism had greater risk of developing depression and people with external locus of control less optimistic. Suggests even if we don’t have free will, thinking so will have positive impact on mind and behaviour
What is a limitation of free will
Brain scan evidence supports determinism not free will. Libet et al told participants to filial their leg randomly at any moment and measured activity in their brain. Participants had to say when they felt conscious will to move and Libet found unconscious brain activity leading to conscious movement happened half a sec before they moved. Interpreted as meaning even most basic experiences determined by brain before we’re aware of them
What is counterpoint of free will determinism debate
Libets findings show brains involved in decision making is not surprising and is what we expect. Just because action comes before conscious decision to act doesn’t mean no decision to act but decision took time to reach consciousness. Suggests evidence is not appropriate as a challenge to free will
What is a limitation of determinism
Position of legal system on responsibility. Hard determinism is individuals choice isn’t cause of behaviour and inconsistent with way our legal system operates. In court of law, offenders held responsible for actions. Main principle of our legal system is a defendant exercised free will in committing a crime. Suggests in real world determinist argument doesn’t work
What is the idiographic nomothetic debate
Idiographic suggests psychology should be study of individuals as obtaining lots of info about individual can understand behaviour better. Nomothetic suggests psychology should be study of large and varied group to make generalisations about what is typical in human behaviour
What is the idiographic approach to psychological experiments
Number of participants small, some research may include info from family/friends but focuses on detail. Doesn’t mean generalisations not made but initial focus is understanding individual
What type of data is most idiographic research and give an example
Qualitative-research on depression first hand from small number of people, participant interviewed in depth. Data then analysed and emergent themes identified. Convulsions may help others with depression or mental health professionals
What are examples of idiographic approach in psychology
Humanistic and psychodynamic, Rogers explainer self development including role of unconditional positive regard from conversations with clients in therapy, Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages based on little Hans
What is the nomothetic approach to psychological investigation
Main aim of nomothetic approach is generalisation to create laws, create general principles of behaviour which g then could be applied to individual situations like drug therapy
What data does nomothetic research collect and give example
Quantitative-hypothesis are formulated, samples are assessed and numerical data analysed for statistical significance, quantifies human behaviour
What are examples of nomothetic approaches
Behaviourist and biological approach. Skinner studied animals to develop general laws about learning. Sperry used split brain research involving repeated testing and basis of understanding hemispheric lateralisation
What is key difference between idiographic and nomothetic
Idiographic is subjective and nomothetic is objective
How is nomothetic objective
Laws of behaviour only possible if methods standardised and objective, ensures true replication across samples of behaviour and removes contaminating influence of bias
How is idiographic subjective
People individual experience of their unique context is important
What is strength of idiographic approach
It contributes to nomothetic approach. Idiographic approach uses qualitative methods to investigate and provides global description of 1 individual. May complement nomothetic approach by shedding further light on general laws. Eg. Single case may generate hypothesis for further study, HM revealed insights about normal functioning which contribute to overall understanding. Suggests even tho focus is on few individuals can still help scientific laws of behaviour
What is counterpoint of idiographic nomothetic debate
Idiographic approach should still acknowledge narrow and restricted nature of their work. Generalisations can’t be made without further examples as no baseline behaviour to compare to. Also methods are less scientific as it is subjective and open to bias, suggests difficult to build general theories of human behaviour in absence of nomothetic research
What is strength of both nomothetic and idiographic approach
They fit with aims of science. Processes involved in nomothetic research similar to that in natural sciences, eg. Objectivity through standardisation, control and statistical testing. But, researchers using idiographic approach also try to objectify their methods, triangulation used where qualitative data from a few different studies compared to increase validity. Morden qualitative researchers careful to reflect upon own bias and preconceptions (reflexivity). Suggests both approaches raise psychology status as a science
What is a limitation of nomothetic approach
Loss of understanding of individual. Approach occupied with general laws and control means it has been accused of losing whole person. Eg. Knowing 1% lifetime risk of developing schizophrenia doesn’t tell us what it’s like for someone with schizophrenia and understanding subjective experience useful for treatment. Means nomothetic approach may fail to relate to experience
When do ethics issues arise
Due to conflict between psychology need to gain valid research findings and preserve rights of participants
What are ethical guidelines
Established to protect participant and guide researcher s
What are ethical implications
Consequences that psychological research may have, applies more during socially sensitive research
What is an example of a socially sensitive research topic
Depression study may have consequences for individual participants and wider social group they represent and for social policy. Participant may reveal details later accessed by employer or findings of study may suggest people with depression never fully recover and therefore a risk for employers. For social policy depression studies may impact funding and treatment on NHS
What are implications of research question
Sieber and Stanley warn the way in which research questions phrased and investigated may influence how findings interpreted. Eg. Research into relationships guilty of heterosexual bias in homosexual relationships as compared against heterosexual norms
What are implications for dealing with the participant in research process
Issues like informed consent, confidentiality and psychological harm especially important in socially sensitive research. Eg. Study on domestic abuse, participants may worry abuser will find out and extremely stressful to describe experiences. Participants may give informed consent but not fully understand effect of research
How is the way findings are used have ethical implications
Researchers should consider in advance how findings used, may impact what data they collect. Important as data may be giving support to existing prejudices. Sensitive info is what media tends to publish.
What is a strength of ethical implications
Socially sensitive research can benefit group being studied. Eg. Homosexuality, in 1952 classed as mental disorder but in 1973 it was removed. Change due to Kinsey report based on anonymous interviews form 5000 men about sexual behaviour and report concluded homosexuality is typical expression of human sexual behaviour and report found similar info in 6000 women. Illustrates importance of researchers tackling sensitive topics
What is the counterpoint to ethical implications
Negative consequences of group being studied. Eg. Researchers investigating genetic basis of criminality found a criminal gene, if it’s true could mean someone convicted on basis of having this gene or excused from a crime due to this gene. Suggests researching socially sensitive topics must have careful consideration of possible outcome and consequences
What is another strength of ethical implications
Certain groups rely on research on socially sensitive issues. Government looks at research when developing social policies relating to child care, education, mental health provision, crime. Preferable to base these on scientific evidence not politically motivated views. Eg. ONS responsible for collecting, analysing, determining objective stats about UK economy, society and population. Means psychologists have important role in providing high quality research on socially sensitive research
What is a limitation of ethical implications
Poor research design may lead to erroneous findings which have continued impact. Eg. Burts research as even after fraud exposed 11+ continue to be used. 11+ still used as selection tool in schools today and based on same reasoning that genetic potential has revealed itself by this age. So research on socially sensitive areas need to be planed with great care to ensure findings valid due to enduring effects on certain groups