Isolation Flashcards
Is the intentional separation and restriction of I’ll persons with a confirmed contagious, transmittable infection/disease
PPE (personal protection equipment
gowns, masks, eye protection, gloves
PPE is chosen based on method of transmission ex: contact, droplet, airborne
MDRO (Acinetobacter,
Pseudomonas, ESBLs, CREs,
etc.), VRE, RSV,
Shingles (limited area of body),
Rotavirus, Lice, Scabies,
Wounds w/no dressing or
containment of drainage
Clostridium difficile or
Diarrhea on admission
Influenza (FLU),
Pertussis, Bacterial
(Negative Air)
TB (Tuberculosis),
Varicella (Chicken Pox),
Measles (rubeola),
Disseminated Shingles
(widespread or
immunocompromised patient)
- Gown
- mask
- goggles
- gloves
Doff PPE
- Gloves
- Goggles
- Gown
- mask
Tier 1: Standard precautions
all patients in healthcare settings
purpose: to protect healthcare workers and patients from contact w/ infectious agents in recognized and unrecognized sources of infection
Tier 2: Expanded precautions
pts who are suspected of being colonized with a contagious, transmissible pathogen
Direct Contact
person to person
Indirect person
person to contaminated object
Contact precautions PPE
- hand hygiene
- gown
- gloves
- hand hygiene
required to enter the pts room
Special Contact precautions PPE
- hand hygiene
- gown
- gloves
- hand hygiene
transports: place clean linen over pt
Droplet precaution PPE
- hand hygiene
- mask or mask with shield
- hand hygiene (wash hands or sanitizer)
transports: place clean linen over pt, place mask on pt
Airborne precautions PPE
hand hygiene, N95 mask, negative air pressure, hand hygiene
transports: mask worn by pt, place clean linen over pt
Special respiratory precaution PPE
hand hygiene, gown, N95 + face shield, gloves
required closed door, hand hygiene
transports: place clean linen over pt, mask on pt,
Special respiratory precaution PPE
hand hygiene, gown, gloves, N95 + face shield, negative air pressure , hand hygiene
transport: clean linen over pt, mask
If patient has: MDRO, lice, scabies, wounds, RSV, localized shingles
what are the precautions?
Contact precautions- glove and gowns, soap and water or hand sanitizer, you want to cover wound affected area to transport pt
if your pt has: Cdiff or diarrhea on admission what are the precautions?
Special contact precautions- gloves and gown, soap and water ONLY, absorbent pads to transport pt bleach only to clean surfaces
if your patient has influenza, pertussis, bacterial meningitis what are the precautions?
droplet precautions, regular mask, soap and water OR hand sanitizer, regular mask on to transport pt
if your pt has TB, varicella, measles, or disseminated shingles what are the precautions?
Airborne precautions, N95 respirator, soap and water OR hand sanitizer, regular mask on pt during transport- negative pressure room
if your pt has: covid w/o aerosolized procedures what precautions do you take
Contact + droplet precautions : gloves and gown, N95 mask, face shield, soap and water OR hand sanitizer, clean linens on pt w/ mask on transport
If your pt has covid aerosolized procedures what are the precautions?
Special respiratory precautions: gloves and gown, N95, face shield, Soap and water or hand sanitizer. clean linen, mask, on transports.
negative pressure room for pt
Protective precautions
clean hands when entering/leaving room
use standard precautions + doctors order
transport: clean wheelchair, follow doctors orders, clean linen over pt, mask on pt, remove trash and any used PPE prior to leaving room, clean wash room, transport pt
whats clean on PPE
inside and back of gown including ties, inside gloves, ties of the mask
whats dirty on PPE?
outside front and sleeves of gown, outside of mask, outside of gloves