Islam beliefs and practices Flashcards
How many Muslims are there in the world 2022?
An estimated 1.8 billion or more than 24% of the world population identify themselves as Muslims. Islam is the official religion in 26 countries in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East.
Which country has most Muslims?
The largest Muslim population in a country is in Indonesia, a country home to 12.7% of the world’s Muslims, followed by Pakistan (11.1%), India (10.9%) and Bangladesh (9.2%). About 20% of Muslims live in the Arab world.
How many muslims are in Saudi Arabia?
According to official statistics 75% of Saudi Arabian citizens are Sunni Muslims, 25% are Shia. While as other independent organizations put the figure of Shias to be between 35-45%. More than 30% of the population is made up of foreign workers who are predominantly but not entirely Muslim.
Where did Islam originate from?
Islam started in Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia, during the time of the prophet Muhammad’s life.
How many Arab Muslims are there?
There are over 300 million Arabs. What is the Muslim World? There are an estimated 1.2 billion Muslims in the world. The Organization of Islamic Countries has 55 member states.
How many Islamic countries are there?
In how many countries is Islam the main religion? There are about 50 countries in the world where the majority of the population is Muslim. Among them are about 30 countries with a majority Muslim population, where more than 90% of the inhabitants belong to Islam (see list below).
What is the true meaning of Islam?
complete submission and obedience to Allah
As a religion, Islam stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah - that is why it is called Islam. The other literal meaning of the word “Islam” is “peace.” This signifies that one can achieve real peace of body and of mind only through submission and obedience to Allah.
Why is it called Islam?
Islam comes from the word “al-silm” and “istaslama” which means peace and surrender. The god in Islam is referred to as Allah, which in Arabic means “the god” or “the deity”. A person who is believe and practices the religion of Islam is called a Muslim. It’ founder was the Prophet Muhammad.
Are you allowed to draw Muhammad?
While the Quran does not explicitly prohibit depictions of Mohammad, most contemporary Muslims worldwide abide by the ban, based largely on religious rulings by Islamic scholars.
Who is Muhammad?
Muhammad was the prophet and founder of Islam. Most of his early life was spent as a merchant. At age 40, he began to have revelations from Allah that became the basis for the Koran and the foundation of Islam. By 630 he had unified most of Arabia under a single religion.
What is the story of Muhammad?
Muhammad was born into the most powerful tribe in Mecca, the Quraish, around 570 A.D. The power of the Quraish derived from their role as successful merchants. Several trade routes intersected at Mecca, allowing the Quraish to control trade along the west coast of Arabia, north to Syria, and south to Yemen.
Mecca was home to two widely venerated polytheistic cults whose gods were thought to protect its lucrative trade. After working for several years as a merchant, Muhammad was hired by Khadija, a wealthy widow, to ensure the safe passage of her caravans to Syria. They eventually married.
What revelations did Muhammad have?
When he was roughly forty, Muhammad began having visions and hearing voices. Searching for clarity, he would sometimes meditate at Mount Hira, near Mecca. On one of these occasions, the Archangel Gabriel (Jibra’il in Arabic) appeared to him and instructed him to recite “in the name of [your] lord.” This was the first of many revelations that became the basis of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam. These early revelations pointed to the existence of a single God, contradicting the polytheistic beliefs of the pre-Islamic Arabian Peninsula.
Initially overwhelmed by the significance of what was being revealed to him, Muhammad found unflinching support in his wife and slowly began to attract followers. His strong monotheistic message angered many of the Meccan merchants. They were afraid that trade, which they believed was protected by the pagan gods, would suffer. From that point forward, Muhammad was ostracized in Mecca. For a time, the influence and status of his wife and his uncle, Abu Talib, the chief of the clan, protected Muhammad from persecution. After they died, however, Muhammad’s situation in Mecca became dire.
What is the three controversial beliefs of Muhammad in his times?
- Arab has no superiority over Non-Arab
- White has no superiority over Black
- Demanded the end of killing infant girls
What is the meaning of 1443 AH?
Anno Hegirae
The upcoming new year will be referred to as Hijri 1443 AH (Anno Hegirae in Latin or the year of the Hijra). It means that it has been 1443 years since Prophet Mohammed’s migration.
What is the main difference between Shia and Sunni?
Sunnis focus on following the Prophet’s example whereas Shi’a focus on the lineage of Muhammad’s family through a series of Imams. Since the 1970s, and especially since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, there has been growing tension between Sunni and Shi’a communities in parts of the Middle East.
Do Sunni and Shia fight each other?
In recent years, Sunni–Shia relations have been increasingly marked by conflict, particularly the Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict. Sectarian violence persists to this day from Pakistan to Yemen and is a major element of friction throughout the Middle East and South Asia.
What divides sunni vs shia?
The divide originated with a dispute over who should succeed the Prophet Muhammad as leader of the Islamic faith he introduced. Today, about 85 percent of the approximately 1.6 billion Muslims around the world are Sunni, while 15 percent are Shia, according to an estimate by the Council on Foreign Relations.
How did Islam spread?
Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries. Arab Muslim forces conquered vast territories and built imperial structures over time.
How many hadith books are there?
six books
In the Sunni branch of Islam, the canonical hadith collections are the six books, of which Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim generally have the highest status. The other books of hadith are Sunan Abu Dawood, Jami’ al-Tirmidhi, Al-Sunan al-Sughra and Sunan ibn Majah.
What is the Shahadah?
Shahadah, profession of faith, is the first pillar of Islam. Muslims bear witness to the oneness of God by reciting the creed “There is no God but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.” This simple yet profound statement expresses a Muslim’s complete acceptance of and total commitment to Islam.
What is a salat?
the ritual prayer of Muslims, performed five times daily in a set form.
Why do Muslims go to mosque?
Muslims often attend the mosque on Friday for midday prayer, teaching, and sermon. Mosques are also used for weddings, funerals, and Ramadan festivals and prayer services. They are also used as community spaces and sometimes offered as homeless shelters as well.
What is a qibla?
The qibla wall is the wall in a mosque that faces Mecca. The mihrab is a niche in the qibla wall indicating the direction of Mecca; because of its importance, it is usually the most ornate part of a mosque, highly decorated and often embellished with inscriptions from the Qur’an (see image 4).
How much is Zakat in Islam?
Zakat is payable at 2.5% of the wealth one possesses above the nisab. Nisab, which is equal to 85 grams of 24k gold, is the minimum amount of wealth one must have before they are liable to pay zakat.
What do the 5 pillars teach?
Introduction. Central to faith and practice in Islam are the five pillars outlined in the Hadith of Gabriel, recorded in Sahih Muslim: witnessing (shahadah), the five daily prayers (salat), almsgiving (zakat), fasting during the month of Ramadan (sawm), and the hajj pilgrimage.
Do Muslims wear veils?
Many Muslims believe it is obligatory for every female Muslim who has reached the age of puberty to wear a head covering. While such headcoverings can come in many forms, hijab often specifically refers to a cloth wrapped around the head, neck and chest, covering the hair and neck but leaving the face visible.
What are the types of head covering in Islam?
. Hijab, Burqa, Niqab, and Chador
What does the quran say about the equality of genders?
“Women have rights similar to men”
“Women are twin halves of men”
“Whoever does good, men or women, we will surely bless them with a good life”
“I never fail to award any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female, you are equal to one another”
“If a daughter is born to a person and he brings her up, gives her a good education and trains her in the art life…”
What is halal vs haram?
HALAL: This is an Arabic term which means permissible or lawful in Islam. In reference to food, it is the Islamic dietary standard, as prescribed in the Shari’ah (Islamic Law). HARAM: This is another Arabic term which means impermissible or unlawful in Islam.
What is meant by Sharia law?
The term sharia refers to a set of Islamic religious law that governs aspects of day-to-day life for Muslims in addition to religious rituals. Sharia law also provides religious followers with a set of principles and guidelines to help them make important decisions in their lives, such as finances and investments.
What are some controversial quran
“Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.”
What are some controversial Quran scriptures?
As for the thief, both male and female, cut off their hands. It is the reward of their own deeds, an exemplary punishment from Allah. Allah is Mighty, Wise.”
What are some controversial Quran scriptures?
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;
What does the quran say about marrying a girl who hasn’t reached puberty?
“Such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, and for those who have no courses (it is the same): for those who carry (life within their wombs), their period is until they deliver their burdens: and for those who fear Allah, He will make their path easy.”
What does the Quran say about having sex with prisoners of war?
“O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
What does the quran say about inheritance and witness?
2:282 and Qur’an 4:11 declare that a woman is only half the worth of a man in terms of witness and inheritance.
Is cousin marriage allowed in the Muslim world?
Cousin marriage, a form of consanguinity (marriages among couples who are related as second cousins or closer), is allowed and often encouraged throughout the Middle East, and in other Muslim countries worldwide such as Pakistan. As of 2003, an average of 45% of married couples were related in the Arab world.
Is it safe to have kids with your first cousin?
Children of first-cousin marriages have an increased risk of autosomal recessive genetic disorders, and this risk is higher in populations that are already highly ethnically similar. Children of more distantly related cousins have less risk of these disorders, though still higher than the average population.
Are you permitted in Islam to eat pork?
In Abrahamic religions, eating pig flesh is clearly forbidden by Jewish (kashrut), Islamic (haram) and Adventist (kosher animals) dietary laws. Although Christianity is also an Abrahamic religion, most of its adherents do not follow these aspects of Mosaic law and are permitted to consume pork.
What is the significance of the story of Lot?
His story is used as a reference by Muslims to demonstrate God’s disapproval of homosexuality. He was commanded by Allah to go to the land of Sodom and Gomorrah to preach monotheism and to stop them from their lustful and violent acts.
What does the quran say about homosexuality?
In the sunnah where the prophet muhammad is quoted as saying whoever you find doing the action of the people of lute kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done
Where is Jahannam in Islam?
Jahannam is Hell, where those who have been bad go. The Qur’an describes Jahannam as a place of scorching fire pits and boiling water, where people experience physical and spiritual suffering. It uses vivid descriptions as a way to stop Muslims from participating in sin.
What kind of God is Allah?
In Islam, Allah is the unique, omnipotent and only deity and creator of the universe and is equivalent to God in other Abrahamic religions.