IRC 3/4 Exam ONE Flashcards
Three options to renew CRT and RRT
Complete 12 or 30?? CEU, retake and pass the exam for the highest credential, pass an NBRC exam that you have not yet completed.
Which organization provides the CRT and RRT?
National Board of Respiratory Care
Who reviews and accredits the RC school programs?>
What two things do you need to do with the OSBMLS in order to get your RCP?
Fill out application and pay fees
What is the first exam you take on the path to recieving RRT credential?
After graduating at or above associate accredited program….take Therapist Multiple choice and then Clinical Simulation Exam.
Fee for oklahoma RCP
Can you apply for Oklahoma RCP before you are hired at a facility?
Who fills out the proficiency list for RCP?
RC Program Director
Which staff position is just assigned for the current shift? who is permanently staffed?
Team leader while the Team Supervisor is permanent.
Who handles the discipline, evaluation, and projected work scheduling of staff on the floor?
Team Supervisor
TMC exam upper level score vs lower level score
Upper level is 94/140 and lower level score is 88/140
Who sets the Respiratory Therapy Protocol guidlines?
The set of guidelines are approved by medical staff.
What allows a RCP to make adjustments to patient’s therapy without having to consult a physician?
Respiratory Therapy Protocols
Who represent RCP on national level?
The AARC distributes what two magazines?
AARC Times and Respiratory Care
If you are a member of the AARC, what other organization do you automatically belong to as well?
**AARC is on national level while the OSRC is OK state level
What are three different qualifications for Medicare?
People 65 and over, some people with disabilities who are under 65, and **Those with kidney failure requiring dialysis/transplant.
4 places/services covered by Medicare Part A
Inpatient hospital services, Skilled nursing facilities, home health services, hospice
Three types of coding used for billing/medical records
What code do insurers use to determine reimbursement?
CPT codes
What codes are similar to CPT codes but used by medicare and can be found on the itemized statement from a dr visit
Alphanumeric designation for every diagnosis
ICD-9 codes
CPT and HCPCS codes are developed by what organization?
What will medicaid never pay for?
RCP services that are done in-home regardless of pt condition, will help with renting equipment but not purchasing, wont pay for anything not already on the approved procedures/charges list
Which code is not used by medicare?
What is the main goal of hospital based peer review?
To stop Dr’s from fucking patients over on payments….makes sure there arent unwarranted tests, increase of hospital stay time, ect.
Content of the two magazines the AARC distributes
AARC Times publishes, while the respiratory care magazine has data and articles????
how often do you need to renew a license?
2 years
how often do you need to renew a credential?
5 years
recommended guidelines for a specific treatment or procedure
Clinical Practice Guidelines
What is the name of the lisence you get as a student?
RCP Respiratory Care PROVISIONAL
how often do you need to renew a provisional lisence?
every 6 months
Drug Related Groups
What program makes it so that credentials must be renewed every 5 years?
Continuing Competency Program