IRC 2 Flashcards
Who should you typically direct most pt concerns to?
RN or physician
What typer of space for establishing rapport?
social 4-12 feet
space during interview
personal 18 inches to 4 feet
Unwanted nonverbal statements
giving advice, reassurance to pt, and talking too much
3 things to immediately refer to the nurse/physician
Level of consciousness change, major vital signs change, chest pain
What to do when pt refuses therapy
try to explain reason for tx, but pt does have right to refuse, just make sure you chart it
year that HIPPA was made
What has the JC created in response to horizontal violence?
wrote a standard covering the issue
Two types of horizontal violence
Overt (more direct bullying like name calling) and covert.
Who investigates sexual harassment claims?
the equal employment opportunity commission
How do you address the pt
by mr or mrs not by first name
Normal flora in the intestine vs skin
E coli is in intestine and staphyloccocus is on skin
HAI time frame
considered an HAI if the get infection AFTER 48 post admission to hospital
Name of the guidelines to prevent ventilator acquired pneumonia
elevate head of bed, sedation vacations, avoid peptic ulcer dz, venous thrombosis, daily oral care
three elements needed for an infection to spread
host, reservoir, and route of transmission
bacteria usually causing ventilator acquired pneumonia
pseudomonas aeroginosa
How difficult is it to kill the HIV virus?
Can be killed easily with heat in 30 min
Cardinal signs and symptoms
persistent cough for 2+ weeks, bloody sputum, night sweats, weight loss, loss of apetite, and fever
order of putting on PPE
hair covering, foot covering, gown, mask, goggles, gloves
How is TB dx confirmed?
positive sputum culture test via AFB (acid fast stain)
Test used to dx past EXPOSURE to TB but doesnt confirm active infection
Does autoclave sterilize?
yes in 15 min via pressure and steam
What takes 30 min at 70 degree celcius?
Main disadvantage of pasteurization
can become contaminated during assembly
Which two cleaning devices use chemical indicators?
ETO and autoclave
How does gluteraldehyde work
aka Cidex. Works by high PH alkalotic
If you cant use an autoclave because its too hot, what can be used instead?
What do you typically use Cidex for?
fiberoptic scopoes