Final BRTP Flashcards
Cylinder factors
H and K-3.14
Purpose of reserve O2 supply in hospital
Provides back-up O2 in case of emergency
Two types of safety connections in hospitals
ASSS and PISS (quick connection system is a subpart of PISS) and DISS? lol
How can you tell if a thorpe tube is compensated?
If you hold your finger over the outlet, the ball will drop to zero.
Which flow meter should be used when transporting a pt?
Bourdon gauge because it can be read accurately while being laid flat.
Thorpe tube has a ball that reacts to incoming pressure, how do you accurately read that pressure?
Read the location of the CENTER of the ball.
What is required to use an Oxygen blender?
TWO 50 psi gas sources
What will cause an Oxygen blender to alarm?
When a difference between the two gas sources are >10psi and also Not plugging in at the same time
Pursed lip breathing helps primarily treat what disease process?
COPD (keeps alveoli open bi increasing PEEP)
What are the 4 phases of a cough?
Irritation, inspiration, compression, expulsion
What is the most effective cough technique?
If COPD= HUFF cough
What cough technique for someone prone to alveolar collapse? (COPD)
FET (forced expiratory technique) aka HUFF cough
When is the manually assisted cough used?
primarily for quadriplegics or other nueromuscular diseases
How to perform SMI with IS
After normal exhalation, inhale to maximum capacity and hold for 3-5 sec. (The breath hold is the SMI***)
What is needed for someone to perform IS?
Pt needs to be able to move 1/3 of their lung volume
Long term goal of IS found by what?
found referencing the Nomogram chart
Hypoxia is assessed by doing what?
Pulse ox?????**
Four major hypoxias
hypoxemia, anemic hypoxia, circulatory, and histotoxic
What is the only type of hypoxia that doesnt respond to O2 therapy?
Chronic signs of hypoxia
Hb less than 12, Increased AP diameter, Cor pulmonale, clubbing, JVD present
Main cause of O2 toxicity?
Increased FiO2
how long and to what dose should a pt be limited to in order to avoid O2 toxicity?
Being on 50% O2 for longer than 24-48 hours
Normal value of oxygen in the air and CO2 in the air
PiO2 159mmHG PiCO2 0.23mmHg
PAO2 and PACO2 values
99-100mmHg and 40mmHG
PaCO2 and PaO2 values
35-45mmHg and 80-100mmHg
PvO2 and PvCO2 values
PvO2 40mmHg PvCO2 45mmHg
CaO2 formula
(Hb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (PaO2 x .003)= total oxygen content.
Normal CaO2
20.4%/100cc blood
Alveolar air equation
PAO2= (760-47)FiO2 MINUS (PaCO2 x 1.25)
Normal A-a gradient is what?
Liter flow and percentage ability of O2 NC
1-6lpm 24-44%
Liter flow and O2 % of non-rebreather mask
8-10lpm 70%
T tube lpm
Oxyhood lpm and O2%
7 or greater lpm 21-100%O2
Venturi mask lpm and O2%
lpm varies, 24,28,35,50%
What mask would you use for a COPD pt?
Venturi mask
Main difference between humidifier and aerosol
Aerosol will contain particulate matter which can increase chance of infection
If a nebulizer isn’t producing mist what should you do?
Increase the flow to the nebulizer
What arrythmia is associated with acute hypoxia? what about severe?
tachycardia/bradycardia that leads to asystole
What arrythmia is associated with acute hypoxia? what about severe?
tachycardia/bradycardia that leads to asystole
Life threatening/needs immediate intervention (EKG)
V Fib and V tach, asystole, and PEA
What diseases create fine crackles?
atelectasis and pulmonary edema
Coarse crackles aka rhonchi are heard with which diseases?
bronchitis/severe pneumonia
In regards to a pt LOC, what would indicate that they are stuporous?
they only respond to pain stimuli
JVP can be a sign of what?
chronic hypoxia and right sided heart failure aka cor pulmonale
Normal PaO2 (arterial)
What will cause a decrease in oxygen percentage with a manual resuscitator?
Increased rate, decreased refill time, increased SV
What do you do if someone has RR of 8?
Bag them, turning up O2 wont help their rate of breathing
absorption atelectasis is a result of what?
collapsing of the alveoli
Does DPI include a propellant?
air in your ABG sample will what?
increase pH, decrease CO2, and increase PO2
Nasal Cannula can be given at what flow rates
1-6 lpm (24-44%)
What is the minimum pulse ox value before O2 therapy is needed?
90% for normal, down to 80% for COPD
During CPT, when is vibration performed?
on expiration
How much sputum is acceptable before CPT is indicated?
Which diseases will move the trachea AWAY
pnuemothorax and pleural effusion
Which diseases will move the trachea towards the injury?
Atelectasis and lung tumor
capillary refill greater than 3 seconds indicates what?
‘marked’ vasoconstriction causing poor perfusion to extremities and vital organs
Normal temp
97.6-99 / 36.4-37.2
yellow sputum represents what?
older infection while green sputum represents a current infection
In emergency situation what do you use for an unresponsive pt in regards to LOC
Use the AVPU (alert, verbal, painful, unresponsive)
**Alert is the only ‘normal’ condition
What devices create molecular moisture vs particulate matter?
How long is postural drainage done for?