Introduction to Epidemiology Flashcards
;Study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states among specified populations and the application of that study to the control of health problems.
Epi means?
Demos means?
Logos means?
study of
Descriptive epidemiology.
Distribution of frequencies and patterns of health events (person, place, time) [Who, where, when] within groups in a population.
A branch of epidemiology that is about the causes; root cause; how and whys].
Search for causes or factors that are associated with increased risk or probability of disease “who” “what” “where” “when” “how” and “why”.
Infectious diseases, chronic disease, environmental problems, behavioral problems, and injuries.
Health-related states
Groups of people rather than with individual patients.
Control the numbers.
Clinical medicine: signs and symptoms [getting the data from a specific person].
signs and symptoms [getting the data from a
specific person].
Clinical medicine
In epidemiology, we are describing the situation and know the who, when, where, hows, and whys.
Clinical medicines
Applied or field epidemiology.
Epidemiologic data results to public health decision making and aids in developing and evaluating interventions to control and prevent health problems.
[4] Steps in Solving Health Problems
- Data collection
- Assessment
- Hypothesis testing
- Action
Surveillance; determine time, place, and person.
[steps in solving health prob]
Data collection
[steps in solving health prob]
Determine how and why.
[steps in solving health prob]
Hypothesis testing
[steps in solving health prob]
[3] Theories of Disease Causation
- Germ or Bacteriology Theory
- Filth theory
- Bad air
Associates disease with the physical environment.
[theories of disease causation]
Filth theory
Disease change with seasons, climate, temperature, overcrowding and filth.
[theories of disease causation]
Filth theory
Diseases were due to poisonous substances and gases from the earth.
[theories of disease causation]
Filth theory
was the cause of fever.
[theories of disease causation]
Bad air
Building huge fires can purify the air.
[theories of disease causation]
Bad air
Programs to remove filth likewise put up to serve to advance community sanitation.
[theories of disease causation]
Bad air
Koch confirmed Pasteur’s previous claims.
[theories of disease causation]
Germ or Bacteriology Theory