introduction to anaemia Flashcards
define anaemia
is defined reduction in Hb concentration
what are normal ranges of HB
males =13g/dl
women=11.5 g/dl
what determines total circulating haemoglobin concentration
- circulating plasma volume
- total circulating haemoglobin
what are some possible ways in which haemoglobin may be affected in the circulation
- acute significant blood loss
- pregnancy or splenomegaly
this can produce an increasin plasma volume reducing the apparent hamoglobin conc. - dehydration
reduced plasma volume may mak anaemia
what are the norma values for each of the following
male female
1. haemoglobin
2. haematocrit
3. red cell count
4. mean cell volume no
5. mean cell Hb no
6. mean cell Hb conc. no
7. reticulocyte count. no
male female
1. haemoglobin 13-17 11-15
2. haematocrit 40-52 36-48
3. red cell count 4.5-6.5 3.9-5.6
4. mean cell volume 80-95 no
5. mean cell Hb (pg) 27-34 no
6. mean cell Hb conc. 30-35 no
7. reticulocyte count. 25-125 no
what are Hb values in children
newborns= 15-21 g/dl
3 months= 9.5-12.5 g/dl
1 year to puberty=11-13.5
causes of anemia
- blood loss (internal or external)
- nutritional deficiency (folate, B12 or iron)
- toxicity
- idiopathic
- hematopoetic stem cell arrest
what are the 5 types of anaemia
- nutritional anaemia
- haemolytic anaemia
- anaemia of chronic disorder
- sideroblastic anaemia
- aplastic anaemia
- pernicious anaemia
hypoxia is a condition in wich the blood tissues are not receiving enough oxygen. what two compensatory mechanisms does the body take in response to hypoxia
- the cardiovascular system
cardiac compensation is the major adaptation. both stroke volume and heart rate increase mobilising greater volumes of oxygenated blood to the tissues. these may present palpitations, tachycardia and heart murmurs - The skin
a common sign is generalised pallor due primarily to vasoconstrion with distribution of blood to key areas (brain and myocardium)