Applastic Anaemia Flashcards
What is applastic anaemia
Is the failure of the bone marrow to produce mature cells
Characteristics of applastic anaemia
May occur at any age and either sex
Signs and symptoms may start rapid or slow
Liver spleen amd lymph nodes are not enlarged
Reduced marrow stem cells and increases fat spaces
Causes of applastic anaemia
Acquired causes of applastic anemia
- Drugs. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory
2.radiations - Chemicals
- Viruses
- Pregnancy
- Idiopathic
Inherited(congenital) causes of applastic anemia
Fancon anaemia
Diamond blackfan anaemia
Development of applastic anaemia( pathogenis)
Absent or defective stem cells
Abnormal marrow micro environment
Abnormal regulatory cells
What common two traits are common in all various causes
- Applastic anaemia due to any cause may recover after immunosuppressive therapy
- Transition to a clonal disorder after recovery from bone marrow function
What are the clinical features
- Non specific.
Bruising, infections - Hematological findings
Pancytopenia: wbc< 2.0, Hb<10. Plat<100
State 3 classifications of applastic anaemia together with their absolute neutrophil count ANC
- Non severe AA:> 0.5*10^9L
- Severe AA: <0.5*10^9L
- Very severe: <0.2*10^9/L
Treatment of aplastic anaemia
Withdrawal from etiological treatment
Restoration of marrow activity
Growth factors