Introduction: Inorganic & Organic Chemistry Flashcards
-Is defined as the chemistry of hydrocarbon compounds and their derivatives
Examples: soap, wood, paper, food
Organic Chemistry
Can be described broadly as thechemistryof “everything else”
Examples: NaCl, water
Inorganic Chemistry
play a vital role in living organisms.
•involved in a variety of processes within the human body. e.g.oxygen transport, formation of the framework for our bones.
Metal Ions
an iron-containing metalloprotein which carries oxygen from the lungs to the various tissues around the human body.
-a vital component of our bones.
Calcium (Ca) ions
-essential for a variety of catalytic processes.
Elements such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn)
What diagram illustrates the relationship between metal concentration and the body’s physiological response?
Bertrand diagram
“All matter is composed of atomsand these cannot be made or destroyed. All atoms of the same element are identical and different elements have different types of atoms. Chemical reactions occur when atoms are rearranged.”
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
In 1924, ______________ that all moving particles, especially electrons, show a certain degree of wave-like behavior. Therefore, he proposed the idea of wave-like nature of electrons, which became known as the ______________.
Louis de Brogli argued, phenomenon of the wave–particle duality
published in 1926 the famous wave equation named after him.
f an electron has a wave-like consistency, there are important and possibly difficult-to-understand consequences; it is not possible to determine the exact momentum and the exact position at the same moment in time. This is known as
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
Each atomic orbital is defined by a set of three quantum numbers:
the principal quantum number (n), the orbital quantum number (l) and the magnetic quantum number (ml).
is the result of the radial part of the wave function being solved
■can take values of 1 ≤ n ≤ ∞
Principal quantum number (n)
represents the shape of the AO
■is called the azimuthal quantum number, angular quantum number or orbital quantum number as it represents the orbital angular momentum of the electron
■it can have values of l= 0, 1, 2, …, (n − 1), which correspond to the orbital labels s, p, d and f
S-Orbital Quantum number (l)
■Magnetic quantum number
■provides information about the orientation (directionality) of the AO and can take values between +land −l
■s-orbital only has one direction becausel = 0 ; ml= 0
Quantum number (ml)
fourth quantum number: **_____________* s(value of either +1/2 or −1/2).
spin quantum number*
“No two electrons in the same atom can have the same values for their four quantum numbers.”
Pauli Exclusion
is defined as an electron that is part of an atom and can participate in the formation of a chemical bond. In main group elements, the valence electron is positioned in the outermost shell.
valence electron
◇describes a set of electrons that occupy the same principal quantum number n
◇The respective electron shell n can be filled with 2n2electrons.
◇n=1; 2(11)= 2 electrons
◇n=2; 2(22)= 8 electrons
Electron shell
◇are defined by the quantum numberl (l= n − 1), which as previously described correspond to the orbital labels s, p, d and f
◇The number of electrons that can be placed in each subshell can be determined by the following equation: 2(2l+ 1).
Electron subshells
◇It describes the hypothetical process of filling the orbitals of an atom with the given number of electrons.
◇The first orbitals filled are the ones with the lowest energy levels before going onto the next higher energy level.
Hund’s Rule or Electron Subshell
“Orbitals of the same energy level (such as p or d orbitals) are filled with one electron first before the electrons are paired within the same orbital.”
Hund’s Rule
is the term used for the description of the electronic configuration of noble gases.
Noble gas configuration
◇formation of ionic species was seen as a result of the transfer of electrons between atoms: anion (-) and cation (+)
◇covalently bonded molecules was described as a sharing of valence electrons