Introduction Flashcards
What is a federal union?
Where power (sovereignty) is shared between different levels of government
Main goal of Marshall plan?
Economic help to european contries and breaking down barriers of trade between European countries
When was the ECSC created? And who signed the deal? And why was it formed?
1951, after the Paris treaty.
Signed by Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, France, Italy, West Germany.
Formed to help manage war industries coal and steel
When was the Rome treaty?
Which to communities was created after the Rome treaty?
- European Atomic energy community (Euratom)
- European economic community (EEC)
What is a Customs Union
Having the same trade policy towards the rest of the world, and have free trade between member contries. The EU is a customs union.
What is a Common market
All contries within the EU, can trade freely with goods
What was the European economic community, and what did it focus on (EEC)
Commen market, Custom union, o Focused on the economic rather than political. Aspects of European integration
Main goal of European economic community?
Hoped these communities would lead to a European integration.
When did Denmark join the EU?
What is Negative integration?
Reducing trade barriers and restrictions to promote free trade between countries.
What is Positive integration?
Creating common rules and standards to promote economic cooperation and harmonization between countries.
What is a Free Trade Area
Having the different trade policy towards the rest of the world, have free trade between member countries.
Difference between Free trade area and customs union?
In a customs union member countries, have same trade policy with the rest of the world, in a free trade area trade polices are different for each country.
Which countries formed - European free trade association and what year?
Austria, DK, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal, UK and formed in 1960
After what was the Council of Europe created and what year? And what famous leader said “…” and what did he say?
After The Hague Congress in 1948, where Churchill said “United Nations of europe.
What is the Council of Europe? Its goal? Who created it? What year? Current members?
The continent’s leading human rights organisation.
Primary goal of promoting democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in its member countries.
Created originally by: France, UK, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark, in 1949
Currently there are 46 members, where 27 are members of the EU.
What is The Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) and what year was it created?
An international organization established in 1948. Aimed to promote economic cooperation and help with the reconstruction of Europe after World War II.
What is a Spillover-effect?
The concept that integration in one political area, often leads to integration in another area.
Which two institutions was created on behalf of the EEC
European Commission and Council of Ministers
What is the European Commission and who sits there?
It is responsible for proposing and implementing EU laws, managing policies, and overseeing the day-to-day functioning of the EU. Also enforcing treaties, and managing the EU budget
There is one from each member country of EU.
Their goal is for a smooth EU
What is Council of Ministers and who sits there?
Key decision-making body in the EU. They are also responsible for making and coordinating policies, laws, and decisions in collaboration with the European Parliament.
It consists of government ministers from each EU member country
What is Supranationalism?
When a country gives away their sovereignty. They give away their power away to a bigger organization such as the EU - is combined the Qualified majority vote
What is Intergovernmentalism?
When each member state has more to say - is combined with Unanimous vote
What is Federalism?
Attempts to achieve peace in Europe
What does the commission do in regard to EU-laws
Implements and proposes
What does the Parliament do in regard to EU-laws
They have to power to:
- Approve
- Reject
- Amends (improve)
What does the Council of EU do in regard to EU-laws
They have to power to:
- Approve
- Reject
- Amends (improve)