intro to psych nursing Flashcards
what is mental health (defination)
A state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community
mental health
Able to recognize own potential
Cope with normal stress
Work productively
Make contribution to community
mental illness
Disorders with definable diagnosis
Significant dysfunction in mental functioning related to
- Developmental
- Biological
- Physiological disturbances
= impaired thinking, emotional state , behavioral changes
Culturally defined
how many americans have a mental illness
diagnoses mental illness
Influencing Factors in Mental Health
- Biological
- Psychological: pattern of behavior
- Social and Economic Circumstances: support system, human needs
- Environmental: plotical, cultural considerations, laws, japanese culture
Influencing Factors in Mental Health
- Biological
- Psychological: pattern of behavior
- Social and Economic Circumstances: support system, human needs
- Environmental: plotical, cultural considerations, laws, japanese culture
attributes of mental health
- rational thinking
- effective coping
- resilliency
- self control
- self awareness
- devlopmentally on task
- spiritual satisfaction
- happiness and joy
- selfcare
- positvie self concept
- learning and productivity
- effective communication
- meaningful realtoionships
indicators of mental health
- Intact Anatomy and Physiology
- Absence of symptoms of mental illness (thinks clearly)
- Freedom of excessive mental pain and disability
- Perceives self and others realistically ,recognizes strengths and weaknesses
Separates fantasy from reality - Negotiates each developmental stage
- Appreciates life-work, play, beauty, is resilient, uses talents
Perceptions of Mental Health and Mental Illness
- mental health vs physical illness (chemical factors)
- nature vs nurture (intracellular components vs enviornmenal)
- diathesis- stress model ``
first medication
not treating someone nicely due to there illness
- ability and capacity to secure resources needed to support well-being
- essential to recovery
resilience is characterized by
sense of mastery
6 domains of resillence
vision collaboration tenacity health composure reasoning
social influences on mental health care
- Consumer movement/recovery
- *** National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- Surgeon General’s report on mental health
- **Human Genome Project
- ***New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
- ***Institute of medicine
- Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative
- Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDoC) Initiative
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- started by people with illness
- people more involved in there care, recovery
- physcologist use this
- The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition
- Official medical guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association for diagnosing psychiatric disorders
- Based on specific criteria influenced by multi-professional clinical field trials
psychiatric mental health nurses
- Promoting mental health through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of behavioral and mental disorders
- Use nursing, psychosocial, neurobiological theories and research
- Work with people throughout the life span
- Employed in a variety of settings and among varied populations
The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International (NANDA-I)
Provides standardized nursing diagnoses
Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC)
Source of standardized outcomes, definitions of these outcomes, and measuring scales
Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC)
Identifies seven domains of nursing intervention
basic level of psychiatric nursing practice
Psychiatric mental health registered nurse (PMH-RN)
2 years full-time work, 2000 clinical hours, 30 hours continuing education, followed by certification exam to add “BC” to the RN title (RN-BC)
advanced practice psychiatric nurse
Psychiatric mental health advanced practice registered nurse (PMH-APRN)
Master of Science or Doctorate
psychoanalytic theory
interpersonal theory
sullivan and peplau
ellis and beck
pyschopharmacologym brain therories
phsychoanalytic theory
level of awareness
- conscious
- preconscious
- unconscious
personality structure
- id
- ego
- superego
Pleasure principle
Reflex action
Primary process
decreasing pain
Problem solver
Reality tester
personality, controlling thoughts
moral componenet
conscious, preconcious, unconscious
psychoanalytic theory defense mechanisms and anxiety
- operate on unconscious level
- deny, falsify, or distort to make it less threatening
psychoanalytic theory years
oral (0-1) anal (1-3) phallic (oedipal) 3-6 years latency (6-12) genital (12 years and beyond)
freudian theory and nursing
- formation of personality
- conscious and unconscious influences
- Importance of individual talk sessions
- Attentive listening
- Transference
- Countertransference
ties attachment to nurse, postive feelings, remind her of someone
feeling toward certain pt.s
erikson ego theory
Eight stages of development
Personality continues to develop through
old age
mother of psychiatric nursing
Hildegard peplau
Hildegard peplau
- greif, loss, change in life status, interpersonal disputes
- 1st RN to identify psychiatric mental health nsg as an essential element of general nsg and as a specialty area.
- Molded the theory and Practice of PMHN
- Nurse/patient Relationship
- Integrated Patient Care
- Evidence-based practice
- Milieu management
Milieu management
- enviorment pt. are in
- calm and safety
maslow hierarchy of needs
need basic needs met in order to develop