Intro lecture 5 Flashcards
Why would you use a probability sample?
• Probability samples are most likely to produce a sample that
truly represents the population.
• They are purely mathematical or mechanical
• Allow calculation of probability of outcomes with great precision
Define sampling ratio
the ratio of the sample size to the size of the target
What is Sampling distribution and how is it visualized
the distribution of a sample statistic among many
repeated random samples
• Visualized in a plot of many random samples
What is a simple random sample?
sample elements selected from
the frame based on a mathematically random selection
What is Systematic Sampling
An approximation to random
sampling in which you select from a list of sample elements,
each #th element
What is stratified sampling?
a random sample is drawn from
multiple sampling frames, each for a part of the population
What is Cluster (multi-stage) sampling
Clusters are randomly sampled, then a random sample of elements is taken from the sampled clusters.
• Take a random selection of cities, then in each city sample persons
Why use stratified sampling and how to do it? 2 steps
- Population exists of pre-defined groups
- We want to be sure that all groups are represented in the sample
- Step 1: divide the population into strata
- Step 2: Draw simple random or systematic sample from each subpopulation
Noem de 6 non-probability samples
- Convenience Sampling
- Quota sample
- Purposive sampling
- Snowball (network) sampling
- Deviant Case samplint
- Sequential sampling
Explain what Convenience sampling is
a non- random sample in which you use an non-systematic selection method that often produces samples very unlike the population.
Explain what Quota sampling is
non-random sample in which you use any
means to fill pre-set categories that are characteristics of the population.
• E.g. mall sample: aim for 50% male and 50% female
Difference Quota sampling and stratified sampling?
Explain what Purposive sampling is
a non-random sample in which you use many diverse means to select units that fit very specific characteristics.
• Qualitative research: find experts, people with experience
Explain what Snowball Sampling is
a non-random sample in which selection is based on connections in a pre-existing network.
• E.g. homeless, heroin users