intro & Esophageal disorders Flashcards
Abd pain is a ____ not a _____
symptom, not a Dx
not all abd pain is of ____ origin
Abdominal pain, if there area no alarm signs, what can you do?
its ok to watch and wait
4 common features in GI disorders
dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
odynophagia (pain with swallowing)
heartburn-pyrosis (reflux)
older pt with new swallowing/heartburn complaint.. think?
what SHOULD be gold standard test for esophageal disorders?
EGD (aka upper endoscopy)
who do you refer to for pharynx/swallowing problems?
ENT and/or speech pathology
are the sphincters of the esophagus true sphincters?
physiological reflux is common, ____ and ____. what is usually the presenting symptom? what does the pathology include?
physiological reflux is common, short lived, and asymptomatic.
heartburn is usually the presenting symptoms to pathologic reflux.
-pathology includes symptoms (including nocturnal)
what percent of healthy people experience heartburn at least once a month? what percent develop mucosal damage?
GERD red flags/ alarm symptoms (5)
anemia, chest pain (not burning) , dysphagia, hematemesis, weight loss
*any chronic symptoms of GERD are bad
how can GERD cause asthma exacerbation?
cause of GERD
too much acid or poor LES (lower esophageal sphincter) function
-both show the same symptoms
GERD Dx: pursue a Dx eval if…
symptoms are chronic, refractory or if there are alarm symptoms
4 types of GERD Dx tests (2 major 2 minor)
major: endoscopy and ambulatory pH monitoring
minor: esophageal manometry (LES pressure)
and barium swallow
technical gold standard Dx test for GERD (and what is the one more commonly used?)
technically: pH ambulatory monitoring
real: EGD
what is pH ambulatory monitoring and who is it good for?
Useful in Pts who have not benefited from a trial of anti-secretory meds or have refractory problems, or has a normal endoscopy and cont’d symptoms.
results from both EGD nor pH monitoring …
do NOT correlate well with severity of symptoms
early/mild esophagitis vs erosive/severe
early: reddened
severe: has gone into submucosa
Goals for GERD txt
prevent reflux, lower acid secretion, prevent complications of esophagitis
txt for GERD
lifestyle modifications (diet, elevate bed with blocks) neutralize acid with meds (antacid, PPI, H2 blocker) surgery (fundoplication)
what is a Nissen fundoplication?
fold fundus of stomach and wrap around esophagus to prevent reflux (increase pressure)
antacids ____ but do not _____ acids.
neutralize but do not suppress
what are the antacids? antacids should be taken when?
Mg++, Al++, Ca++ salts
immediately after meals (when you have symptoms)
two drugs to help reflux, second-line to antacids.
H2 blockers
PPI (preferred)
what do H2 blockers do for GERD?
block production of acid by gastric parietal cells
when are PPIs taken?
before you eat (this is when the enzyme works best)
one downside to PPIs?
inc risk for infection cause its taking away the acid that normally neutralizes bacteria that comes with food.