Difficult Labor/ birth
- Caused by: dysfunctional or uncoordinated contractions.
— Irregular in strength, timing or both.
Shoulder Dystocia:
- Urgent-umbilical cord can be compressed
- Turtle sign- Head retracts into perineum after delivery-*may prevent respirations
McRobert’s maneuver:
Used to treat Shoulder dystocia
Hypertonic Labor:
- More frequent but less intense and ineffective.
- Painful- related to no resting phase; (causes tissue ischemia)
- Delays dilation and effacement
- Prolonged latent stage
- Prolonged pressure on the fetal head
Precipitous Labor & Birth:
- contributing factors:
Labor that lasts less than 3 hours
Contributing factors:
- Multiparity
- Placental abruption
- Infection (causes uterine cramping and contractions)
- Large pelvis
- Previous precipitous labor
- Small fetus in favorable position
Precipitous Labor & Birth: Priority
Interventions: ?
promote fetal oxygenation and maternal comfort
- Side-Lying
- Administer O2
- Stop Pitocin
- Administer tocolytic
- Breathing techniques
Risks to the Mother of precipitous Labor:
- Loss of coping abilities
- Lacerations
- Postpartum hemorrhage
Risks to the Baby of precipitous Labor:
- Hypoxia due to uteroplacental insufficiency related to intense contractions
- Cerebral trauma
- Brachial plexus injury
PROM Premature Rupture of Membranes Earlier than 37 weeks gestation
- Chorioamnionitis
- Infections
- Weak Amniotic sac
- Fetal abnormalities or malpresentation
- Incompetent cervix
- Overextension of uterus
- Hormonal changes or nutritional deficiencies
PROM Premature Rupture of Membranes Earlier than 37 weeks gestation:
- Infection to mother and fetus
- Preterm labor
- Oligohydramnios: a disorder of amniotic fluid resulting in decreased amniotic fluid volume for gestational age
- *Umbilical cord prolapse
PROM Management:
- Labor is induced if term
- prevent further loss of fluid.
- avoid intercourse or orgasm and nipple stimulation.
- *If Preterm: administer Betamethasone to accelerate fetal lung maturity
- Administer antibiotics
- Activity restricted and possible bed rest
- Monitor fetus for signs of distress
Preterm Labor
- After 20th week and before end of 37th week
- Affects 1 of 8 babies in US
- No scheduled C-sections prior to 39 weeks gestation.
- Newborn mortality doubles each week before completing 39 weeks gestation
Preterm Labor Signs & Symptoms:
same/similar to normal labor
- Uterine contractions
- Sensation of the baby “balling up”
- Cramps
- Low backache
- Pelvic pressure
- Increase in spotting or vaginal discharge
- Abdominal cramps with or without diarrhea
- A sense of “not feeling well”
Preterm Labor Treatment
- Hydration
- Tocolytics: to inhibit contractions
— Magnesium Sulfate
— Calcium antagonists
— prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors
— beta adrenergics - Steroid (Betamethasone) for the fetus
Magnesium Sulfate
- Indication:
May be administered IV or PO to stop labor
- preterm labor
- seizures
- women with preeclampsia
Magnesium Sulfate
Reflex documentation
0= no reflex
+1= hypotonic
+2 reflex
+3-4= hypertonic
Magnesium Sulfate
Non-therapeutic: reflexes
hypotonic & hypertonic
Magnesium Sulfate: hypotonic & hypertonic
- If hypotonic=too much.= d/c mag sulfate/ antidote
- If hypertonic=not enough