Interwar Years 1919 - 39 - Middle East Colonial Policy Flashcards
Why was the Palestinian mandate important to Empire
Strategic Factors - created a buffer zone between Suez and potential threats
What was created in 1920 in Palestine for British control
A Civil Government
Who was high commissioner of the Civil Government?
Herbert Samual (head administrator for 5 years) - he wanted to bring Jews and Arabs together - reconcile them but this proved difficult
What did Herbert Samual manage to improve in Palestine?
Education, economy
Why was British administrative disagreement a weakness in reconciling Jewish Arab relations?
The British Govt in London were Pro Jewish - British in Palestine supported Arab interests (needed their support for Suez)
What social issues in Palestine occured in 1928 and 29?
Riots between Arabs and Jews - Wailing Wall: Jews were angry because Arab building works obstructed access- resulted in hundreds of deaths
What other issue divided Jews and Arabs?
Landholding issues - Palestinians rented land off Jewish population - many were evicted from their homes and farms by Jewish landholders
In 1936, how many British troops were sent to control riots?
What did the Peele Report of 1937 attempt to do?
A partition between Arab and Jewish states and GB would get control of Jerusalem - Palestine opposed this
When the Peele report failed to recognise a solution - what kind of policy did the British adopt?
Policy of repression from 1937 - 39 - accelerated violence, 100 Arabs hanged
What changed in 1939 and how did this alter British policy in Palestine?
War loomed - Both groups would receive homelands
- Jewish immigration increased (15,000 a year)
- No one was happy but price for TEMPORARY STABILITY
What is current day Mesopotamia?
What issues did the British face in Iraq?
Managing social tensions
What agreement was set up in 1916 between French and British?
The Sykes Picot agreement
What did this agreement aim to do?
Divide up the Ottoman Empire after WW1
When was Britain granted the Iraq mandate by the League of Nations?
When did GB allow Arabs local self governance?
1921 Cairo Conference
Did the British still have control over the military in Iraq?
Yes - this power was retained by the British
How did Britain continue to make concessions in 1922?
The 1922 Treaty which confirmed King Faisal I as King
Although Britain allowed degree of self governance to Iraq - how did they maintain political influence?
British ministers were still in Government departments
Why was Iraq economically important?
What did GB control in regards to oil?
The Turkish Petroleum Company - in Mosul oil fields
What percentage did Turkey share in the Turkish Petroleum Co.?
How big a share in the oil company was Iraq promised, but never given?
When was Iraq granted full independence?
How did GB manage to retain influence in the area?
They controlled oil industry in Iraq