aqa a level british empire - advanced information only

This class was created by Brainscape user Lily Armstrong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Section 1: Development of Imperialism - Colonial Policy 1857 - 1890
Why were britain interested in af...,
Why were britain interested in af...,
Client state
4  cards
India's Administration 1857 - 90
Pre 1857 what british company had...,
What had the eic established in i...,
What happened during the indian m...
10  cards
India's Defence 1857 - 90
What did the british do to the in...,
What was the new proportion,
Which religious group were favour...
6  cards
Relations with Indigenous India - 1857 - 90
Did the government of india act 1...,
What were the indian people viewe...,
What did the british feel needed ...
12  cards
International Relations - 1857 - 90
Why were britain concerned in the...,
What other two powers were develo...,
How did the british react to the ...
5  cards
Scramble for Africa
What conference happened in 1876,
Who hosted the brussels conference,
What were the suspicions placed o...
13  cards
Informal Empire - 1857 - 90
How can informal empire be defined,
Name one area of informal empire,
In 1865 how much was british capi...
11  cards
Relations with Indigenous people - Southern Africa 1857 - 90
What two states were boer republi...,
Were relations with the boers ini...,
What happened in 1867
19  cards
Trade and Commerce 1890 - 1914
What were the key debates surroun...,
What did gb import from new zealand
23  cards
Section 3: Imperialism challenged 1914 - 47 - Impact of WW1
How did ww1 weaken empire economi...,
How did ww1 contract empire,
Which country became independent ...
14  cards
Impacts of WW2 on expansion and contraction
How did ww2 weaken empire south e...,
How did the success of japan infl...,
How did ww2 strengthen empire in ...
4  cards
Withdrawal from India 1939 - 47
What type of government emerged f...,
What kind of policy in india had ...,
An example of political repressio...
7  cards
Withdrawal from Middle East 1939 -1947
Why was palestine so unstable by ...,
What did the british want to do t...,
What was the first problem for br...
5  cards
Interwar years 1919 -39 - India Colonial Policy
When did the first govt of india ...,
What were the govt of india acts ...,
Was the viceroy still in charge
14  cards
Interwar years 1919 - 39 - Africa Colonial Policy
What were the two categories of b...,
Why was,
What was another name for kenya
18  cards
Interwar Years 1919 - 39 - Middle East Colonial Policy
Why was the palestinian mandate i...,
What was created in 1920 in pales...,
Who was high commissioner of the ...
26  cards
Interwar Years 1919 - 39 - Relations with the Dominions
What did the dominions want after...,
Why had desire for self control i...,
When was the concept of the commo...
8  cards
Imperial Defence 1914 - 47
1 main challenge of defending emp...,
One problem for defence that emer...,
Third social challenge to imperia...
12  cards
Trade and Commerce 1914 - 47
0  cards
Relations with Indigenous people 1914 - 47
Middle east
4  cards
Section 4: Winds of Change 1947 - 67 - The Suez Crisis
When did the suez crisis happen,
What international power were gb ...,
What areas did uk have control over
22  cards
International Relations 1947 - 67
Emergence of powers after ww2,
Uk policy was now moulded around ...,
How did the communism renew enthu...
18  cards
The Commonwealth 1947 - 67
Where the commonwealth originate ...,
Rules for commonwealth membership...,
Changing rules after ww2 membership
3  cards
Trade and Commerce 1947 - 67 - Post War Reconstruction
Relationship with the colonies ti...,
Of imports from commonwealth 1954,
Of exports to commonwealth 1954
33  cards
Post Colonial Ties 1947 - 67
What political ties remained,
How did the british military infl...,
How was britains international po...
33  cards
Admin Policy - 1947 - 67
Key concept of decolonisation,
In west africa,
East africa
12  cards

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aqa a level british empire - advanced information only

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